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Ak flop straight Ak flop straight

09-22-2022 , 11:17 AM
0-$2 game at peppermill in reno.

H: mid 30s white male. Winning reg, seen as such by V. Losing currently, got stacked qq vs aa. V did not see this hand but is aware I'm losing. Also, just lost jj vs qq, small pot, a few hands prior to this.

V: mid 40s white male. Winning reg, and is winning currently. On the aggressive side, doesn't get ooo often.

3 limps, H raises to $10 with AcKc in HJ V calls on button, 3 limpers call.

Flop Qd Jd 10h

H: bets $20 into $50. Would normally bet $25-$35 but wanted to allow V to raise lighter.

V calls, rest fold.

Turn: 8d

H: bets $50 into $90, with a black chip, and $65 behind

V: rechecks his cards, and calls with slight hesitation

River: 8h

H: all in for $65

Will leave V's river action blank until discussion.

Thoughts on bet sizing and play all streets?

Last edited by ScottsTots; 09-22-2022 at 11:39 AM. Reason: Edited suits of j/10 on flop. Had them reversed.
Ak flop straight Quote
09-22-2022 , 11:28 AM
Preflop raise could be larger. You have 3 limps so even 3(x+1) is $12 minimum. Would go $15 or more

Flop is going to get action from a fairly inelastic range so bet more. I.e. whiffed low SCs and PPs generally fold no matter what and Broadways call.

As played, river seems straightforward
Ak flop straight Quote
09-22-2022 , 11:29 AM
Bigger pre (I'd go $15, but I'd go $15 w/ one limper in my 1/2 game), bigger on flop -- he's calling $30 if he's calling $20, and I want to charge flush draws. I might even bet $40 to $50 and shove any turn. Stack sizes are just so awkward with your bet pre and flop.

Board runout sucks, but nothing you can do. Rest is fine.
Ak flop straight Quote
09-22-2022 , 11:42 AM
I prefer a larger preflop raise, but here we are.

Flop bet should be larger on such a wet board. I don't think we would play our QQ/JJ this way. V would have 3b his sets (QQ/JJ/TT) preflop as described. So he continues with maybe 99, combo draws and some two pairs. We are lucky other Vs have folded.

Turn: I think we have nut advantage but 8d is a good range card for V. I think we're supposed to slow down here heads-up. Prefer x.

River: seems standard. H is uncapped and offers V 3-1 to call off V's value. If we check, V checks behind his value except maybe his NF.
Ak flop straight Quote
09-22-2022 , 11:52 AM
I raise more PF and bet more on the flop. You’re leading into a bunch of people, villain would have a death wish if he raises you. Try to GII on the turn.
Ak flop straight Quote
09-22-2022 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by ScottsTots
0-$2 game at peppermill in reno.

V: mid 40s white male. Winning reg, and is winning currently. On the aggressive side, doesn't get ooo often.

Flop Qd Jd 10h

H: bets $20 into $50. Would normally bet $25-$35 but wanted to allow V to raise lighter.

V calls, rest fold.
Others have already commented that you can bet larger on this flop, but I want to add that I would not expect you to get raised on this board multiway very often, and especially not by a good reg. Even bad players are going to realize that this is a board that massively favors the pre-flop opener (you can have AK, QQ, JJ, TT, and the aggressive reg cold-calling should not have any of these hands) and that you are very likely to have a strong hand when you continue into multiple opponents.

There are definitely reasons to bet small, but attempting to induce a light raise is not one of them. I would be surprised if you got raised on this board by anything less than top two pair or a very strong combo draw (ATdd for example).

If you bet bigger on the flop, you can easily make a pot-sized jam on safe turns.

I think it makes sense to go smaller on this flush-completing turn, and then the river you don't have any choice but to go All-in, so well played.

Edit: Looks like Grease beat me to this point.
Ak flop straight Quote
09-22-2022 , 12:51 PM
Thanks everyone for responses.

I still kind of like $10 open vs $12 or $15 with suited ak and in late position. May have made it $15 if unsuited or in mid position to lower spr.

I did think V would raise me on flop with pair + straight or flush draw. I thought he could have a lot of k9 q9 j9 109 98 in his range. Normally I would have just bet pot if it was 4 randoms.

I expected him to raise all in on turn with 9 or flush.

As played, I shoved river and he snapped with 10s full, with the 10d. I guess this is why he rechecked his cards on turn. Was very surprised he didn't raise me preflop or on the flop. He doesn't have a history of slowplaying vs me, but may have been influenced by my fold of jj on 963 board just prior to this hand, and he didn't want to blow me off. His call on the turn I guess makes sense as it is the worst card in deck for his hand.
Ak flop straight Quote
09-22-2022 , 01:56 PM
Understood about logic vs villain on flop - if that's your read - but why are we forgetting about the 3 limpers who may very well have connected with the board?
Ak flop straight Quote
09-22-2022 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Man of Means
Understood about logic vs villain on flop - if that's your read - but why are we forgetting about the 3 limpers who may very well have connected with the board?
I was mostly focused on villain.

While there were 3 other players, they had checked to me already and were all playing pretty loose, so I give them less credit for a hand that hits this board. I really would never expect them to have a hand that beats top pair, since they all limp / called pre. Obv it would have been a bonus if they had caught something, and raised me on flop. The lower size gives all an easier path towards raising.
Ak flop straight Quote
09-22-2022 , 03:01 PM
If your or the table's open was 10, then so be it. I've seen vlogs from Reno where it seemed like things could be smaller PF and Flop due to Reg heavy tables.

As others have said .. need a bit more on this Flop so you can shove Turn. "If they're calling, they're calling on the Flop" (no matter the bet size) .. Time for some value with the nuts as there's so many hands that can call like smaller straights and sets.

Overbet shove on this Turn is perfect. Sets may fold, but you never know how the dominoes will fall and you charged them the max while ahead.

Players just need to try and maximize value a bit more rather than try to be sneaky, so to speak, and let everyone feel good about staying in the hand .. especially multi-way where if you get one caller you can get all the callers, so make um pay a price. GL
Ak flop straight Quote
09-24-2022 , 01:09 PM
Preflop to $15. Flop go $45 to $55 into $60. Almost any K may call. Diamond draws. Sets. Two pairs. They are all calling. Youhave all the big hands in your range. Put in a bet like it. Then jam turn. If he has a flush move on to next hand.

I cant think of a single hand you fold out on the flop with a larger size. Maybe AJ or A10.
Ak flop straight Quote
09-25-2022 , 01:19 AM
More preflop. You are missing value. Saying you would go more with a different hand is pretty bad IMO, I don't know how your games play but even meh regs these days pay attention to preflop bet size variations, at least where I play.

Flop smashes low stakes calling ranges, which are full of broadways, mid aces and suited rags. I would bet $30 -> $35 heads up and multiway $40 minimum. If I have a known mark in the pot I'm making it $50.

Turn and river kind of suck but better set up lets you get it in earlier.
Ak flop straight Quote
09-26-2022 , 12:15 PM
If the V's are the types that will just go with hands like TP, overbet flop, jam most turns. Or if they are especially spewy, jam flop. Sounds stupid, but against the right V's it works.

If they are "normal" and you have to spread it out to get your stack in, your play is fine.

FWIW, solver likes your bet sizing on all streets. Of course that's in a head's up spot. Multiway, I'd be looking to make pot size or overbets with a flop this wet and we have the nuts.
Ak flop straight Quote
