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Accused of angleshooting Accused of angleshooting

08-04-2011 , 11:17 AM
Two nights ago I went to star city casino and ended up playing for about 10 hours and walking out with about 1.1k profits approx plus drinks all night, was playing 1/2 all night and taking cigi breaks every 1 hour or so (so sitting out a few hands here and there)

anyway one hand i placed 9 $5 chips in on the river intending to bet $45 - I had a busted fd and was trying to bluff (there were still 2 people behind me)- problem was that

I announced "900" as I placed the chips in, and i had 360 at the time

two guys called me out on it and so did the dealer then the floor came over and pretty much wouldnt let me off it so i starting yelling "i dont give a **** im all in go take it like tony g style"

I knew it was better then sighing in resignation so had to try something

the two guys folded, with the first guy tanking for a while, and I showed my bluff and said phew

then he starting accusing me of angleshooting and asking for a penalty and the floor was there again

It was an honest mistake and found it hilarious when i got accused of angleshooting, the guy was a good guy and the table realised shortly that it wasnt intentional

funny times though
08-04-2011 , 11:20 AM
that would have been even sicker if one of the two other players pretty much had the nuts and just wanted to take your stack by accusing you of angle shooting
08-04-2011 , 11:24 AM
Verbal declarations are binding at the table. Don't say something that you do not intend to do because you will be held to what you announce in many places.
08-04-2011 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by set4vegas
I announced "900" as I placed the chips in, and i had 360 at the time
Why would you even announce "900" if you only had 360? Like did you intentionally announce 900 knowing you had only a third of that in front of you? I don't understand why would you verbally say 900.

And like the previous poster said, verbal declarations are binding.
08-04-2011 , 11:48 AM
It just slipped out, I think i was trying to say 9 5 dollar chips in my head to cound out in my head then when I placed the chips in I was almost gonna say 95 instead of 45 slipped out 900 cause i panicked if that makes sense
08-04-2011 , 11:53 AM
Yea, it makes sense - but virtually everywhere a verbal declaration is binding and the floor has every right to commit you to what you said. BE CAREFUL!
08-04-2011 , 11:54 AM
yep lesson learnt for sure i was really sweating and pretty much calling myself the worst names possible sweating on the guy folding
08-04-2011 , 03:00 PM
Be careful what you say at the table. If you announce a bet of greater than your stack you're all in and that's that. There's no issue with you not having 900 as the dealer will count your chips if a count is asked for and its pretty obvious you havent got 900. I wouldnt have shown down the bluff tho given what happened in the hand
08-04-2011 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by set4vegas
It just slipped out, I think i was trying to say 9 5 dollar chips in my head to cound out in my head then when I placed the chips in I was almost gonna say 95 instead of 45 slipped out 900 cause i panicked if that makes sense
drink less while you play imo.
08-04-2011 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by set4vegas

two guys called me out on it and so did the dealer then the floor came over and pretty much wouldnt let me off it so i starting yelling "i dont give a **** im all in go take it like tony g style"

I knew it was better then sighing in resignation so had to try something
Originally Posted by abgtr
drink less while you play imo.
Seriously, drink less.
08-04-2011 , 06:52 PM
BBV is


that way.
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