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2/5 top 2 facing river shove 2/5 top 2 facing river shove

07-06-2012 , 03:02 PM
V1 tight Asian reg Btn. Effective stack 1000
Hero TAG co with QJ. Covers villain.

Folds to hero. Hero raises to 20, V1 calls.

Flop $50 QJ9 2 clubs.
Hero bets 40, v1 calls.

Turn $130 9
hero bets 105, v1 calls.

River $340 3
Hero bets $250, v1 goes all in for 585 more. Hero?
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
07-06-2012 , 03:10 PM
K10 probably doesn't flat flop/turn. Probably A9/K9/T9, maybe Q9/J9, but not QQ/JJ cuz no pre 3b. Without the "tight" description, maybe he's over-repping AJ or AQ, and possibly making a move with AK, but probably not since he's tight.
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
07-06-2012 , 03:16 PM
Comfortable fold imo.
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
07-06-2012 , 03:19 PM
He can defiantly have T9, nothing else really makes sense flat calling pre and flop....

I call, but what do I know...
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
07-06-2012 , 03:39 PM
Op how does villian view you? Have you been opening a lot of pots from lp? Does he have any reason to make a play here? This flop is about as wet as it gets.
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
07-06-2012 , 03:45 PM
I absolutely hate this river bet too. after he calls cbet and turn barrell on that board we should be trying to ge to showdown as cheap as possible. On river better hands never fold and worse never call. Actually I hate tje turn barrell as well. Suck we are oop but we have to keep this pot small
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
07-06-2012 , 03:53 PM
fold seems relatively easy at this point...i like the b/f vs stationy types but not if he's too nitty to pay you off with worse. if that's the case you're just giving him the chance to blow you off the hand. depends on your player read.
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
07-06-2012 , 05:56 PM
I waited to tell this as not to slew answers but it's def relevant. I tanked for a min and then said did I really flop the nuts ? He then says I know u have 2 pair and I showed my QJ hoping for some kind if read. He then shows a queen. Now I know there's no str8 but here are the options.

I don't know if he would flat me pre with queens to trap or if he's loose enuf to flat with just Q9. Because I don't know the only other hand is QJ and I also Dont know if he would really jam with it on the river.
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
07-06-2012 , 06:48 PM
How well does he know u? Do u barrell with the initiative like this often? If u do and he is any good he certainly could flat pre to trap
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
07-06-2012 , 07:02 PM
He has a full house or quads an outstanding percentage of the time. You beat a stone cold bluff. I would fold without some sort of spectacular read. I would also bet less on the river unless you had a good reason to size it like that. I mean in a dream world hes going to call you with Qx and trust me its a lot easier for them to call 150 here than 250. Also makes it easier for you to fold when he raises!
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
07-06-2012 , 07:06 PM
Your main problem was betting so huge on the turn leaving you in a tough spot oop on the river against what seems like a fairly solid opponent.
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
07-06-2012 , 10:30 PM
B/f much less OTT. Flop sizing is good. River is a check/decide IMO. If we bet less OTT, we can probably go for a smallish valuebet/fold OTR too because his calling range will be wider than it is as played.
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
07-06-2012 , 11:19 PM
What are you hoping to get value with on the river? AQ is the only hand I could see calling a value bet on the river, maybe KQ? And what were the suits of the QJ9 flop?

I would bet less on the river, about 1/2 psb to get AQ and KQ to call, or even consider checking and inducing any sort of missed draws he might've had to bet.

Once he shoves I fold. Don't think he's sick enough to turn his KQ/AQ/QT into a bluff.

This was at FW right?
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
07-07-2012 , 06:14 AM
I would bet smaller ott and otr. Now it seems you get the odds to call otr but I doubt he is bluffing.
2/5 top 2 facing river shove Quote
