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5/5 T9s Thin value bet on the river 5/5 T9s Thin value bet on the river

06-11-2024 , 12:25 AM

$500 effective

V - 30-40 y o asian guy. Very tricky opponent. Plays a lot of hands preflop and is capable of making crazy bluffs postflop.

Hero(BU) T9 raises to $20, V(BB) calls

Flop($45) J 9 2

x x

Turn($45) 2

V bets $45, Hero calls

River($135) 4

V checks, Hero - ?

What is the worst hand you would value bet here?
5/5 T9s Thin value bet on the river Quote
06-11-2024 , 12:49 AM
People definitely will check too much Jx so I'd never bet 9x
5/5 T9s Thin value bet on the river Quote
06-11-2024 , 01:29 AM
20 on the btn open seems excessive. I would value bet QJ+.
5/5 T9s Thin value bet on the river Quote
06-11-2024 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by Bellezza
What is the worst hand you would value bet here?
Probably K9, assuming I would not cbet flop (which I'd do more often than not).
5/5 T9s Thin value bet on the river Quote
06-11-2024 , 08:11 AM
It’s close. Q9+ is probably my cutoff.
5/5 T9s Thin value bet on the river Quote
06-11-2024 , 08:33 AM
Would be cool to bet like 30 and see if he spazzes out
5/5 T9s Thin value bet on the river Quote
06-11-2024 , 11:15 AM
I would bet down to pocket 5s, I think this gets called by Ace-high an awful lot, when (from V’s perspective) KQ/KT/QT/T8/T7/87 all missed.
5/5 T9s Thin value bet on the river Quote
06-11-2024 , 01:53 PM
With every draw missing, I think we can bet our better 9x for value here. T9 is good enough. Might even bet 98 sometimes.
5/5 T9s Thin value bet on the river Quote
06-11-2024 , 02:47 PM
It all depends on what you make of his pot sized bet on the turn. Doesn’t look like a bluff catcher type hand to me.
5/5 T9s Thin value bet on the river Quote
