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Bottom Set 300BB Deep - Super Under Repped Bottom Set 300BB Deep - Super Under Repped

09-30-2023 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by larry the legend
1.5x pot river bet and 2x pot river bet. Yes we are shallower, but we also have a much worse relative hand strength than he does in the hand on the podcast..
It's worse. Idk if much worse we only realistically lose to QQ/JJ for 6 combos if our live villains don't 3bet T9 pre. Berkey loses to A9 for 3 combos. Thing is ranges on river in Berkey's hand should be much tighter because Berkey polarized on turn/river and then Villain repolarized by jamming 2.1x pot. Main difference for me is 35 SPR versus 4SPR. I'm just not folding a set on a fairly safe board in 3bet pot at 4 flop SPR as a general rule, but I may very well may fold a set on safe board if all the money goes in at 30 or 40SPR in a single raised multiway pot.
Bottom Set 300BB Deep - Super Under Repped Quote
