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2/5 Turn decision with overpair on low connected board vs. Straddler 2/5 Turn decision with overpair on low connected board vs. Straddler

12-29-2012 , 09:46 PM
2/5 Horseshoe Hammond IN

Villain (~$450) Late 20s African-American male. Straight forward play (tight not hugely aggressive) in session to date. Was stacked once with top 2 vs. draw that got there, rebought to $300 and changed seats to be on left of aggro player (so def has table awareness).

Hero (covers, ~$600) 30s Caucasion male. While usually LAG/monkey, has tight/straight forward image this session as has shown been showing tight PF raising range cards if take down pot PF (or in one case in multi-way pot when a player donked huge on low board got folds around to Hero who showed AK with a "great flop...for you" type comment) and generally playing up the "I play high cards" newbish player image.

A couple points that may or may not factor in hand, depending on how aware Villain is:

1) Pot is stradled 30-50% of time

2) Hero open raised from EP to $20 in non-straddled pot, took down blinds, showed AA (first time of 5-10 EP raises it was folded through). Agro player said "The $20 raise scared me more than the $35 you've been doing" implying bet sizing tell pre-flop. Hero has not varied from $20 + $5/limper in non-straddled and $35+$10/limper in straddled strategy entire session

3) Hero has won 2 pots (probably only 2 of session) with 3-barrels on A-high board, both times getting (different) 50ish mediocre regs off hands (both times with small suited connectors, but obv never shown down). Don't think Hero has fired 2 barrels and not fired third entire session.

OK, on to hand.

Villain straddles. Hero (MP) opens to $35 with 99. Fold to Villain who calls to close.

Flop (~$75) 533
Villain checks. Hero bets $50. Villain calls.

Turn (~$175) 6
Villain checks. Hero ?

I'd love thoughts between checking behind (with intention to call any river, though would love to hear if anyone advocates folding board double pairing or flush getting there) or betting (and, if so, with intention to bet/fold or bet/stack off).

FWIW, with no flush draw out there, I think this is an easy check behind/call river as I think Villain's range is more heavily weighted to made hands that I'm either way behind or way ahead of and not overly worried about a free card (though obv I'd prefer, say, an 8 on the turn and a J on the river), and my plan is to generally try to get 2 streets of value in situations like this (as Villain can value-own himself with a worse made hand and if he checks I can bet for value). However, with the flush draw out there I think it makes it a closer call and an interesting strategic decision.

Thanks for any input!
2/5 Turn decision with overpair on low connected board vs. Straddler Quote
12-29-2012 , 11:05 PM
First I think pfr's are a little big. Ott I'd check. For pot control and bc u stand a rr. Reevaluate r
2/5 Turn decision with overpair on low connected board vs. Straddler Quote
12-29-2012 , 11:37 PM
Is villian a straddle defender? If so, I think we need to check the turn, as a 3 is certainly in his range. However, I prefer betting the turn here and checking river for pot control. The reason being is that there are many hands that are calling a bet OTT, but maybe not OTR (A5, A4, A high, spades, 67, 65, 54, etc.)

Any Q, K, A can kill our hand on the river, along with spade or board pairing (both by beating us or allowing villian to fold). I prefer to charge on the turn, with the intention of b/fing if raised.
2/5 Turn decision with overpair on low connected board vs. Straddler Quote
12-30-2012 , 01:09 AM
I actually like cbetting smaller like 35-40 on the flop as i am cbetting this flop 99% of the time with most of my opening im expecting to be called here with all his pp hands and maybe ax. I bet smaller to hope i can get 3 streets of value here... while chcking river sometimes but not always.

The turn is a clear bet...fold to raise obv....btw if i check and its chckd back i bet river. If i chck and he bets i c/c and evaluate river... of which i like betting turn the best bc it helps us play more straightforward while extractibg value

Last edited by rizasutton; 12-30-2012 at 01:21 AM.
2/5 Turn decision with overpair on low connected board vs. Straddler Quote
12-30-2012 , 01:44 AM
This is a very clear bet.
2/5 Turn decision with overpair on low connected board vs. Straddler Quote
12-30-2012 , 02:00 AM
definitely continue to bet. the turn brings a lot of hands that picked up added equity that we can continue to get value from.
2/5 Turn decision with overpair on low connected board vs. Straddler Quote
12-30-2012 , 02:03 AM
V doesn't seem like the type to c/c flopped trips, so it's likely we're ahead. Bet turn, or he'll barrel any scare card (A, spade). Charge him to draw.
2/5 Turn decision with overpair on low connected board vs. Straddler Quote
12-30-2012 , 02:05 AM
Originally Posted by rizasutton
The turn is a clear bet...fold to raise obv....btw if i check and its chckd back i bet river. If i chck and he bets i c/c and evaluate river... of which i like betting turn the best bc it helps us play more straightforward while extractibg value
OP is last to act
2/5 Turn decision with overpair on low connected board vs. Straddler Quote
12-30-2012 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by fogodchao
OP is last to act
Woops lol ...
2/5 Turn decision with overpair on low connected board vs. Straddler Quote
12-31-2012 , 11:52 AM
Thanks for the replies. I bet $100, as I put a lot of draws in his range and while the 6 helped give some draws more outs it didn't make any possible hand except the very rare66/74ss (and I don't fear the monsters in the closet like this). Villain thought for a minute (during which time I was fairly indifferent between a call and a fold) and then shipped (~$300 more). I folded fairly quickly.

As I say in OP, my standard line here is to bet flop, check turn and call or bet river to get 2 streets of value from a hand like this, but with the FD and the turn 6 I felt like it was a better idea to try to charge draws. It didn't work out but it seems like most think it wasn't a horrible play.
2/5 Turn decision with overpair on low connected board vs. Straddler Quote
