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5/10 Multi-way Fun 5/10 Multi-way Fun

06-27-2014 , 01:51 PM
Game has been pretty good so far, revolving around a spewfish who won like 8k a few nights ago while on a massive heater. There's been a lot of multi-way action as 3-bets seem to be getting more callers than usual, due to spewfish playing almost every hand. He hasn't been so fortunate tonight and is stuck like 4-5k so far. He's not involved in the hand in question.

Hero (covers) - Image is kind of good so far, though I might have lost some credibility when I showed down 64s against spewfish having 3-bet him otb. Been running pretty decently so far.

V1 (2.5k) - Young-ish Asian guy who seems to be a good, thinking player. He 3-bet my open when the table first started, and got cold-called by spewfish. I 4-bet and they both folded to me.

V2 (1.7k) - Slow-moving white guy who isn't afraid of putting his whole stack in. He called a big AI ott against spewfish on a 9842dd with KQdd and was good (made a flush otr but spewfish had J3o anyway).

V3 (3.3k) - Older fishy Asian guy who seems to be playing rather tight. Have been getting the best of him so far tonight.

No real history with any of these players. Game is 8-handed.

Folds to V2 who calls $10 in the CO, Hero makes it $50 with 75 OTB, V3 flats in the SB, V1 thinks a little and makes it $200 from the BB, V2 cold calls, Hero flats, V3 flats.

Do we prefer 4-betting here? I hate folding considering the playability of the hand post and our position (Though my relative position isn't the best).

Flop ($800) - A 7 6

Checks around.

Turn ($800) - Q

V3 leads $225, V1 calls, V2 folds, Hero?
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
06-27-2014 , 02:21 PM
Flat pre, check flop, call turn.

4betting pre is tempting because we probably take it down a decent amount of the time, but our hands plays well MW OTB and we don't have any sort of blockers.
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
06-27-2014 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by The Muffin Man
Flat pre, check flop, call turn.

4betting pre is tempting because we probably take it down a decent amount of the time, but our hands plays well MW OTB and we don't have any sort of blockers.

Because you mentioned tight means he probably isn't doing this with much air. He most definitely has AQ minimum..
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
06-27-2014 , 03:59 PM
Agree with above. As played I just call turn, though I really don't like making two pair here on river
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
06-27-2014 , 05:15 PM
Late edit: V2 and V3's stack sizes should be switched. V2 has 3.3k and V3 has 1.7k
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
06-27-2014 , 05:27 PM
I see why you're tempted to raise the turn but I wouldn't.
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
06-27-2014 , 07:59 PM
Call turn. I probably just flat pre.
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
06-27-2014 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by beauvanlaanen
Call turn. I probably just flat pre.
This. And I'd probably quit 3betting trash since your obviously getting zero respect.
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
06-28-2014 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by The Muffin Man
Flat pre.
Do you mean as in overlimp instead of isolating or as in flat a 3 bet rather than 4 bet?

I personally am not a big fan of isolating an apparently sticky villain with a hand that does not have high card strength
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
06-29-2014 , 09:04 AM
think i disagree w/ the consensus here...

pre i'm probably more inclined to 4b (though i don't think just flatting is a horrible mistake by any means). our perceived opening range is probably fairly wide in the eyes of v1 so he could be 3b bluffing and we already know he's capable of 3b/folding based on the HH you provided. i think it's close but not a huge deal either way.

i'm betting the flop. when it checks to us i think we can assume that v2 and v1 do not have strong hands (or at least hands that could withstand multiple barrels) and we're really only worried about v3. tons of great turns for us (any 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 diamond) to continue barrelling

as played i think just flatting turn is fine. villains sizing seems super weak but we really can't rep anything (does it matter for these villains)
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
06-29-2014 , 12:02 PM
I dont think v1 can be that wide here given hes OOP and likely to get called multiway....granted he could still be 3bing light but I think you have to give him some credit readless....turn is really interesting - if your image is up for it Id def raise otherwise just call - no ones going to hero you with 1 pair when you bet the river unless theyre massive stations or your image is terrible
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
06-29-2014 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by armor32
Do you mean as in overlimp instead of isolating or as in flat a 3 bet rather than 4 bet?

I personally am not a big fan of isolating an apparently sticky villain with a hand that does not have high card strength
No, I iso pre and then flat the 3bet.
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
06-29-2014 , 06:54 PM
I see why you want to call the 3bet pre, it just seems a little bit suboptimal to have such a low spr with a hand like this. I think the solution could be to raise slightly less pre, if you make it 40$ then BB probably 3bets to 160 or something and you get a more favorable situation. In general you are going to be opening wide here so putting less money for potentially aggrressive 3-bettors out there is better. (same reason why we dont just 5x pre online)
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
07-02-2014 , 02:03 PM
The reason I'm considering 4-betting pre is for a few reasons:

a) There's already $500 in the pot.
b) I've already raised once this hand.
c) Seems like a great spot to squeeze, which will force V3 (SB) and V1 (BB) to play more honest.
d) In the event that anyone flats, we still get to play a bloated pot in position, with the initiative.
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
07-02-2014 , 02:05 PM
On the other hand, as played - why do most people not like raising the turn/bombing the river when called? In-game, I couldn't put either V on a strong hand that could call both a raise and a river bet (as SNGplayer24 had mentioned).

Last edited by cook-; 07-02-2014 at 02:15 PM.
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
07-03-2014 , 03:35 AM
Fold pre. Flop check is fine. Call turn as played.
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
07-03-2014 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by cook-
On the other hand, as played - why do most people not like raising the turn/bombing the river when called? In-game, I couldn't put either V on a strong hand that could call both a raise and a river bet (as SNGplayer24 had mentioned).
U don't rep anything

Are villains thinking players at all?
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
07-03-2014 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
U don't rep anything

Are villains thinking players at all?
hes repping aq/qq but more importantly everyone is pretty capped.....think v1 bets AK OTF, and v3 has a ton of AT/AJ given his sizing, with the rare a6/a7 mixed in......we have a ton of equity vs AK/AJ and I don't see someone calling a turn raise with AJ and a big river bet unless our image is terrible.....haven't ran any numbers but given we have 31% vs AK OTT and we can put a small raise in OTT to setup a river bluff we don't need them folding that often to show profit
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
07-07-2014 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by SNGplayer24
hes repping aq/qq but more importantly everyone is pretty capped.....think v1 bets AK OTF, and v3 has a ton of AT/AJ given his sizing, with the rare a6/a7 mixed in......we have a ton of equity vs AK/AJ and I don't see someone calling a turn raise with AJ and a big river bet unless our image is terrible.....haven't ran any numbers but given we have 31% vs AK OTT and we can put a small raise in OTT to setup a river bluff we don't need them folding that often to show profit
Sums up my initial thoughts on this pretty much - but being that V3 had about $1275 behind after his turn donk and the pot was $1250, I feel like he could have gotten a little sticky. Then again, the devil on my shoulder wanted to raise considering how capped they seemed to be.

Continuing the action...

Turn ($800) - Q

V3 leads $225, V1 calls, V2 folds, Hero calls.

River ($1475) - 2

V3 checks, V1 checks, Hero?
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
07-07-2014 , 01:46 PM
Pre: a 4b would be okay, less good considering you already 4b him once, but there is a chance he realizes that which makes it a little better. With the button here and position on 3 players anything is fine here really.

Flop: easy check

Turn: easy call. Raising seems good because our equity is decent vs everything, the problem is it is always just decent and I think we get called here a ton since we can't really have anything other than a combo draw which is what we have. AQ bets flop most likely and QQ 4b pre so yeah, you just have to flat here imo. If V1 has KQ here I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't fold it.

River: I think we have to give up now, again we don't rep anything and we're not v-betting too thin (AT/J prob checking back) so I think a bet looks like a hand that missed a lot.

I'm guessing you checked and lost to a hand like A rag or a big queen but I think it's likely that one of the villians would see through aggressive action on your part on latter streets. Had you bet the flop, which again I don't recommend, there could be some more interesting situations to consider on the turn or river. But yeah well played to the river now check and lose.
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
07-08-2014 , 01:54 PM
Thanks for the input all. Results:

Hero checks back otr. V3 turns over A4cc and V1 turns over A5ss for a chopped pot.
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
07-08-2014 , 01:58 PM
A wise man once said

Originally Posted by jimmyvjv13
I'm guessing you checked and lost to a hand like A rag or a big check and lose.
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
07-08-2014 , 06:18 PM
I get in spots like this with some frequency. Either I raise the turn and bomb all rivers or call turn and hope I improve.
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
07-13-2014 , 03:10 AM
Some of you guys are just spoiled beyond belief.. I mean where is this game where fish would play like this, regs would play like that, etc etc..
5/10 Multi-way Fun Quote
