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01-17-2021 , 04:33 AM
If my math is right, you've got less than 250 effective into a 1k pot on the river? Just stick it in.

All of you saying check turn, you're still checking when dude checks out of turn? How could he have us beat? Not betting here would be really bad.

Grunching 1/3 through the thread
Bottom set wet board Quote
01-17-2021 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by art_vandelay
Thanks all. I knew not raising was a mistake and agree my reasoning was pretty weak but in this specific case it actually ended up working out (although I know that’s not the point). Also appreciate the suggestion to raise more on flop. For the turn, I bet because I thought I should charge some of the flush draw + pair combos and also thought there was some small chance of getting value from overpairs.

On the river, I did check and hoped for the best. V quickly checked back and showed AA and MHIG.
Yeah, I mean Jesus Christ guys. You want to check the turn because he can't call with worse? Lol. Bet for protection and value!

Just stick that tiny bit in on the river, OP. Other than that, well played. I think 3 bet is best pre, but don't hate the flat.
Bottom set wet board Quote
01-17-2021 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235
If my math is right, you've got less than 250 effective into a 1k pot on the river? Just stick it in.

All of you saying check turn, you're still checking when dude checks out of turn? How could he have us beat? Not betting here would be really bad.
How can villain *not* have us beat? 4 to straight, 2 hearts, out of position, semi-deep stacked, pot size still has playability, check-raised, snap called, and some kind of bizarre angleshot? This is like apocalyptically bad spot to be in.
Bottom set wet board Quote
01-18-2021 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by javi
How can villain *not* have us beat? 4 to straight, 2 hearts, out of position, semi-deep stacked, pot size still has playability, check-raised, snap called, and some kind of bizarre angleshot? This is like apocalyptically bad spot to be in.
Two hearts don't have us beat, friend. Over pairs, AQ and KQ in addition to those hearts are why we bet.

It's not a bizarre angleshot, its a fish who is nervous on that board. He intends to check. He does not have a jack. We have the best hand. Time to bet!
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