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Dealer points out possible angle, may have got me paid off Dealer points out possible angle, may have got me paid off

05-30-2012 , 11:48 AM
Dealer points out possible angle, may have got me paid off

Local Poker Room : 1-3 NL

Details of hand only semi integral to story – here goes
Hero – Button Ah 7h $600 – seat 1
Villain Cutoff $400 – seat 10
Hero – playing some LAG but very conscious of position - Villian is a reg & has been active & loud – image of LAG but he has goods more than not

Action - Limped to me, I make it $13 on button – 3 callers

Flop 6h 7s 9h

Check to me – I bet $20 – called by Villian, now HU (pair and nut flush draw – I am willing to play this pot for good amount, and trying to build pot – as I am viewed as willing to bluff – I get called a lot)

Turn – 3h

Villain leads into me for $25 – I min raise to $50 ( Nuts, again trying to build a pot without losing my client, call seemed too strong, with raise I had hoped to look like I had one heart…)

River Kh

Villain checks to me – I bet $120 into pot of about $190 - (all while doing my best Bluffer pose)

NOW it gets interesting

Villain – lot of acting, lot of talking… then says “I am going to have to pay your off” all the while cutting out $120 in chips in front of cards, but NOT over the line ( I have not changed from my bluffer pose, still trying)

Dealer – immediately puts out his left hand in motion to stop me from acting / exposing cards. And says to Villain “that is not a call…”

Villain immediately says the Dealer is helping the other player, that he has done nothing wrong … getting loud

Dealer fires right back … I know what you are doing.. . you are trying to angle… you know it, I know it…

Villain louder says no way… call the floor… you …

Dealer loud now… I am here to protect the game… I know the rules.. and I know what you were trying to do… we’ll call the floor..

Floor - absoutley that is not a call… the Dealer is right.. it looks like an angle and you cannot do that, the dealer is protecting the game.. proced, but the
Dealer is right… action on you.

Villain calls – I win

Villain now more upset…

Dealer points out possible angle, may have got me paid off Quote
05-30-2012 , 11:51 AM
This is not a strategy post, the BBV forum is ================> that way.
Dealer points out possible angle, may have got me paid off Quote
05-30-2012 , 12:02 PM
Bbv or brick and mortar, tard
Dealer points out possible angle, may have got me paid off Quote
05-30-2012 , 03:53 PM
Min raise is losing value OTT, make it $80 straight and overbet-shove river.
Dealer points out possible angle, may have got me paid off Quote
05-30-2012 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by scelsi
Min raise is losing value OTT, make it $80 straight and overbet-shove river.
Dealer points out possible angle, may have got me paid off Quote
