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2/5  River options after flopping a boat 2/5  River options after flopping a boat

02-15-2023 , 12:21 AM
2/5 1300 eff

Loose passive fish game

V (ep): Very nice and classy middle aged middle Eastern man. He fluctuates between loose passive and tight passive however is a decent hand reader but also stationy. Earlier this session he limp called a 50 dollar raise pre with J8s and called a 2/3 river bet in 3way pot on AKJTK after flop and turn checked through. He makes snap decisions so he is also somewhat impulsive. I have not observed many cases of V going for a big bluff in about 30 hours of playtime.

Hero image is aggressive and battle ready with big bets usually on late streets with a healthy balance of value/bluffs for these stakes (likely underbluffing in a GTO vacuum). Was caught bluffing on earlier hand with 55, was last to act.


7 way limped pot, I check my option with T7


H x, V bets 20, lp passive fish calls, H calls


H x, V bets 125, lp folds, H makes it 350, V calls quickly


Should we x, bet third, bet 2/3, or jam?
Feedback appreciated for all decision points.
2/5  River options after flopping a boat Quote
02-15-2023 , 03:19 AM
I like 2/3 or a jam. If he’s a little stationy and impulsive I would x or 1/3.
2/5  River options after flopping a boat Quote
02-15-2023 , 03:55 AM
I'd just raise flop, on a board like KK3r, where having K3 just locks the board down I'd be ok with slowplaying, although I'd even raise that and try to cooler someone. Here there are million draws that are not folding to a x/r. The pot is very small so you have to start building it. AP I'm shipping. 30 hours is not a whole lot, but if you thought he isn't bluffy then you have to get it in yourself.
2/5  River options after flopping a boat Quote
02-15-2023 , 05:47 AM
we've established V is a bit of a station so his range is going to be a lot wider on these runnouts than you think. I know most people love to espouse fat value vs stations but remember the bulk of their range is usually incredibly weak. IMO fish are usually chasing and unless they hit they arent really paying off on rivers. Personally I elect to bet 200 here to guarantee he 'pays to see' with Tx. There's even some probability he ships a straight.
2/5  River options after flopping a boat Quote
02-17-2023 , 03:36 AM
The J8 hand history makes me want to make a chunky bet. He still can have hard hands to fold like straights and trips. I’d bet 750. Maybe he heroes us with TJ or J9? Maybe AT doesn’t believe?
2/5  River options after flopping a boat Quote
02-17-2023 , 04:48 PM
Raising flop is indeed guaranteeing a big pot but I didn’t want either of them to fold hands that are drawing dead. I should prolly target a stronger part of their range however because my hand wants to play a big pot.
2/5  River options after flopping a boat Quote
