2/5 turned straight on monotone flop multiway
Join Date: Dec 2024
Posts: 1
Playing 2/5 with effective stack a little under a thousand
Villain is middle aged and unknown. He seems somewhat competent, not much limping, open raising at what seems a moderate frequency (over only a few orbits, mind), but I don't know anything about his postflop tendencies.
So, villain in EP raises to 15, hero 3-bets to 50 on the button with KTss, rec fish in SB and BB call, Villain calls. The blinds are loose recs, but not so loose I was expecting two calls. KTs is probably a tad below the 3-betting cutoff vs EP, but oh well, I did it
Flop (200): Jd 9d 3d
Checks around.
Turn (200): Qc
SB check, BB check, villain bets 80
Hero...? Raises to 250 ; blinds both fold and Villain thinks a few seconds, then raises to 550.
Hero...? It seems like shove or fold are the only valid options. Including my raise to 250, a shove will be for about 900.
On the one hand, I'm inclined to put villain on a tight range — 99, JJ, (at least some) QQ and AKdd are all in his range, but I have no idea how tight he is vs a 3-bet or what his EP opening range looks like. Does he have suited Adxd? Suited connectors or gappers? Given the two callers before him he's probably at least calling with just about all of his opening range, while what he 4-bets here is also unknown (Only AA/KK? Also QQ/AK? Also some bluffs?)
And since I don't know how he play postflop, I don't know if he's the type to happily stack off with a set on this board, or if he'll fold any non-flush to a shove. All this makes me regret raising the turn, even if just calling lets blinds potentially come along.
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 2,176
It's an interesting spot. Thanks for posting. IMO V should not check a flush on this flop, as the cold callers can still have good hands, but you should not have a lot of flushes and should not be too eager to bet 4 ways with that many hands. There's a flush, obv and JJ and 99 are exactly what people cold call 3!s with. However, many players do just check to the raiser.
When you do flop a flush, I guess you'd bet it 100%. Does V realize this? We don't know. I do prefer a call on the turn. I'm not all that worried about the blinds at this point. Yeah, there are some heart hands they can have, but not that many and our hand is sort of between medium and strong. Vs bet size was significant.
I don't like a jam here. We might as well finish the hand IP. If the board pairs and he jams, we can just save that last bet. Maybe another diamond comes and he has to decide what to do first and we can react. However, I also kind of want to fold. If a middle aged 2/5 player thinks for a few seconds and then clicks it, I think he had the goods the vast majority of the time. A lot of the time, people will just want to stuff it if they have like top set, to avoid scary rivers OOP and worst case scenario they have 10 outs.
OTOH he might know you very rarely have a flush. Or just be spewier than you thought or who knows. That's the case for calling. But if he was that kind of player, would he not be 4 betting QQ and maybe JJ pre with all the dead money, vs a button raise?
He could be calling every suited ace pre and some other suited stuff because both of the cold callers are in the pot and he is getting great odds. I just think it is more likely that he is making this raise size to extract value without scaring you off than that he is aware of the fact that you rarely have a flush and is treating a set like the nuts. Very tough fold imo.
Join Date: Nov 2018
Posts: 820
Welcome to the forum, and nice job on creating a hand history that's easily readable!
Having said that, I think that the turn raise was spewy, and I hate calling that shove when we could easily be drawing dead.
Just call the turn bet and see what the river brings.
Join Date: Nov 2021
Posts: 44
Nice hand.
i don't think V as described is raising you with 2 pair or a set on that coordinated board.
I'd fold, but it's close. Monster versus monster. If you found a fold here, well done.
Join Date: Nov 2024
Posts: 15
This is a really tough spot without more of a read on villain. He can call preflop with 100% of opening range with the 2 blinds calling, giving him 9 nut flush combos and a couple of king high flushes. This assumes he takes betting lead on flop with suited connector diamonds, if he's checking those as well then we have to fold. Sometimes he could be making a play with the stiff ace of diamonds or be overplaying a set, but those hands have 20-24% equity against us and we are drawing dead vs the made flushes so I think I lean towards a fold.
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 451
Middle-aged unknown, clicking back 2.2x a 3! at this SPR is just so often how a mediocre tricky player plays the nuts. Especially when they whiffed on betting flop, and are now trying to make up for lost time. I'd be more inclined to call a 3! shove than this, honestly.
I'm folding most everything in my range to this 3! It's just such a nutted line by bad players. (Probably should fold the K-high flush, but I'd have bet flop with it.)
Which means it should be an awesome bluff opportunity, but how many 2-5 players bluff b-3! here?
Join Date: May 2023
Posts: 3,226
PRE - is whatever.
FLOP - I'd probably c-bet the flop super-small, as the pre-flop 3B'er, just to clean up some equity.
TURN - Why in the flaming f**k are we raising V's 40% pot bet here, when we're either crushed or crushing? Just flat call, FFS.
I'm turbo-mucking to his 3B, AINEC.