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5-10 live, go broke with 44, 135BB deep? 5-10 live, go broke with 44, 135BB deep?

08-08-2011 , 10:13 AM
Nine handed at the Lucky Chances in San Francisco.

Lojack limps.

I have 44 in the hijack, and I limp.

Cutoff limps. Button raises to $60. BB calls. Lojack folds. I 3-bet to $300. Cutoff folds. Button 4-bets to $600. I call.

Flop ($1285, 2 players): Q95

I pretend to stare at the flop for about five seconds and check. Button pauses ten seconds and shoves. Costs $750 to call. I'm getting 2.7 to 1 and I need 27% equity to call.

Preflop, I had $40 in my hand almost across the line when I noticed that the lojack only had $200 left. So I faltered, and just limped at the last second instead of raising. Possibly a tell. It's pretty rare for me to limp from the hijack.

Button is an early 20s aggressive asian reg. As far as I can tell, he plays 5-10 at this casino all day every day. I consider him to be the most aggressive player at the table. I've seen him run multi-street bluffs several times. I don't believe I've seen him raise preflop more often than is normal for this table, but I do think I've seen him raise much more often when he's in late position, which is why I thought his range would be weak enough to squeeze.

Last edited by BoredAtheist; 08-08-2011 at 10:34 AM.
08-08-2011 , 10:56 AM
lol what a trainwreck

Raise to $45 the first time (and call if he shoves for $200, ldo)

Fold everywhere after that.
08-08-2011 , 11:00 AM
WTF is the lojack? I thought you were talking about the hijack in all these threads and now I find out its not!?!?!? Is the lojack before or after the lolojack?
08-08-2011 , 11:54 AM
Your whole account must be one huge level
08-08-2011 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by BoredAtheist
Nine handed at the Lucky Chances in San Francisco.

Lojack limps.

I have 44 in the hijack, and I limp.

Cutoff limps. Button raises to $60. BB calls. Lojack folds. I 3-bet to $300. Cutoff folds. Button 4-bets to $600. I call.

Flop ($1285, 2 players): Q95

I pretend to stare at the flop for about five seconds and check. Button pauses ten seconds and shoves. Costs $750 to call. I'm getting 2.7 to 1 and I need 27% equity to call.

Preflop, I had $40 in my hand almost across the line when I noticed that the lojack only had $200 left. So I faltered, and just limped at the last second instead of raising. Possibly a tell. It's pretty rare for me to limp from the hijack.

Button is an early 20s aggressive asian reg. As far as I can tell, he plays 5-10 at this casino all day every day. I consider him to be the most aggressive player at the table. I've seen him run multi-street bluffs several times. I don't believe I've seen him raise preflop more often than is normal for this table, but I do think I've seen him raise much more often when he's in late position, which is why I thought his range would be weak enough to squeeze.
Wow. I have read a lot of your hands the past month and I really cant figure out what you are trying to accomplish here. Clearly you don't mind variance in results, because your play (IMHO) seems awfully erratic.

You never gave effective stax vs. button, but it appears he started with $1350 or so. So calling his 4b preflop when he only had $750 left is pure spew IMO (the 3b is debateable but to me would look like you were FOS so I certainly could 4b you light there).

On the flop, you beat only a bluff so 2.7-1 seems way too little to even consider calling.

Honestly, I think you need to maybe go back to the basics and develop a tighter game for a bit because it just seems that every hand you play you are almost looking to play for stacks which can't be a solid long term strategy no matter how good you are.

Sorry if this was harsh. I am not trying to be a tool clearly are interested in the game and seem to understand some concepts, so I am trying to provide some constructive criticism here and hope to start a dialogue around how you approach there games.

08-08-2011 , 12:15 PM
Uh, right. You guys are swell.

If villain's range is [AK AA KK QQ] then, imo, both preflop and flop are a call.

I think it really boils down to "does villain play AK this way?" If yes, call, and call again if there's no ace or king on the flop (or if you hit your set).

Since villain is perceived to be "the most aggressive regular in the casino," that makes me believe that he does play AK this way.

I called on the flop.

Preflop, I think we can assume that the rest of villain's money is going in no matter what. That means we're paying $300 to win $1730, which is 5.8 to 1, almost enough to call for our set outs.

Last edited by jlocdog; 08-08-2011 at 12:17 PM. Reason: this thread is a trainwreck..please don't complain about it locked at commerce again...
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