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AK 3 bet into a fish. AK 3 bet into a fish.

01-31-2017 , 10:24 PM
Fish Villain #1: MP young 20 something guy who really is clueless about the level of players hes at the table with, I saw him bluff a few hands and overbet with 2 weak pairs on wet boards. No clue about board texture.
Stack is around $300 ish

Villain #2: LP 30 something solid player. hasnt gotten out of line that I have seen
Stack is around $550 ish

Hero: OTB hasnt played many hands at this table so far, it seems I got the respect for my hands when I did play a few.
Stack is $250 ish (had some run bands earlier was on my 2nd rebuy from another table)

Fish 1 raises to $12
V1 calls
Hero OTB AK I 3 bet for the first time ever at this table and make it $36, both Villains call
Pot $111 with blinds

Flop T86
Fish 1 donk bets out for $30
Villain 2 calls
Hero Calls
Pot $201

Turn is K leaving 2 flush draws and giving me top top.
Fish donks again not even slowing down for the K and bets $57
Villain 2 folds
Hero tanks for a bit and makes the call assuming perhaps the fish has AT, JJ, QQ, AK, AJ, AQ with possibly some draw flush draw potential type hands, but I dont see him as the type to fire bullets on a draw.
I will put the river card in the spoiler but fish leads the river without hesitation for $100 and appeared to be fairly confident with his hand, but was the type of player who had no concept for what the other player might have.

River is 2 fish puts in $100 Hero tanks for a bit and starts talking to the fish, I say something along the lines of "man the King didn't even slow you down" at which time he kinda has a genuine look on his face that made me think he didn't even consider me having a king in my hand. I replay the hand in my head from pre flop and his lack of a 4 bet pre flop eliminated AA, KK from his range, since he didn't have the skill set to flat a 3 bet with this hands and probably would have insta-jammed. I decide the only pre flop hand Im losing to in his raise/call range is TT. I don't see him having 88 or 8T there and the back door flush did not make sense, he would be on the spade draw if anything and I also know hes not capable of 3 barreling a flush draw, he's to weak of a player to do this.I also eliminate him raising and calling with 79 combos, if anything Villain 2 would be in that range, but might not call a 3 bet with it. I decide he must have JJ,QQ,AK,AT,A8. I make the call and he shows QQ. I scoop the pot
AK 3 bet into a fish. Quote
01-31-2017 , 10:56 PM
I just fold the flop once V2 flats the fish.
AK 3 bet into a fish. Quote
01-31-2017 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Amanaplan
I just fold the flop once V2 flats the fish.
Whats your reasoning? Just curious.

I was thinking to fold, but figured I was the 3 bettor, and had the button and didnt want to become exploitable on future hands by folding to easily to a donk bet. The other players would pick up on this. I was planning on folding at least on the turn if I didnt hit one of my cards. I figured the V2 for a QJ or KQ,AJ, AX type hands.
AK 3 bet into a fish. Quote
02-01-2017 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by dajerseyrat
Whats your reasoning? Just curious.

I was thinking to fold, but figured I was the 3 bettor, and had the button and didnt want to become exploitable on future hands by folding to easily to a donk bet. The other players would pick up on this. I was planning on folding at least on the turn if I didnt hit one of my cards. I figured the V2 for a QJ or KQ,AJ, AX type hands.
Just too weak to overcall against a bet and a call, plenty of other hands to peel, it's ok to just play straightforward on a horrible flop, folding too many turns, dirty pair equity...
AK 3 bet into a fish. Quote
02-01-2017 , 01:23 AM
I like a larger 3 bet preflop, 45-50. Hopefully eliminates V2 being priced in after V1 calls.

I like a raise or fold on the flop leaning strongly toward folding. Mostly because of V2s call.

If you were heads up w/ V1 I would float the flop and bet/raise pretty much any turn.
AK 3 bet into a fish. Quote
02-01-2017 , 02:18 AM
More preflop.

As played, why did you just flat the turn?

You have $201 in the pot and $184 behind. Once he bets $57, that builds the pot to $258. Calling will make the pot $315 with $127 behind. Are you calling to let him bluff the river?

I would probably just ship the turn.
AK 3 bet into a fish. Quote
02-01-2017 , 01:25 PM
Raise more pre. Probably just fold flop: we might have six outs vs. two players.

GII on the turn.

As played, must call river.
AK 3 bet into a fish. Quote
02-02-2017 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by YellowTop
I like a larger 3 bet preflop, 45-50. Hopefully eliminates V2 being priced in after V1 calls.

I like a raise or fold on the flop leaning strongly toward folding. Mostly because of V2s call.

If you were heads up w/ V1 I would float the flop and bet/raise pretty much any turn.
This is the advice Im looking for. all I did by 3x was get the MP to call as well chancing him having the goods. I probably should have went $48. $1/$2 has been a silly game as of late, the game seems to be changing to a limp or call fest. I saw a hand go 8 way to the flop for a $20 call. $160 pot pre flop and the dudes AA actually held up with 2 callers post flop. Sometimes finding the right number to make the most money and lose the least is impossible..
AK 3 bet into a fish. Quote
02-02-2017 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
Raise more pre. Probably just fold flop: we might

As played, must call river.
Agreed I kinda cant fold in this spot without a sick read. Would have been a tough spot against an aggro reg.
AK 3 bet into a fish. Quote
02-02-2017 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by ibelieveyouoweme$80k
More preflop.

As played, why did you just flat the turn?

You have $201 in the pot and $184 behind. Once he bets $57, that builds the pot to $258. Calling will make the pot $315 with $127 behind. Are you calling to let him bluff the river?

I would probably just ship the turn.
I flatted the turn cause I kinda didnt know exactly where I was in the hand and figured a call/call line was best against him. I didnt expect him to bet the $100 on the river, was expecting like 60 or 70 tops. I honestly was not too comfortable in the hands and the set of tens did cross my mind due to his donk betting 3 streets. The $100 call did require me to think for a few to see what made sense. most people would say thats an insta call in that spot.
AK 3 bet into a fish. Quote
