In case you guys missed my first post, I said we should have 5B pre.
Originally Posted by docvail
...With AKs, a hand we know we can 5B, we need to think about the 5B size, realize we don't want to 3B-fold, nor do we want to 5B-jam or go to the flop with a super shallow SPR. So I'd size down a little with the 3B, inducing the light 4B, so we can still 5B.
So, we could 3B to $20. If he goes $60, we can go $150 to $180. When we make it $25 and he goes $75, I still want to 5B, but I'd probably just click it to that same size - $150 to $180. If he jams, we're just folding.
Once we get to the flop, we're mostly betting small if he checks to us, and mostly folding if he bets into us, unless we have thick value.
When we flat call his 4B, we're capping our range. I wouldn't love calling a huge flop bet without at least TPTK. He could be bluffing here, putting us on PP's below TT or unpaired over-cards, but he could also have a lot of value here, even thin value, like AJ, AT, KJs and KTs. His bluffs are going to mostly be good draws.
If we call, are we just going with our hand on an A or K turn? Against his value and bluffs, we don't have many clean outs to improve. As played, I think we can fold here, let him drag a smallish pot, and pick a better spot to punish his aggression.
Once we flat call pre, the pot is $155 going to the flop. We started $820 eff. If we call the $150 bet here, we'll have a PSB left behind going to the turn.
So...are we planning to call 100% of turns if this guy jams? Are we just jamming now? Are we hoping he checks turn if we flat call here? Suppose he does, are we then turning our hand into a bluff, by jamming, or are we taking our equity by checking back?
Yeah, he might try to rep the nuts on any run-out, if the flop checks through and the board gets scary. But that's not what he's doing here. He just c-bet for full pot, on a wet board that more than likely smacks his range.
If we wanted to just go with our hand, we should have done that by 5B'ing pre. If we want to just go with it now, we should just jam, while we actually have enough stack depth to create some fold equity, and pray he doesn't snap us off with thick value.
Flat calling here, hoping to turn some equity, and hoping V doesn't jam, when we can just fold and move on for a $75 loss, is nuts. Why would we want to risk our stack trying to bluff catch with AK, or turn AK into a bluff?