2/5 w/ sporadic straddles, this pot is straddled. $2500 eff. V is young and, based on a few hours, much better than a typical 2/5 player. At the very least, ballsier and more creative. Cold 4! bluffs and stuff like that.
8 handed. V opens $30 UTG +1.
Hero calls Js9s in the $5 blind. I had some reasons for doing this, but it's still probably a fold, even with my reasons.
Flop Jh9h9c.
Turn: Jh9h9sAs
I bet $30. He makes it $120. I call.
River Jh9h9sAc7h. Pot about 300.
I check. He bets $225. I make it $625. He goes all in. If you fold, what is the worst hand you call with? If you call, what is the best hand you'd fold?
First off - I haven't read any other comments yet, but you've switched the suits of the one 9 and the A on the board from the flop to the turn and the river, which makes it impossible to know if he has any A9s in his range, or just A9o combos, or if the FDFD came in.
That said (grunch):
So...not looking to be the guy who always scoffs at other people's reads, but I'd want to know more about the situation in which this kid is cold 4B'ing as a bluff, before I peg him as being better than average. He may just be more aggro than average, which isn't the same thing.
I'm guessing this was HU on the flop? Against an aggro kid capable of 4B'ing as a bluff, I might just donk out on this flop, with a plan to go bet-bet-bet, depending on the run-out. Because, if we check...then what are we doing if he c-bets? Are we x/r'ing with the flopped nuts, or just smooth calling, and...then what? Check the turn, and hope he barrels?
As played on the flop, I definitely want to bet the turn, and I think we can size up. Because, other than the flopped nuts, what are we repping here for value when we just flat call pre? We don't have much that wants to bet small when the ace comes on the turn, other than a NFD. If V is aggro, he'll probably think we're weak, and will raise for value, or to re-bluff us back.
If he's as aggro as described, I don't think I'm ever folding to his jam. I don't think he's checking back the flop with AA, JJ, or A9. And there are only a handful of combos of those hands that are possible (assuming he's not opening A9o from UTG1 when the straddle is on) - 3 combos of AA, 1 combo of JJ, and 1 or none of A9s.
So, we're losing to 4 or 5 combos, assuming the aggro kid checks back the flop with all of them. If we think he checks back 50% of the time, it's 2 combos. And I think the only combo that sort of makes sense to check back is the one combo of JJ.
Depending on what the suits on board actually are, I think he either just has Ax (maybe AJ), or maybe the flush (are there three hearts on board?), or possibly a straight (if no flush possible), if we think he's wild enough to open T8 from UTG1, raise turn with it, and jam river.
What hands I'd call or fold depends on what's possible here. I'm never folding a boat, but if the flush is possible, I might fold trips, but I wouldn't get here this way with trips. I'd probably have donked out on the flop, checked turn, and check-called river. When we check flop, lead turn for 1/2 pot, and then barrel river, I would think it cuts down on his bluffs by a lot, so all we're beating is his worse value.
All that said - I wouldn't rule out this kid over-playing AJ this way, possibly trying to fold out 9x when the flush comes in, because he's blocking us from having top and middle boat. I'd think he'd be *REALLY* likely to do it if his ace also blocks the nut flush.
If we've made some disciplined folds recently, I might call with trip 9's here, especially since our 1/2 pot turn bet looks a little weak, like AX or a draw.
Now to read the rest of the comments...