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Could I have gone for more value Could I have gone for more value

07-07-2019 , 05:45 PM
7 hours in 2/3 $750 I cover everyone

Hero: quite nit 6 beers in and the table leans in when hero plays a hand
Villain: splashy pre sticky post $500 stack and likes to mess with people talking in hands he is in

Villain UTG+3 opens to $6
Hero in cut calls 4d4h
Button and SB folds
BB calls

Flop $18

Villain bets out $15 smiling and talking about wanting customers
Hero calls
BB folds

Turn $48
2d4s8c Jh

Villain bets out $35 and isn’t talking anymore
Hero calls

River $118
2d4s8c Jh 2h

Villain checks with his mouth shut
Hero bets out $125
Villain calls shows QQ and mucks

Do I need to raise post flop to build a pot

Could I have rivered shoved for villains stack as played?

Maybe bet more as played on the river say $200
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07-07-2019 , 06:20 PM
You should normally raise flop or turn. Your hand is good enough to play a huge hand so you should try to build one. Turn is generally the best option because you want BB to call once and give villain a chance to make another bet. It isn't really a good board for getting high value though because the board is so low and dry.

On the river your over bet is too big on a board where it's really hard for you to have any missed draws or weaker value hands. $60/$70 is probably the best size in abstract. River shove is viable against a sticky villain but it's unlikely to work here.
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07-07-2019 , 06:33 PM
From a theoretical point of view i'm not even sure if we should have a raising range on this flop, we barely have any value other than sets, almost no semibluffs and we have a narrow range to begin with, vs a fairly wide one.

From exploitative point of view: F*** theory, villain is splashy and sticky and we have the virtual nuts. Let's try to get stacks in.
Raise 50 on the flop, 100 ott, shove river.
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07-07-2019 , 07:20 PM
I think the flop play is fine. I'm raising that turn though and betting out on the river against a sticky villain.
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07-07-2019 , 07:31 PM
Raise turn. Nh
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07-07-2019 , 10:48 PM
raise flop and build the pot and never give him a free card here as you are going to go broke if he happens to have inside straight draws that may hit. 20 cards could come out and break you with no more money if they miss and played for it.
you got tricky by slow playing and made it so you had no way to get paid off.

think about a reason you would slow play a hand like this. you will find none.
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07-07-2019 , 11:06 PM
I'm OK with the flop call. His talk is kind of strange, but it's hard to put him on much of a strong hand when V only minraised preflop. Once he sizes up on the turn (and clams up), I think that is the time to go for a raise to $90-100.

As played, for the same reason I'd raise turn, I like the big river bet.
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07-08-2019 , 01:25 AM
Can’t believe he folded.
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07-08-2019 , 02:50 AM
Looks like V called the river which is fortunate. Definitely need to raise probably the turn but if you think V is sticky or strong, even a flop raise isn’t crazy.
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07-08-2019 , 03:25 AM
am i the only one fining the V's demeanor throughout the hand hilarious?
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07-08-2019 , 06:07 AM
These days, people will raise the flop with 8x or 99. That's the point to start building a pot. Might want to open up your game a bit. You don't want to be the center of attention every time you play a hand.
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07-08-2019 , 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by Amanaplan
Can’t believe he folded.
I can't believe it either, mainly because it didn't happen
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07-08-2019 , 10:02 AM
If he's sticky, I'm for raising the flop and continuing from there. Raising the turn is OK, too, but if a scary card comes for V, it makes it difficult to get more money in. For instance, is he calling a raise on the turn when, in this case, an A or K hits? Or an 8?

Hindsight, but I do like a raise on the flop better because we'd do it with more hands than we'd call on flop and raise turn -- at least I would.
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07-08-2019 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Amanaplan
Can’t believe he folded.
Villain called river bet

I showed my boat and that’s when he showed his queens and threw them in the muck

With the hand over he started talking again saying things like
- I knew it when you called my turn bet
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07-08-2019 , 12:18 PM
yea i missed that he called on the end. read it too quickly. but still glad it worked out for you.
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07-08-2019 , 12:23 PM
Oh sh⬆️t it’s Ray Zee....��☺️����*♂️
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07-08-2019 , 12:24 PM
Those are blushing happy face emojis

I don’t know why they don’t show
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07-08-2019 , 12:42 PM
I would raise turn small to middle (do NOT min-raise the turn, that just looks like you have the nuts), and then put like a 2/3rds to 3/4ths PSB in on the river.
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07-08-2019 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Thamel18
I can't believe it either, mainly because it didn't happen
Originally Posted by 3xMassGainer
Villain called river bet

I showed my boat and that’s when he showed his queens and threw them in the muck

With the hand over he started talking again saying things like
- I knew it when you called my turn bet
Oops. Raise turn. Otherwise well played.
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07-08-2019 , 01:36 PM
you guys are missing that not raising on the flop is terrible. most slow play here and its wrong.
you risk going broke for nothing, and risk running off someone who would go broke when a scare card comes. those are your two biggest threats in this hand and most costly.
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07-08-2019 , 01:46 PM
I play each street the same, but mainly because I also have a nit image where everyone leans in when I'm in a pot.

ETA: Bottom line for me: if you somehow manage to get in huge $500 stacks in a lol $18 pot with a hugenormous SPR of 28 on about as bone dry a board as you can have with the nittiest image against a worse hand, you're playing against the worse player in your pool. If you're playing against the worst player in your pool, then obviously raise somewhere; if you're not, then postflop is fine, imo.


Last edited by gobbledygeek; 07-08-2019 at 01:53 PM.
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07-08-2019 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Ray Zee
you guys are missing that not raising on the flop is terrible. most slow play here and its wrong.
you risk going broke for nothing, and risk running off someone who would go broke when a scare card comes. those are your two biggest threats in this hand and most costly.
I don’t have a problem w fast playing middle set in small blind games, particularly against horrible fun players. However, calling the flop is by no means terrible for the reasons you provided. There are no scare cards and being oversetted is not something for which you need to handicap your options.

Raising is going to isolate the strongest hands (that mostly keep betting/stack off) on most runouts and eliminate the other hands that have 3% equity, but can still improve to a second best hand on lots of turns. A good portion of those hands will then be betting while drawing dead. This is completely ignoring ranges and how little of our range wants to raise 842r to begin with.
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07-08-2019 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Amanaplan
Raising is going to isolate the strongest hands (that mostly keep betting/stack off) on most runouts and eliminate the other hands that have 3% equity, but can still improve to a second best hand on lots of turns. A good portion of those hands will then be betting while drawing dead. This is completely ignoring ranges and how little of our range wants to raise 842r to begin with.
Right on. It's the cards on the flop that make me want to wait for the turn to raise, not just the strength of hero's hand. With a two-tone or two-broadway flop I'd be more inclined to raise right away.
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07-09-2019 , 04:30 AM
every single card in the deck is going to be a scare card for him that keeps him from going off for 150+ bb in this pot unless it hits him, if you just call on the flop. you almost guarantee the pot is going to be small unless you get the worst of it.
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