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2/5 Tough spot Hero call or Hero Fold? 2/5 Tough spot Hero call or Hero Fold?

01-09-2011 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
I glance up and villain is staring at me. I shuffle some chips look up he still staring. When I glanced up the second time his eyes seem weak.
I'm locking this train wreck of a thread.

OP, one reason this is a train wreck is that you neglect to put in your OP that the villain is staring you down after he shoves, which is a classic "strong=weak" tell and changes the hand considerably. However, it is the total basis of your call of the raise on the river.

You're describing a Post Oak Bluff, which is a level 3 or level 4 move. You're playing off the fact that your opponent is thinking enough about your hand to think that you wouldn't bet this unless you have the nuts. HOC points out that these bets rarely work if the board is so strong that few hands that got there will fold.
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