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AK 90bb lolstandard? AK 90bb lolstandard?

04-28-2011 , 10:59 AM
Hero shortstacking 1/2, currently at ~$185 - Villain covers, just sat down. Some prior history: V will call virtually any bet preflop, and any postflop bets if he connected in any way.

Hero has raised last three hands, built smallish mw pots, then shoved flop, so probably has an action-junkie/maniac image.

All fold to Hero in LP raises AKhh $12, folds to V in BB who calls.

Flop ($22): Ac9s7d

V checks, Hero leads $15, V calls.

Turn ($50): 9c

V checks, Hero bets $25, V c/r $55, Hero calls.

River ($160): Th

V leads $55, Hero shoves for ~$100.

Worst street played in your opinion?

Last edited by scelsi; 04-28-2011 at 11:15 AM. Reason: forgot river card ldo
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 11:04 AM
You say the villain will call any bet but not if he will raise, so that makes him sound like hes loose passive. If thats the case, then the turn is a pretty standard fold Id think.
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 11:04 AM
What was the river card? Unless it was an Ace, I think that was the worst street played. Turn is debatable whether to c/back b/fold or b/call and bet-sizing.. I'd probably go $35/fold personally. As played, I'd probably have called and soul-read the river if he bet it. Pre and flop are both good.
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 11:04 AM
The river card sort of matters.
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 11:04 AM
If he is going to call anything, why bet only 15 into 22$ pot ? Overbet it - if he connected he will call anyway so let's extract max value.

I don't like that bet OTT, now you are beating only a 7, weak A and a draw so I'm willing to just check behind and call him OTR. It's conservative but will save you from some horrible spots.

To play it less conservative, we need to know how is he playing flops when he have a draw, when he have strong hand and so on. Just saying that "he will call" doesn't say much.
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by scelsi
Hero shortstacking 1/2, currently at ~$185 - Villain covers, just sat down. Some prior history: V will call virtually any bet preflop, and any postflop bets if he connected in any way.

Hero has raised last three hands, built smallish mw pots, then shoved flop, so probably has an action-junkie/maniac image.

All fold to Hero in LP raises AKhh $12, folds to V in BB who calls.

Flop ($22): Ac9s7d

V checks, Hero leads $15, V calls.

Turn ($50): 9c

V checks, Hero bets $25, V c/r $55, Hero calls.

River ($160): V leads $55, Hero shoves for ~$100.

Worst street played in your opinion?
Ummmmmm, what was the river card......?

Assuming it was a blank,

As played, assuming you have reload money with you, I just call river. I dont see any worse hand calling your shove.

Additionally, if you're going to shove river, why not just shove turn?

Depending on the read on villain, this could be a fold on the turn, but I doubt I'm ever folding here. I think I turn into c/c mode after his turn raise. I think this is a 9 a fair amount of the time, but we're pretty strong. I probably just make two crying calls and muck when he turns over 9/6.
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 11:07 AM
yeah i would fold turn - just because villain is a calling station, doesn't mean he bluffs a lot.
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 11:14 AM
River offsuit 10
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 11:23 AM
the way he played the hand, he could easily have a 9, set of 7s hoping you have a 9...either way i check turn and call a reasonable bet otr, with villain described its not hard to stack him so in marginal spots play some pot control

edit: hes probably not c/r you with air or a weak ace ott either
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 12:19 PM
The worst street is the River for sure and then the turn right behind.

I can check behind on the turn and see what/if he bets the river.
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 01:48 PM
i think its just a flat on river.
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 01:52 PM
You should be folding on the turn, but river is by far the worst street.
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 02:48 PM
River is worst by far. What was your thought process on the river? Turn isn't very good though either.

As for the turn I don't really like the 1/2 psb i think you should be making it 2/3 pot or more. I might check OTT but i would probably bet because i feel there are plenty of Ax hands still in his range up to that point + OESD +GS and now the club draw came into play as well. The fact that he is a loose passive should mean we should try to extract max value and and 2/3-psb on the turn could accomplish that. If your going to bet 1/2 the pot or less in this situation you might as well check for pot control.

Now once he raises you this should be cause for concern. This should eliminate most Ax hands from his range and limit it to something like 9x + combo there is nothing wrong with folding now. Just let it go here next time even if it works out this time i think most of the time your line will be a losing proposition.
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 04:50 PM
V will call virtually any bet preflop, and any postflop bets if he connected in any way.
I disagree with everyone saying to check the turn. Obviously its not a good card for us, but from the description of the villain I think there is still value in a bet. Any ace, straight draw, or possibly even some 7's are calling. But its a clear bet/fold imo.
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 08:42 PM
you played it fine until the river. raising on the river is burning money. just call
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 08:48 PM
The mini raise on the turn looks really strong. Maybe pass to that. If u get to the river then just call. Why are u shoving? What's the point?
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
04-28-2011 , 09:23 PM
Anybody else have any problems with bet sizing throughout the hand?
Given stack size, with a hand like AK, if I can get the SPR to around 5, I can plan to commit if I hit the flop. Then I wouldn't level myself too much and try maneuvering around it.
Villain is described as a station, Therefore I want to bet bet bet if I hit TP

Raise pre to 15
bet pot on flop
bet 2/3 on turn and get it in
results aside, there are a number of hands in villain's range that we are ahead of. Pot controlling is not a factor here
AK 90bb lolstandard? Quote
