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3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot 3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot

12-28-2016 , 05:53 PM
Villain (SB): $400
Mid 50s Asian man. Reg. Unsure how to label his play style. I've see him nit it up for hours on end. Also seen him gambol off 200bbs with a naked flush draw. He is a 5/T player as well. Id say when playing his best he's has a nitty TAG style but has that degen gene when off his game.

Hero (BB): Covers
Early 20s Reg. Friendly w/ Villian. Impossible to know my exact image but I would assume it's TAG. Although some Regs would say LAG. IMO just depends the lineup what gear I'm in.

This is first orbit of the must move.


4 limps. SB (Villian) calls. I check my option w/ 54dd.

Pot: 30

Flop: Kd7d2d

Villain leads 20

We without much thought I raise to 80.

Folds back to villain who mumbles some **** in Korean and calls.

Pot: 190

Turn is: Ts

C/ We bet 110 w/ intention to jam all non board pairing non d rivers for 200 effective

Villain rather quickly gives heavy sigh and ships it for 310.

200 more to us.

3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot Quote
12-28-2016 , 05:56 PM
odds of two people flopping a flush is pretty high. He could be drawing with A, could have a set or even top two.

we're 80 big blinds deep anyway.

call all day
3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot Quote
12-28-2016 , 06:11 PM
I would call here all day every day
3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot Quote
12-28-2016 , 08:29 PM
Board isn't paired and your less then 100BB deep so there isn't really much to think about here. Call. If he flopped a higher flush so be it.
3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot Quote
12-29-2016 , 09:42 AM
"Don't go broke in a limped pot".

I guess there is a reason why this saying got legs.

I think this is a check/fold. I know, I'm probably too tight, but you have no idea what you are up against and you are out of position with a weak flush. If you could show it down cheaply, ok ... but to put a whole bunch of money behind it?

I think it's important to get your money in when you have the best situation. This isn't one of them.

I'm probably in the minority, but I'd punt.
3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot Quote
12-29-2016 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Vespidae
"Don't go broke in a limped pot".

I guess there is a reason why this saying got legs.

I think this is a check/fold. I know, I'm probably too tight, but you have no idea what you are up against and you are out of position with a weak flush. If you could show it down cheaply, ok ... but to put a whole bunch of money behind it?

I think it's important to get your money in when you have the best situation. This isn't one of them.

I'm probably in the minority, but I'd punt.
That saying is meant for one pair type hands.
3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot Quote
12-29-2016 , 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by Vespidae
"Don't go broke in a limped pot".

I guess there is a reason why this saying got legs.

I think this is a check/fold. I know, I'm probably too tight, but you have no idea what you are up against and you are out of position with a weak flush. If you could show it down cheaply, ok ... but to put a whole bunch of money behind it?

I think it's important to get your money in when you have the best situation. This isn't one of them.

I'm probably in the minority, but I'd punt.
Not to sound mean or anything but all of your posts over the past few days in several hands are way off.

You can't play live poker in 2017 by quoting what people said in books 20 years ago, or from an 80 year old coach.

We're not deep enough to fold here. And Bart's saying above is for mediocre hands, not flopped flushes with an 80 big blind starting stack.

If we lost the hand to a higher flush, it was still the right call.
3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot Quote
12-29-2016 , 10:27 AM
Fair enough. No offense taken. My NY's resolution is to reset my game to today's standards and let's say I'm struggling.

Feel free to comment as I said, I'm trying to bridge the gap between the old game and the new.
3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot Quote
12-29-2016 , 03:11 PM
Intresting to hear everyone's opinion.

Let me take you through my logic.

Result of the hand. I folded rather quickly to the re ship.

Against an unknown I would never fold in this spot for 40 more bbs.

Having said that against this opponent who like I said is rather nitty I know that he would never ship worse than a flush. I only beat one flush combo (32dd) and am drawing dead to all other flushes which is why I folded without much thought.

I mucked my hand face down and my friend (villain) in his broken English said "No diamond coming" laughed, and showed me 63dd. I told him nice hand, gave him a fist bump and watched him stack my chips.

Maybe I didn't stress this villains image enough but he's a pretty massive nit when not stuck. Given this was the first orbit and we are rather friendly I just felt it was really optimistic to think my hand was good when he shows this kind of aggression.

Appreciate your thoughts!
3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot Quote
12-29-2016 , 03:55 PM
Two 3d's?
3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot Quote
12-29-2016 , 06:00 PM
Think if he didn't do that acting and ship, I'd call but wouldn't be thrilled. With his sighing and then jam, it's much closer to a fold. And I'm pretty sure not going broke in a limped pot applies to all hands. 54dd is actually not that strong given the action here, despite having good absolute hand strength. Its relative hand strength is not that great.
3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot Quote
12-29-2016 , 06:24 PM

I don`t like your big raise OTF. I would keep the pot smaller and maybe lead/f on all streets.

as played:

I call his flop bet and lead/f turn and lead/f river if the board bricks out.
3/5 Flopped Flush in limped pot Quote
