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Best budget poker training Live 1-3 and 5-5 games Best budget poker training Live 1-3 and 5-5 games

09-29-2023 , 12:16 PM
I recently finally moved somewhere with reasonable rake, and I'm starting to get more into live poker as a result.

I'm looking to brush up on my low stakes skills, as 5-5 Holdem and Omaha (button picks 4 or 5 card,) is the biggest game that runs at the casino I play.

I did a month subscription of Crush Live poker before and I did most of the courses on there, but since it's the most relevant to the games I'm playing, would it be wise to get another month to brush up on those skills, since I likely won't need to look into higher level concepts to crush these games? Or are there other (less than 50 dollars a month preferably,) sites that have good info on low stakes live?

I have done a free trial of, and used the cheapest RIO for one month to brush up on my 5 card PLO game, but neither of them seemed to have much content geared towards live low stakes.

Best budget poker training Live 1-3 and 5-5 games Quote
09-29-2023 , 07:53 PM
i think pokercode is probably the best training site ive seen in terms of content:cost for nl even if its not super complete. i think if u combine that with something like gtowizard and really analyze all of the hands you play for a month or something you can end up improving very quickly.

omaha unfortunately the only answer ive really seen is either mastermind or vision (primarily mastermind's online trainer) which is expensive but plo is a much more complicated game than nl in terms of differentiating between hands and actions than nl. i think its just too tough of a game to listen to 5 hours of videos and expect to be ready to go. if you still have rio, hunter cichy had some live plo videos that were pretty good and bring up concepts you're not really going to find in solver / online geared videos

just my opinion and other people might have answers better suited for your situation.
Best budget poker training Live 1-3 and 5-5 games Quote
09-29-2023 , 09:28 PM
You could always buy jnandez omaha book as opposed to subscribing to his site - the site has some good content but it also wasn't the most organized training site. A training site might be overkill for your situation and omaha can take a while to learn baseline strategy anyway depending on your overall experience level.

Similarly, you could pick up a few of the better NL books that came out in the last few years. My most recent was Modern Poker Theory by Michael Acevado.

Training sites are in kind of an awkward place in general right now since most of them prefer selling interactive tools to high-volume players and cater less to aspiring recreational players with smaller budgets for improving and beating their regular low-stakes live games.

I'm not a big fan of CLP personally but it can be a good resource for certain player segments.

Last edited by monikrazy; 09-29-2023 at 09:44 PM.
Best budget poker training Live 1-3 and 5-5 games Quote
09-29-2023 , 10:24 PM
GTO Wizard is good for studying preflop and postflop solves and their trainer is a good tool. Their coachings seem to be more catered to online play as they seem to lean into exploitative play and mass data analysis. If you are able to put in time into studying and have an analytical mind I think it is very good.

Where the rubber meets the road is being able to pick up on spots where villains are deviating from optimal play and we can adjust by overfolding, underbluffing, overbluffing, value betting more thinly, etc depending on what the spot is. And being able to understand big concepts to apply in game because you can't memorize the whole game tree for NLHE.

GTO Wizard won't give you results overnight, but for me personally it has allowed me to advance a ton. Before I was using GTO Wizard, I was using postflop+ and Solver + which are apps with similar but more limited functionality, but it was also very helpful.

Using these solver-based tools has helped me advance years ahead in a relatively short time. My first poker game in a Casino was in July 2021, in 2023 I made more from poker than my day job in public accounting and built my bankroll up, leading to me quitting my day job last month. I can honestly day that I'm on par or better than most of the live players in my town who have been doing this for more years and many, many more hours. It's been a huge shortcut for me.
Best budget poker training Live 1-3 and 5-5 games Quote
