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All In shoves on turn/river... meaning? All In shoves on turn/river... meaning?

02-03-2015 , 11:13 PM
For $1/2, I'm finding AI shoves on turn or river usually means the person has the nuts, near nuts or bluffing with complete air. Polarized is the word. Rarely will they do it with good showdown value, weak 2 pair or top pair/bad kicker.

How often do you see people shoving with 2nd pair or top pair/bad kicker as a value bet, or turning 3rd,4th pair with missed draw as a bluff?

If first to act I check sometimes to induce and have made some hero calls with AI shoves that were right.

Live 1/2, what are typical ranges when this happens?
02-03-2015 , 11:15 PM
This thread can't possibly end well.

The question is just so wide.
02-03-2015 , 11:22 PM
Well, I'm thinking of thought process.

When you shove AI, you either feel you have the best hand to get a call, are semi-bluffing with a flush or straight draw and trying to get better hands to fold, or with complete air.

It's with the purpose of getting your opponent to fold or call obviously. Just want to know the observations people have with the typical live player, not a 2+2 player who thinks of ranges etc....

Why is the average donk/fish doing it?
02-03-2015 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Jazzed23
Why is the average donk/fish doing it?
You can speculate all you want, but average donks do thing for many reasons, and hence why "reverse HH" is frown upon in this subforum.

Take for example, I have seen plenty of donks that shove aces-up as if they're not the nuts, and many that play them like bluff catchers.

Just today an old lady shoved A2 on 345 and 5 board because she had a straight and doesn't want to get sucked out on a river 2 or 6.
02-03-2015 , 11:39 PM
I'm sorry, but this topic is just way to wide, and too villain/situation dependent to be discussed with any value.

Generally, big bets in LLSNL are made with big hands, but that's as specific as we can get without board, stack depth, villain profile, etc., etc.

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