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/ Live QQ UTG / Live QQ UTG

11-09-2014 , 09:29 AM
Playing 10 handed, pretty straightforward opponents, playing ABC including V.
I'm dealt QQ from UTG which I limp with. A couple of callers then a raise to 20 by UTG+4 followed by 3 or 4 callers.
Not sure about 3bet size vs number of callers to PF raiser.
/ Live QQ UTG Quote
11-09-2014 , 09:36 AM
Stack sizes are very important here.

So there's about $100 in the pot right now and the action is on you? Assuming $300-$500 stacks, I think I raise to $115 and fold to a shove. I'm really not looking to limp/raise an ABC table though. It also doesn't seem that ABC if a $20 raise is getting 4 calls though. Seems fishy to me.
/ Live QQ UTG Quote
11-09-2014 , 09:36 AM
Why are you limping QQ UTG?
/ Live QQ UTG Quote
11-09-2014 , 09:49 AM

Welcome to the forum. There is a lot of good resources on this site so I encourage you to take the time to read through the threads that are sticked at the top. They will serve as a great starting place for you. Esp read the parts about good thread creation.

In order to give ou good advice here we will need good information.
Things that are critical:
Stack sizes.
The actual raise size.
Number of callers.

Without the correct details, any advice that we give you is going to be pretty useless.
Things that would also help:
And description of the villains besides ABC. Any description of you, or what people might think about you. Even something like time of day, relative place in the country.

Having said that, generally you should just raise QQ pre flop regardless of position if there isn't a laggy villain on your left who will be opening wide and flatted by a number of people.
As played here, if $20 is standard opening size for this villain, then we should plan to 3bet to $95 or so. If we have $150 or less to start to start the hand, we should shove pre flop and not just 3bet. If we start the hand with >$150, <$250 or less we should shove every flop with no over cards regardless of board texture.
If we start with >$250 & <$500 we can still typically plan to stack off on boards with no over cards, but should look to slow down on ugly boards. If we start with >$500, then our plan depends on specific reads on specific players and their tedencies, which we don't have, so we can't help you.

Good luck,
/ Live QQ UTG Quote
11-09-2014 , 11:03 AM
Are you over the age of 70? If so then you are supposed to call and then shove all flops that don't have an Ace or King. If under 70, you should have raised pre.
/ Live QQ UTG Quote
11-10-2014 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by Koss
Stack sizes are very important here.

So there's about $100 in the pot right now and the action is on you? Assuming $300-$500 stacks, I think I raise to $115 and fold to a shove. I'm really not looking to limp/raise an ABC table though. It also doesn't seem that ABC if a $20 raise is getting 4 calls though. Seems fishy to me.
Sorry yes, opponents were quite fishy and playing a wide range preflop. There was a bit of PFRing + calls going on but not much 3betting. A couple of players valued their PP and TPNK very highly and would call them down. Effective stacks were approx $450 except for UTG+3 who had $3K. I was sitting with $530. In an earlier hand, I had raised several limpers PF to $35 with AKo which was 3bet to 70 by a very bad player who had a bit less than $250 at which point I shoved and was called 66. I hit the King on flop and took the pot. In the QQ hand, my intention was to limp 3bet in order to reduce number of callers and attract the call happy fish although at this point, I didn't mind taking the decent sized pot down pf.
This was played in Sydney, Australia. This was the only $3/$3 table happening at the time on a Sunday. There were 3 other tables of $1/$2. I played between 10am - 2pm.

Last edited by danhendo888; 11-10-2014 at 01:57 AM.
/ Live QQ UTG Quote
11-10-2014 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by PokerIsTooEasy
Are you over the age of 70? If so then you are supposed to call and then shove all flops that don't have an Ace or King. If under 70, you should have raised pre.
/ Live QQ UTG Quote
11-10-2014 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by PokerIsTooEasy
Are you over the age of 70? If so then you are supposed to call and then shove all flops that don't have an Ace or King. If under 70, you should have raised pre.
Could you elaborate a wee bit? Essentially you're saying PFR > Limp RR, but why? Is it more value to PFR and get callers vs limp in order 3 bet?
/ Live QQ UTG Quote
