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10-23-2021 , 07:13 AM
5/10 e1K
Hero is CO with a TAG image, I only VPIPed 1 hand so far where I triple barreled a mono run out.
SB is a loose passive bingo whale. He plays WAY too loose pre and chases down while simultaneously overvaluing hands and just being bad etc
BB is unknown looks like a rec

(BTN folds out of turn)
HERO is CO w KTcs opens to 30.
SB whale flats.
BB flats.

3 ways
90) flop KT2hdh
X x hero bets 30. SB calls. BB XR to 130. Hero clicks it to 260? SB folds. BB calls.

610) turn 4c
X hero bets 710 all in?

Flop is weird because I think I wanna click SB off his equity in general, but since he’s a whale I’m not sure that I actually mind him coming along wide... although setting the turn jam is still nice.
Maybe there’s other options?
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10-23-2021 , 08:29 AM
Pre is generally fine. Might be able to size up because of the whale in the SB

Flop: range bet/3! Vs an unknown is a terrible line, IMO. We’re going to iso ourselves vs the best parts of his range too often. I get the whale is in the hand but he’s not the current problem.

Honestly, because the whale is in the hand OTF, I’d be betting for straight value on the flop and sizing up to a PSB because the board is solidly wet and we’re at the top of our range

Turn: AP is fine
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10-23-2021 , 05:40 PM
would size up on flop given the other players in the hand

facing the xr i dont really like the minclick. id probably just flat to keep the whale in, but dont hate raising if you think he will play turns/rivers more straightforward with this action (folds gutters, etc). if raising i think it needs to be larger though. i think the smaller size appears more value heavy since we have ~0fe vs bb (and reopens action), and then the turn jam being a little over pot is kind of awkward, esp if we are perceived as value heavy otf. the minclick size also is likely to just fold out the whales worst hands, since hes probably not folding an oesd or fd to the minclick anyways.

turn jam is good
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10-23-2021 , 09:35 PM
Cool w/ pre, cool w/ flop bet sizing. I think I play in flow vs this raise and just call, SB is gonna be in a dominated spot vs one of you a huge amount of the time so I'd wanna keep him in the hand as much as possible.
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10-23-2021 , 10:34 PM
KKs and A Q , A J are the best hands to take these sizings~/line with given all the info

everything else that's worth a bet generally wants to 3b flop bigger in practice live vs two recs

that applies to the c-bet sizing too for the most part but it's w/e in a vacuum

Last edited by RoadtoPro; 10-23-2021 at 10:41 PM. Reason: typo
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10-23-2021 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by RoadtoPro
KKs and A Q , A J are the best hands to take these sizings~/line with given all the info

everything else that's worth a bet generally wants to 3b flop bigger in practice live vs two recs

that applies to the c-bet sizing too for the most part but it's w/e in a vacuum

I wanted to at least rep a raise/fold range and I didn’t think I could do that with a larger flop 3bet size
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10-24-2021 , 12:45 AM
Looks fine to me

I think 3betting the check/raise is better than flatting it... I really don't want to see a 9, J, Q, A, or heart turn heads up, or especially 3-way.
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10-26-2021 , 12:59 AM
Honestly take any line you want that minimizes FE - turn shove ain’t great particular bc he just has to have more hands that have 100/0 otr… so you can size down turn and still value bet the last street more often even on “bad” cards. It’s not like he’s just hearts and QJ, but even if was you’d still like to be sure he has zero check folds ott with that range.
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10-26-2021 , 04:19 AM
yah I wouldn't click back the flop, can't give such good odds on such a wet board
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10-26-2021 , 04:22 PM
V called it off with KQ
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10-26-2021 , 04:22 PM
I kinda think my only decision point was cbet sizing tbh, I need to size up for the whale.
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10-27-2021 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by hyperknit
I wanted to at least rep a raise/fold range and I didn’t think I could do that with a larger flop 3bet size

If you raised to 360 instead, the pot would be 810 and you’d have 610 behind which seems like plenty to be perceived to have a 3b/f range. Also you would then be raising 60%p and then jamming 75%p instead of 35% then 120% which is kind of awkward.
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10-28-2021 , 12:26 AM
I'd go bigger (half pot or a little more) on flop 3 way where we can get called by a ton of 1 pair hands and draws.

as played, I'm also sizing the flop 3 bet more...maybe 350. Makes a turn jam more palatable
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