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**August Chat** Dog Days **August Chat** Dog Days

08-03-2008 , 09:03 PM
also, i think i only agree with schwallie if i'd hae to give something up for money. ie ...if i wanted to have a wife/family... no wife/family for money

but as is, we're all 18-25 year olds who aren't giving anything up for making money. not mothers of 4 who could be making 60k at a 9-5
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Schwallie
Come back when you have it. I mean if you have like 3-5 mill, and are 30, and tell me that is #1. It won't mean **** to you then.

I think it makes someone a moron saying money is #1, as well. My dad(divorced) has been poor his whole life. No good jobs, nothing ever goes right, always broke. But he is happy. Extremely happy. I would be the same way without money. No doubt does money help solve stressful situations, like bills and worrying about paying for things, but it doesn't really bring much happiness except for the quick joy you get whenever you buy something. I know this sounds stupid, but to me it more is a way of stopping a situation that could be stressful instead of bringing happiness per se.

Basically money keeps less stress in your life, but won't make you "more" happy, it will make you less happy if you don't have it, but once you have it, you will get used to it and be just as unhappy as before.

Edit: Also, the people around me are likely my biggest factor as well, although that is a loose definition. My friends are cool and make me happier, but I could do without, I could make different friends. I would say a lot of it has to do with my family, but I also don't have 1 main factor, because the biggest factor for me is just how I was made. For some reason I don't have a temper, or rarely any unhappiness. It's nothing I had to work for, it was just there, and hopefully always will be there. It is def. something I am grateful for though.
It will still be #1 cause even tho i'll sometimes take it for granted, i'd much rather have money (assuming i'm normal aka good health and other things) over anything else. I've been poor before (even though my parents weren't), I mean in high school at one point I had 20 bucks to my name. It made me appreciate money a lot more, then say if I was never poor.

I do agree that not having money makes u more miserable than money does make u happy, but having 5+ mil will still make me happy.

Obv like I said, money isn't the end all, but it is imo the most important factor. Obv you can be happy without money, and not happy with money (this is 2 different people, obv if you give the same person no money or money, they will be happier with money), but I guarentee you more people without money are in general a good amount more miserable than ones who have money.
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 09:05 PM
Obviously it makes you happier, it is just..

**** I'm not saying it again, just actually read my posts, I'm not saying anything extraordinary, money makes you more happy but will not solve your other problems, pretty simple and straightforward.

But I did obviously argue Kels dumb points of 99% of people think money is #2, when you ask basically any happy man with a wife/kids and they will mention family or friends so much quicker because they have actually grown up and realized what is important in life. It is hard to argue a family perspective with a bunch of people who are 19, or act like they are 19.
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by PartysOver
also, i think i only agree with schwallie if i'd hae to give something up for money. ie ...if i wanted to have a wife/family... no wife/family for money

but as is, we're all 18-25 year olds who aren't giving anything up for making money. not mothers of 4 who could be making 60k at a 9-5
eh I kinda assumed that when I said normal it meant having a wife/family (although I personally don't want kids unless i'm rich, although I do want a wife)

Still i'd rather have money and no family than have a family and be poor
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Schwallie
lol, you are so young for your age.

Saying 99% of people have that is just absurd, and completely wrong. Ask every 30+ Y.O, and I bet there will be soo sooo sooo many that don't mention money.

I don't believe everything that he says or agree with it all, but I can't believe how you think everything you say is right, and I srsly can't believe you think 99% of people care that much about money. You are older than me, I thought as we got older we all started to realize money wasn't everything, but some people never do. You see those guys that are 50, in their BMW, driving to work and being there 15 hours a week, those are the guys that don't realize money isn't everything. If you want to tell me that guy is happier than someone with a good, loving wife and family with a job he loves and a good enough home then I will know you are blind to the obvious.
As I said on AIM to you, people take things forgranted. I guarentee that under 50% of people will list health as the #1 factor towards happiness, when there is no doubt that health is THE MOST IMPORTANT and it's not even close. Money is much closer to the other things that are important to people, such as family, a good job, etc., and since people take things forgranted, people will say that "money isn't everything" but if they're living on the street with "family", i guarentee the answer will be different.

And as I said, there are MANY things that contribute to happiness, and people have different happiness levels as well, so saying "look he has money family and he's not happy" has to do with his happiness level (for lack of a better term) than the fact that money doesn't make him happy.
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Kelisitaan
and since people take things forgranted, people will say that "money isn't everything" but if they're living on the street with "family", i guarentee the answer will be different.
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 09:12 PM
Yes, but you are speaking for a very low % of people with that. People don't live on the street all the time. You aren't using real world people. Nearly everyone is not homeless, everyone is middle class.

There aren't many homeless guys with family looking after/loving them really.
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Schwallie
Yes, but you are speaking for a very low % of people with that. People don't live on the street all the time. You aren't using real world people. Nearly everyone is not homeless, everyone is middle class.

There aren't many homeless guys with family looking after/loving them really.
Ok not even living on the street, but being poor living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to pay the bills/in debt.

I'd rather have money and no family, than family and have that.
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 09:29 PM
as of now i don't want a family, but if at some point i did, i would choose a family and live paycheck to paycheck

but right now i hate kids so yeah **** it gimme the money
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 09:35 PM
Yea, wasn't trying to really argue anything, just Kels spewing off that 99% of people will put money #2 when 95% of people are middle class with little to no money and will like 90% of the time will put family made me have to argue that point that he is putting too much into worrying about money, but basically he told me he was saying if you put people in homeless situations they will realize how important money is, which I can agree with.
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 09:35 PM
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 09:43 PM
When I talk, many ppl come to listen.
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 09:58 PM
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 10:00 PM
fucjkkkkkkkkkkkk\ i just lost my cell phone on the floor of the mgm grand at foxwoods **** **** **** **** ****
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 10:05 PM
someday i want to have a phone that give a shock when someone touches it that doesnt have my fingerprints/heat signature/hand shape or something.
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by BT2
someday i want to have a phone that give a shock when someone touches it that doesnt have my fingerprints/heat signature/hand shape or something.

So when people are like "bro can I send a text off your phone?" You say sure then BOOM ELECTRICUTION
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Kelisitaan
Ok phewwwwww only 2 people are viewing it now (including myself ldo)....I was worried that this forum was somewhat active or something
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-03-2008 , 11:25 PM
there are 4 visitors right now in this forum:

compared to the 1 here right now (me)

and it's 530am in Italy
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-04-2008 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by Schwallie
Yea, wasn't trying to really argue anything, just Kels spewing off that 99% of people will put money #2 when 95% of people are middle class with little to no money and will like 90% of the time will put family made me have to argue that point that he is putting too much into worrying about money, but basically he told me he was saying if you put people in homeless situations they will realize how important money is, which I can agree with.

There was just something on Oprah (yes Oprah, I am married ) that showed what would happen if you gave a homeless guy 100g. Know what he did? He bought a guy from the recycling center a car, moved back home and blew it all on his "friends". I think the older you get the more you care about family than money.
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-04-2008 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by BoyItalia
There was just something on Oprah (yes Oprah, I am married ) that showed what would happen if you gave a homeless guy 100g. Know what he did? He bought a guy from the recycling center a car, moved back home and blew it all on his "friends". I think the older you get the more you care about family than money.
Actually I'm pretty sure he did that because he's ******ed (which is most likely why he's homeless in the first place), and thought that 100k was a lot more than it actually was. When people never have money, they don't know how to handle money when they get a lot of it and just spend it without caring...which is why you hear about so many people winning the lottery who are broke 10 years later.
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-04-2008 , 12:10 AM
he seemed like he was in his right mind. Not the smartest guy in the world but you could tell he just wanted to be liked
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-04-2008 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by BoyItalia
he seemed like he was in his right mind. Not the smartest guy in the world but you could tell he just wanted to be liked
I'm pretty sure anyone who's homeless and buys his friend a car among other things when he's given such a limited supply of money isn't in his right mind...especially when I'm sure his friend liked him before that anyway
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-04-2008 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Kelisitaan
I'm pretty sure anyone who's homeless and buys his friend a car among other things when he's given such a limited supply of money isn't in his right mind...especially when I'm sure his friend liked him before that anyway

your usual
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-04-2008 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Kelisitaan
Actually I'm pretty sure he did that because he's ******ed (which is most likely why he's homeless in the first place), and thought that 100k was a lot more than it actually was. When people never have money, they don't know how to handle money when they get a lot of it and just spend it without caring...which is why you hear about so many people winning the lottery who are broke 10 years later.
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
08-04-2008 , 01:37 AM
lol when i read kelis post i thought it was about me and was so confused
**August Chat** Dog Days Quote
