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5/10 nl committing to the bluff 5/10 nl committing to the bluff

10-21-2011 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by warlockjd
The worst leak calling stations have is to call down 3 bets with TPNK, and you are turning that leak into printing money for the calling stations.

They're not going to adjsut their play. Might be time to adjust yours.
TPNK isn't in his range, although as this hand later proved his flop calling range is way larger than I thought As much as I can generalize calling stations, they generally don't stack off here without 2 pair and even then they could fold. Part of the reason for this hand if I can remember correctly, was that him and some other stationy fellows were basicly calling near %100 of my cbets knowing that I generally fired one or 2 bullets and would give up if I didn't have it because I was under the incorrect assumption that they had a hand worth playing.
5/10 nl committing to the bluff Quote
10-21-2011 , 09:33 PM
pf and flop fine I suppose but with your descrip of yourself, you might be better just folding. You don't have a lot of street cred so if anyone who calls you hits a flop they probably won't give up easily and T high has no showdown value.

So anyway as played, fold turn. Like you said, your image sucks. The villain is never folding top pair and top pair here is the bottom of his range.

But if there's a gun to your head and you absolutely must raise, raise bigger.
5/10 nl committing to the bluff Quote
