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AA vs ultra-LAG reg 1/2 AA vs ultra-LAG reg 1/2

07-13-2014 , 03:05 AM
Villain - mid 20s brown reg (~$400)
Hero - early 20s Asian reg (>$400)

Villain is one of those crazy LAGs that open literally 50% of pots and somehow makes money (probably very solid postflop and wants to maximize number of pots with fish). I open AA in EP and he overcalls in position with 2 other callers.

Flop 776ss (~$45)

I bet about 30 and he raises to 80 once folded to him I call everyone else folds.

Turn offsuit 2 (~$205)

He overbet shoves his remaining 300 ish. This was shortly after I squeezed Q4s vs him and got paid off huge with a backdoored flush. So he might have been tilting. But he's very smart and realizes that I know that. He knows I basically have an overpair or am slowplaying 4 nutted combos. He also knows that I know he's super laggy and aggressive. So he's either leveling nutted by raising a flop where you'd never ever expect him to raise nutted or he thinks he can level me with air into thinking he's leveling me. Really confused.

And he flats ultra wide IP. Lots of 7x in his range. Not just 87s or 76s.
AA vs ultra-LAG reg 1/2 Quote
07-13-2014 , 03:13 AM
Check the flop. Don't think I'm folding.
AA vs ultra-LAG reg 1/2 Quote
07-13-2014 , 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by wj94
Check the flop. Don't think I'm folding.
results oriented? bet is good.
i´m folding.
AA vs ultra-LAG reg 1/2 Quote
07-13-2014 , 06:53 AM
overbet screams draw, which card is which.... is key...p.s. do you have the ace of spades?....if no, then snap...if yes then it's debatable.
AA vs ultra-LAG reg 1/2 Quote
07-13-2014 , 08:54 AM
he´s doing it vs 3 opponents and is aware of his image. imo, he´s playing some % of his draws this way, but prob all of his 7s given his image. he´s also not described as donk so we can pretty much rule out 88+ imo. one of those spots i´m folding vs him
AA vs ultra-LAG reg 1/2 Quote
