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Dark raises with tens Dark raises with tens

09-21-2024 , 04:12 PM
2-3 NL, this is the smallest game in the room. Hero has 500, covered by most. This hand is 2-3-6-6-20. Utg straddles 6, utg1 called dark and utg2 raised dark. No reads yet.

HJ calls 20, btn raises 80, hero in sb with TT..
Dark raises with tens Quote
09-21-2024 , 04:38 PM
You have less than 30 bets just stick it in and pray or buy in bigger
Dark raises with tens Quote
09-21-2024 , 04:47 PM
Probably 500 is the max buyin. I would shove too.
Dark raises with tens Quote
09-21-2024 , 07:46 PM
Btn reads/history matter. Sometimes when the straddle/dark raise are really big, some players play differently. If he is really tight passive you might make a crazy fold. But I am mainly just jamming.
Dark raises with tens Quote
Yesterday , 12:01 PM
Any reads on Button? His sizing screams that he wants action when he's got a significant amount behind (in terms of $$$$ which everyone plays with, not BBs). So I'd be cool with a fold in spite of being "25 BBs deep".

Dark raises with tens Quote
Yesterday , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by Mlark
Btn reads/history matter.
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Any reads on Button?

Assuming the button just sat down and we have zero info on him, I would just fold. We're already in a jam or fold spot pretty much so I have no problem folding a med PP pre. It's also a question of how much variance you can afford so if you love these types of juicy games like most players do, just close your eyes and jam.
Dark raises with tens Quote
Yesterday , 12:52 PM
Nothing to suggest anyone is scared money. It's effectively a single raise over a limp (OK obviously there are additional subtleties, but these multi-straddled/blind raise games can be pretty wild, YMMV) and absent any other info I'd just treat this like any other situation and jam. If it was a 3bet over a proper open then it would probably be a fold
Dark raises with tens Quote
