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5/10 Got donked with OESD 5/10 Got donked with OESD

05-11-2013 , 07:48 PM
Villain - new player who sat down in my table not too long ago. Over the past 1/2 hour he played, he has played about 30-40% of his hands and has doubled his initial buy in with his aggressive play. Not sure if this read is any useful though.

Hero: Been card dead (absolutely dead with tonnes of hands like T5, K2 etc) and has played only 2-3 hands over the past 1 hour. However, the villain did not know this. What he saw was the all in pot that I shoved at turn and lost (I muck my losing card) when I bumped into AA.


Hero (170bb) Raises to 3.5bb with 45 UTG

All folds and Villain (covers me) called at the SB

Flop (8bb) : 6 3 9

Villain donks 6bb, Hero???
5/10 Got donked with OESD Quote
05-11-2013 , 09:29 PM
so let me get this straight. you play 2 hands an hour and open 45s UTG? if this style is profitable, you will be famous, quickly.
5/10 Got donked with OESD Quote
05-12-2013 , 12:01 AM
Call, win the pot later.

Pre is def a fold tho in general.
5/10 Got donked with OESD Quote
