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7s8s on the button 1/3 7s8s on the button 1/3

07-01-2018 , 02:54 PM
Hi all,

V1 is very very nitty 50’s female she has 310 to start and I cover

She tanked for like 1-2 mins calling an all in with like 50bb and she had the second nuts

H: was playing a lot of hands aggressively, however, slowed down the last hour been card dead

OTTH UTG+1 limps V raises to 15 UTG+2

We call on the button with 7s8s


(60) FLOP Jd 9s 2h

She checks to her she bets 35

We call with plans to apply pressure later

The other guys fold

Turn is a Ks

She bets 15???

We call



She checks we bet 50 going for thin value

She check raises to 150??

7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-01-2018 , 02:54 PM
Pre I could fold sometimes and should fold on the flop
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-01-2018 , 03:01 PM
seems like a good time to raise the turn big and make her fold one pair, but i think i fold the flop

as played just check the river she isnt calling worse

also preflop seems questionable given stack size, but i dunno?

Last edited by NittyOldMan1; 07-01-2018 at 03:08 PM.
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-01-2018 , 03:29 PM
Probabky fold PF, but on the button against someone that you feel will play face up and nitty it's fine.

Definitely folding flop with very few ways to improve. Just not a spot I'm looking to float.

Raising turn for sure. You called flop with intentions to take the pot away on later streets, and from a pure equity standpoint you got one of the best cards in the deck for your hand. Her sizing is whack, but I'm not letting that scare me here.

OTR, most likely check. I doubt she's calling with worse. If you are betting I think it's a b/f spot.
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-01-2018 , 03:47 PM
She just seems like a bad player, could she have KK? Would she bet AQ or QQ on the flop/turn? I think I go ahead and call, if you lose I'd expect it to be QQ.

I fold pre vs the described player though. The best hands to beat them with are smaller pairs, sc's are just flopping a draw/vulnerable 2 pair to often.
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-02-2018 , 10:37 AM
Fold pre for sure. She just isn't going to pay you off often enough to make this a profitable call even including the times we might be able to bluff her off the best hand.

AP, I would raise/fold the turn monster likely. That is either a crappy one pair hand or an absolute monster, so let's find out now. OTR, I deffo fold to the CR vs the player described.
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-02-2018 , 01:48 PM
Fold pre, fold flop,

as played - massive overbet on turn - raise that $15 to like $150, if she's really a nit that's how you win this pot.

I would check back river. Fold to the checkraise.
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-02-2018 , 02:22 PM
Snap fold. AINEC.
How does a player who thinks for 2 minutes for $150 with the second nuts not have AT LEAST a Q here. There is no way your under straight is good.
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-02-2018 , 06:38 PM
Stack sizes would help make this an easier decision pf. If she's agonizing about calling with the 2nd nuts, what do you think she has to raise on the river?
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-02-2018 , 07:22 PM
3bet preflop, If multiway bet 30% flop (heads up 60-75%pot), jam turn.
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-02-2018 , 07:35 PM
I guess we are deep enough to mix in some flats on the button pre against a player who can fold super strong hands.

How do you float this flop with only a gut shot and back door draws? If V is opening UTG+2 and continuing multi-way they are representing strength. Way to thin to float here IMO. Lighting money on fire hoping for a scare card or bingo.

AP, turn I call vs sticky players and raise vs MUBSy. Crazy bet could be something like QQ blocker bet or KK value juicer but she doesn't have a straight here if she's that nitty.

River definitely looks like QQ. Raising seems terrible, she will definitely fold without the straight. If you don't believe her you can call off most of your stack to bluff catch. I thought the point of playing 78c was that she was easy to read?
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-03-2018 , 01:34 AM
I’d only call pre if i had reads she’s a pay off and cant let go of one pair hands and gets sticky. In a vacuum flatting isnt terrible here, should be super slightly -EV at worst if you are ok postflop. We have the BTN/absolute position, and the UTG limp will increase our odds to call and our implied odds.

Otf seems like a pretty straightforward fold with two players left to act, and just a gutshot + bdfd. If it’s a small spade ott, we cant continue and she will continue barreling.

Ott im raising here and not folding vs a shove.

Otr i’d bet a lot bigger than that and fold vs the x/r
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-03-2018 , 02:17 PM
I typically just fold preflop. Yeah, we'll definitely have stealing spots against this Villain, but the majority of the time we're going to totally whiff this flop and likely be facing a big flop bet; how many preflop/flop calls are we really going to be able to eke out to make a move? And sometimes others get in the mix in a typical loose game (like ended up happening here) and it's much more difficult to make a move. Meh, imo.

Ok, so our plan is call the flop to make a move later. But there's still 2 others who could be lurking in the weeds to limp/reraise or get invovled (which will likely have to shut down our move plan). Meh on the flop, imo.

I think the turn is where we should be making our move. Obviously she hates the K cuz otherwise she wouldn't be making such a small bet even with nuttish hands on such a drawy board. We get to make our move now with some ok equity plus threaten her not just with this bet but a possible river bet. Of course, we're also getting great odds just to call and chase so that will also be EV.

Ha, I would have likely put her on TT given her turn weak bet / river check and might gone for the gold and shoved. Good thing I didn't as this now looks like the original QQ I thought it was, so easy fold to the check/raise.

In a situation we knew was going to end up HU in position, the early streets are likely fine. But after a preflop limper, raise and a call, it's just so much more likely to go multiway where it'll be a lot more difficult to make moves, imo. And lol, in the end she's the one that ends up making the move (but check/raising the river with her obvious QQ) and induces us (i.e. we're not the only ones making moves postflop).

ETA: Can't believe most are checking back the river here. Clear river bet/fold for value, imo, and if she checked QQ super good for her.


Last edited by gobbledygeek; 07-03-2018 at 02:22 PM.
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-03-2018 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by shorn7
AP, I would raise/fold the turn monster likely. That is either a crappy one pair hand or an absolute monster, so let's find out now.
Why do we have to find out now whether she has a monster if we currently have 8 high but have draws that will beat all her monsters?

7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-03-2018 , 03:14 PM
I don't mind pf assuming we are > or = 100Bbs deep.

This is about the worst draw we could have flopped, if we're ever folding flops we hit I think this is a good one to do so.

As played I'm flatting the $15 just for the easy odds on actually hitting our draw.

OTR I like the thin value bet, might have made it closer to half pot if anything.

Folding super fast and hard at that CR
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
07-03-2018 , 03:27 PM
Fold pre most of the time, calling is fine too. Definitely fold flop. Raise big on the turn. As played check back turn as we're never getting called by worse.

Last edited by RottPhiler; 07-03-2018 at 03:39 PM. Reason: Misread hand.
7s8s on the button 1/3 Quote
