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8/10s steal 2/5 live 8/10s steal 2/5 live

11-29-2008 , 01:48 AM
Typical 2/5 game except that almost everyone has bought in for 1k. The guy to my left has (I imagine) floated me several times before and I haven't really fought back that much. He likes to play a lot of pots in position, but I still think its profitable to steal since he does fold a lot preflop and the people to his left don't defend their blinds that much, or c/f the flop.

Anyways Preflop I'm in the CO and dealt: 810

I raise to 25, Button calls, everyone else folds.

Flop ($55): j 4 6

I bet 40, he calls

Since I haven't really fought back I'm planning to double barrel just about any turn and I'm going to shut down on the river.

Turn ($135)


I check, he bets 90, I raise to 250, he calls

Well I ditched my plan. I thought that was a good enough card to c/r and get some extra value out of him if he was floating. I figured even if he does call then I've got a good amount of equity in the hand still so it would be more profitable to risk the extra money to get that extra bet out of him.

River ($635)


Didn't really think ahead about what I was going to do if the river bricked and he had called. No idea if I should push here or not.
8/10s steal 2/5 live Quote
11-29-2008 , 09:28 PM
I'm not sure why you think you are 'stealing' from the CO with T8s. This is a very good hand and more than worthy of a raise, if not almost ATC here. The context you use 'steal' implies that you are happy taking down the pot preflop. I contend that taking a flop in position, preferably against one or both blinds would be even more profitable and thus where you see 'steal' I see value. If I am being to literal in my interpretation of the word 'steal' here I am sorry but it is easy to get ones motives confused for a hand.

I like the $25 and though you can't be happy the BTN called, atleast the blinds folded thus avoiding being caught in the middle when the betting resumes...

I can easily justify almost any line when presented the right thinking moving forward. As played, I like the bet size.

As played, I would have bet the turn. I see no problem with any response I get from this bet to be honest and would act accordingly (whether that be call or reraise really would depend on a lot of ingame factors). If you bet $90 you may get a cheaper look at the river as well.

As played, You have to fire that last shell. Your c/r set this up since it represents a made hand and not a flush draw. His actions could easily be hearts or overcards that trump your T high. Plus that card was such an airball and its likely that given your opponents line he has a mediocre hand at best, which means he can't handle alot of river heat...
8/10s steal 2/5 live Quote
11-30-2008 , 02:21 AM
I think a bet here is good, he had 3 to 1 on the turn so most (all?) draws call. A bet folds out a lot of draws that he'd win the pot with if it went check/check. I think some top pair hands here might even give up too. I think a bet of around $400 should do it. You could also make the argument for a smaller bet, and only try and push out draws, and you could also make the argument for a bigger bet, and try and push out all draws and top pairs.

Oh, and as played I probably fire the turn as well.
8/10s steal 2/5 live Quote
11-30-2008 , 03:10 AM
i'd bet about 80% of the pot here
8/10s steal 2/5 live Quote
12-01-2008 , 11:45 PM
jloc is right, your hand is set up as made, but against your average live player they dont fold top pair almost ever. generally this makes the river a shove always when you DO bet, but i dont advise it on this total brick.

against a player who you think will float, the double barrel is probably a better idea than the c/r when youre at 100 bb stacks. since youre at 200, how often would you turn '1 pair' into a big hand here on the turn? my guess is rarely. double barreling usually gets a floater off your back. and because youre OOP it keeps the pot smaller on the river if you do make a T or straight when hearts show and you think he could bluff missed hearts/straight on the T or turn one pair into a flush bluff on a heart river, sometimes snapping off some bluff combinations, but not always.

a turn raise usually works better in position, while it doesnt look as scary as a turn c/r, it leaves you with better options and reads on the river when they check/bet.

dont bet river against a live one.
8/10s steal 2/5 live Quote
12-07-2008 , 02:12 AM
2/5 live, top pair is going to call here....c/f is your best option...unless you've seen him fold to a 3-barrell previously, i would tread lightly...
8/10s steal 2/5 live Quote
12-07-2008 , 04:04 AM
No offense OP but your logic in this hand sounds 100% made up. I'm guessing you thought a lot of it up after the hand was over. As played, cr is < barreling turn w/ intent to 3 barrel but since you decided to cr small you should probably bet river, especially since all the many draws missed. Since you messed up your bet sizing you should bet like 80% pot but it would be sexier if you had cr'd a bit more on turn so you could just ship river for a good amount.
8/10s steal 2/5 live Quote
12-10-2008 , 03:41 AM
I end up liking your turn check raise, it is the most likely way to get a live player to fold, and you have an excellent draw to win. Betting out the turn is not likely to make him fold anything if hes a standard 2/5 live player, but checkraising will make folds. But as this is live and the guy did not drive there to fold, you should not bluff the river unless you have seen him make folds. Yes it sucks when u lose to a queen high flush draw, but if he has a decent pair he is calling.
8/10s steal 2/5 live Quote
12-10-2008 , 07:53 AM
Leading the turn is better but a c/r isn't bad either. You haven't given us a good description of the villain so its hard to say really, against certain players even a c/c would be best. As played and with the limited information provided, I think a river bet is in order. Your goal here is to fold out his A,K,Q high heart draw hands (which I think is a big portion of his range) as well as a weak jack or TT that he decided to stick around with on the turn but may give up on the river.

Personally I'd bet around $250 just to get him to fold the high card hands that beat you. I don't think an all-in bet is going to get that many more hands to fold (refer to Logistics Curve/S-Curve on pg. 71 of Sklanskys theory of NL holdem book)

Last edited by Delecto; 12-10-2008 at 08:15 AM.
8/10s steal 2/5 live Quote
12-11-2008 , 12:00 AM
Ok I want to think about leading the turn vs check-raising the turn. Assuming standard 2/5 live player, leading the turn will rarely win us the pot. Most 2/5 players do not float with air or no draws/pairs on flops. So I think it is safe to say the villian has a draw or pair. Villians will however fold to check raises because of the strength it shows, I would say they fold most one pair hands. I doubt we are ahead so putting in money before we make our hand is a bad idea. Checking to either check/raise or seeing a free river makes us the most money. If it checks thru to river we can bet out when we make it, and by check raising we stand a good chance of winning the pot right there.

Betting out has what advantages do you see? Live 2/5 villians rarely float unless they are abnormal.

edit Oh i see op says villian floats. Well still abnormal for 2/5 player and if true I would avoid playing a big pot against him when we are behind and therefore check/call turn.
8/10s steal 2/5 live Quote
