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2/5 pot size 2/5 pot size

02-26-2015 , 02:20 PM
I am attempting to do an analysis for two different rake structures. I do not have significant data at 2/5 and assuming that the results will be different than my 1/2 data.

Does anyone have an estimate of the average size of a 2/5 NLHE pot?

I know this will not be perfect for what I am trying to do as huge 2k pots will skew the results and after the max rake is taken it does not matter how much bigger the pot is. But it will still help

Also if anyone has an actual sample of pot sizes that would be great
02-26-2015 , 03:53 PM
Dude, what in the world are you asking for?! Each 2/5 pot will be different at different make-ups of tables based on stack sizes, aggroness/passiveness, time, part of country, etc... too many varying factors.... Whatever the 1/2 avg you came up with x 2.25 might be close to what you're expecting as an answer on here....
02-26-2015 , 07:28 PM
Unanswerable, I'm afraid, for reasons mentioned above. Play/railbird the game you want to evaluate and just take notes on pot sizes. Note that 2.5x a 1/2 hand doesn't work, as opening sizes in 1/2 are huge in BBs (often 10x), and more like 3-5x in most 2/5 games.
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