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5/10 Thief OTF, Value OTT, lets turn it all into a bluff OTR 5/10 Thief OTF, Value OTT, lets turn it all into a bluff OTR

07-05-2013 , 02:26 AM

happy 4th July also .
This is a really interesting hand IMO and should make everybody interested in poker think a bit ... or i just had too long of a session - unlikely.
Not a lot of history with the Good Reg, i think most likely he views me as a winning reg also (we have never played together) from the past few hrs, highly likely he views me way more of an aggressive than passive.

Pre Hero is on the SB with 56:
Utg (1k) fish limps, Good Reg raises to 40 (1,5k), MP calls (1,5k)...
We have the worst position and semi-deepstacked doesnt help the case but we have the possibility to get to the flop with a fish in the pot + its a multi way pot and we call for the extra 35.. ok?
BB and fish also call.
Flop 5 way 200$: J64
Checked to the good reg who just cbets 100$, MP folds ..
This is for sure in my eyes a weak bet im thinking Jx, 77-TT,QQ+, weakish f/straight draws? never a total air-ball into 4 players. Im thinking that im able to steal this but dont wanna check raise with extra 2 players left to me. So we make a call with an idea to lead/ check raise a lot of turns.
Hero calls, BB and fish fold.
J64 TURN: 5
HU Pot: 400$
Perfect card to lead and probably will get called by any pair he has/fold out some of the weak draws and unlikely if he has a set/trips(which is also very unlikely) he will just call.
Hero leads 280, Good Reg decides and calls.
Pot 960$ J64 5 FML River: 4
Really bad river but we might have a perfect situation to turn it into a bluff.
As we perceive Villains range most likely to be 77-TT,QQ+,Jx, i think hes gonna fold a big portion of it OTR.
The question that rises here is what does Villain perceive our range to be.
As we are highly likely to check-raise flop with set/lot of draws we also are pretty much capped with Jx, Any pair/x from the flop,few f-draws.
But whit what range does he perceive us to call flop, lead turn and river?
Villain cant read into our bet size also as that kind of situation has never happened between us or at that table, we bet that with air/value. (Maybe should have been a bit bigger if i think about it atm)

Hero Bets 580$

Thank you for any ideas and GL.

Last edited by jlocdog; 07-05-2013 at 03:51 AM.
5/10 Thief OTF, Value OTT, lets turn it all into a bluff OTR Quote
07-05-2013 , 03:25 PM
dont like the flop c/c, maybe if stacks were deeper here you could c/r the river but just c/f - think your range looks draw heavy and thats a terrible river to lead on
5/10 Thief OTF, Value OTT, lets turn it all into a bluff OTR Quote
07-05-2013 , 04:23 PM
Agreed, one of the worst river cards to lead on.

Last edited by jlocdog; 07-05-2013 at 05:20 PM.
5/10 Thief OTF, Value OTT, lets turn it all into a bluff OTR Quote
07-05-2013 , 07:35 PM
this hand is very bad on all streets except for possibly the turn.

pre you seem to not yet have learned what position means; it's substantially better to have 72o in lp here than 56s first to act. i can't mathematically prove this to you, so i guess you'll have to wait a year or two before learning this.

on the flop you mention you plan on stealing by "lead or c/r turn" but now on the turn you say that your lead will get called by any pair. i'm sure he's not betting most of his weak pairs ott so your c/r plan wouldn't work either.

on the turn i think you should be c/r and getting it in because it's hard to make sets and your perceived range would be pretty drawy so villain will probably stack off with worse.

on the river you are beat 85% of the time and nothing better is ever folding because your perceived range is almost entirely busted draws.
5/10 Thief OTF, Value OTT, lets turn it all into a bluff OTR Quote
07-05-2013 , 07:40 PM
Thank you verite,

stupid idea to get "creative" i just called from the SB thanks to the fish in the hand. But should not do that anyway.. case closed

*Long sessions make u hallucinate stupid lines*
5/10 Thief OTF, Value OTT, lets turn it all into a bluff OTR Quote
07-07-2013 , 04:24 AM
That is a great hand to check raise the flop with, i like making that play. You represent multiple hands and you have pair outs that aren't expected to help you much.

Stacks are deep enough with the reg that after checkraising flop you can bet turn and jam river credibly when the obvious draws get there and when you do make a hand it actually makes your range look weaker. For example, when you check raise that board and a six peals on the turn you are going to make a lot because your set combos are diminished. If you hit a 5 it only completes gutshots and its really hard to put you on a backdoor flush.
5/10 Thief OTF, Value OTT, lets turn it all into a bluff OTR Quote
