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Calling time on villain to tilt towards a fold/call? Calling time on villain to tilt towards a fold/call?

02-26-2015 , 04:00 PM
This is obviously kind of small thing, maybe a bit random, and depends on the hand and the villain, but I'm wondering what people think about calling time on a villain when there's a big pot at stake, and whether the pressure to make a decision quickly is more likely to induce a fold or a call, or if anyone has noticed that certain kinds of villains will be more likely to call, others fold, or in what kinds of hands/board textures/anything else you find relevant.

I'm trying to keep it general, mainly as a psychological point of interest, though basically what I have in mind is the kind of situation where you have just gone all in/put your opponent all in, there's a lot at stake, and villain tanks for a minute or two, maybe starts talking, trying to get some kind of read off you and etc, doesn't want to fold his hand, but is afraid that he's beat.

Do you ever call time to try to induce a fold or a call? With what kinds of villains? Maybe certain board textures (4 to a flush/straight etc.) are relevant, though I honestly for me it's more a psychological question. The main question being: Is this villain, when forced to make a decision in the next 60 seconds, more likely to spew call because he just can't fold, or weak fold out of fear?
02-26-2015 , 04:15 PM
/in before locked

Unless you know from previous experience what V will do if you call time, it's a huge risk because he could easily do the opposite. Plus you look like a douche who called time for no reason

And how do a lot of people deal with people who call time on others? They call time back on them...

Not worth the headache
02-26-2015 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
/in before locked

Unless you know from previous experience what V will do if you call time, it's a huge risk because he could easily do the opposite. Plus you look like a douche who called time for no reason

And how do a lot of people deal with people who call time on others? They call time back on them...

Not worth the headache
He could easily do the opposite: Yes that's the whole point; the question is to consider whether there is a trend that can be taken advantage of. Maybe there is really no solid logic behind it, sure, not worth considering, but I kind of doubt it. You put a person under pressure, and then add a time constraint, emotions and basic human instincts come into play, adrenaline, there's obviously a possibility of consistent behavior.

"douche who called time": Okay yes this I understand, however, I'm not talking about calling time for no reason. Often enough I'll be sitting there, the villain starts talking, asking if I have such and such hand; no response, starts asking pointless and irrelevant questions, bordering on provocative/instigating, again irrelevant. I see this often, and in this situation, I have no issue with someone calling time. If villain is sitting deep in thought, or just staring me down, then okay, sure, don't want to be the douche who calls time for no reason.

Last edited by Kler; 02-26-2015 at 04:31 PM.
02-26-2015 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Kler
He could easily do the opposite: Yes that's the whole point; the question is to consider whether there is a trend that can be taken advantage of. Maybe there is really no solid logic behind it, sure, not worth considering, but I kind of doubt it. You put a person under pressure, and then add a time constraint, emotions and basic human instincts come into play, adrenaline, there's obviously a possibility of consistent behavior.
The question is so broad that without setting up some type of a study, you would never get any empirical data worth of use. All you'll find here are anecdotes with incomplete information.

Even after you get the major data (board, action, image) you will never get the minor data that could or could not become completely relevant in Vs decision making process after you call clock

-maybe V thought he picked up a live tell in your voice
-Maybe V is tired of Hero pushing him around, so this time he calls regardless of the clock being called
-Maybe passive folding Vs wife just asked for a divorce, and he's trying to blow money
-Maybe V has to take a piss so he calls
-Maybe V has to take a piss so he folds

These are completely irrelevant issues that could become relevant or could stay irrelevant; they are endless and unknown
02-26-2015 , 07:27 PM
Way too hard to tell what they're going to do without a whole bunch of history.

I don't call the clock when I have cards in a hand. I'll just wait.

If I'm *not* holding a live hand I'll call a clock on an opponent taking a long time. It's a combination of how much money is in the pot and a whole host of other things. If they're always slow I'm more likely to call it. If it's getting close to the end of the night and the room is going to close soon (charity rooms in Michigan) I'm more likely to call it. More money gets you more time.

I'm snap calling a clock if one player tanks for 3-5 minutes and then folds, and the guy next to act after him goes into the tank. What they hell was he thinking about while the first guy tanked? If the first guy raises I understand taking some time. (But even then not too much.)
02-26-2015 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
/in before locked

Unless you know from previous experience what V will do if you call time, it's a huge risk because he could easily do the opposite. Plus you look like a douche who called time for no reason

And how do a lot of people deal with people who call time on others? They call time back on them...

Not worth the headache
All of this. /thread
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