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3bet pot in shorthanded game - help me decipher V's range 3bet pot in shorthanded game - help me decipher V's range

04-08-2015 , 10:50 AM
0.25/0.50 home game that is at its tail end; we are down to 4 players late in the night. All players involved have extensive history with each other. As a whole, game tends to be very "hero-call" like.

Hero: Typically a LAG with a winning image. I've adjusted my game against these guys because I realized I don't have much fold equity in most spots that I commonly would, so now I'm playing a little more TAGish. Not sure if they've picked up on that recent trend though.

Villain: Losing TAG. Not a terrible player by any means but still a Level 1 thinker. He has added the ability to bluff to his arsenal (he didn't until 1-2 months ago), but it's difficult to know how often he does it because he doesn't get to showdown often. Probably gets the most respect for PF raises of anyone at the table.


Villain (UTG/CO) raises to $2
Hero (BTN) looks down at A J and 3bets to $7.25
SB (irrelevant) calls
BB folds
Villain calls

Flop ($22.25): Q J 5

SB checks
V leads $15. I've seen him donk with a wide range of TP type hands to draws.
Hero calls
SB folds

Turn ($52.25) 4

V checks
Hero checks. I still can't really tell if he's pot controlling with Qx, or if he's trying to draw for free. But I figure my hand is small, so I want to keep the pot small and use position.

River ($52.25) K

V bets $27.

How should we range V? Do we call or fold river?
3bet pot in shorthanded game - help me decipher V's range Quote
04-08-2015 , 11:32 AM
Well, it's a little tough to say since (a) this is a home game, and (b) you've got the deep history with him. But...

-How deep are your stacks?

-If you tend not to have fold equity, why are you isolation-raising someone who only raises premiums with a trouble hand?

-His preflop call indicates a very strong hand, but less than AA/KK. I could see AK, QQ-1010, maaaaaybe J10s.

-When he donks the flop, I think his range is weighted towards TPTK, sets, and combo draws. QQ, JJ, AKcc, AQ. What do you know about how he likes to play sets and combo draws on wet flops like this one? Does he go for the check-raise, or does he bet/bet/bet? That's very important ranging information.

-Just fold the flop. The only hands in his range that you beat are J10cc and 109cc. Both have plenty of equity against you. And I don't actually know whether they're in his range or not. (You should, though.) You're ahead of almost nothing, have barely any clean outs, and have no fold equity. This is a terrible spot to float.

-The turn is great evidence of why it's a terrible spot to float. He checks, and you're paralyzed because you have no idea if you're ahead or behind. Don't get in this spot. Fold flop. As played, I like the check here. You would have to really blast the turn to fold his TPTK and combo draw hands. And you have to weigh the times that works against the times he's trapping, or just plain doesn't believe you because of your image.

-The river is a terrible card for you. AK got there. 109cc got there. KQ got there (if that's in his range). A10cc got there (if that's in his range). I don't know how deep you are, so I have no idea whether he's pot committed with this bet. But he probably is. You would be calling with a bluff-catcher, hoping that he has a club draw that doesn't include the Kc. And a club draw is unlikely here: club draws don't tend to take a call3bet-bet-check-bet line.

Fold pre, fold flop, check turn, fold river.
3bet pot in shorthanded game - help me decipher V's range Quote
04-08-2015 , 11:43 AM
A few quick comments on some of your questions - just to help guide further conversation. I'll hold off on giving some more of my thoughts until more posts.

Originally Posted by sierradave
Well, it's a little tough to say since (a) this is a home game, and (b) you've got the deep history with him. But...

-How deep are your stacks? I believe effective stack was $140 or so to start the hand.

-If you tend not to have fold equity, why are you isolation-raising someone who only raises premiums with a trouble hand?

I didn't quite say he only raises premiums. He definitely opens A6s+ A9o+ type hands, K9s+ KTo+ as well, particularly shorthanded.

-What do you know about how he likes to play sets and combo draws on wet flops like this one? Does he go for the check-raise, or does he bet/bet/bet? That's very important ranging information.Don't have enough information on combo draws, sadly. While we do have deep history, he hasn't GII early in a hand with combo draw types where I can really see how he likes to play those hands. With sets, I would expect a b/b/b line; he's not tricky enough to c/r.

Fold pre, fold flop, check turn, fold river.

Hopefully with the added info on V's PF range, we can now agree that PF is never ever a fold. I probably also should have mentioned that this game calls 3bets wayyyy too light, so my PF raise is for value.
3bet pot in shorthanded game - help me decipher V's range Quote
04-09-2015 , 02:42 PM
3bet pot in shorthanded game - help me decipher V's range Quote
04-09-2015 , 03:00 PM
I would bet the turn, it will define his hand more, allow you to check the river or fold of he donks out again. Obv if he raises your turn bet, fold

AP, fold river
3bet pot in shorthanded game - help me decipher V's range Quote
