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2/5: Overpair 7 handed to the flop 2/5: Overpair 7 handed to the flop

03-11-2015 , 01:18 AM
Villain is a young black recreational player. He is really bad. Hero has been at his table for 3.5 hours, here are some hands hero has witnessed villain play.

In one hand villain check called flop, check check turn, then bluffed 120 into 180 on river with missed nut flush draw.

Another hand villian straddles, button raises to 35, SB calls, villain calls. flop TT9hh, button c-bet 55, SB calls, villain c/r to 175. Turn Qh check check. river 2x villain bets 200 and gets snap called, villain shows j9o, button has 87hh

Biggest hand so far was against hero. Hero (700) opens to 25 utg with QQ, villain (750 calls), cutoff calls. flop 532dxx, hero bets 45, villain calls, cutoff folds. turn Jd, hero bets 85, villain raises to 185, hero ships it for 625 total, villain tank calls. river 5x, hero shows QQ and villain mucks.

Villain does not really seem to know what he is doing, it's pretty hard to get reads on him, he is seeing a lot of flops but usually calling raises, not opening. His stack has fluctuated from 300-->1k-->400 in the hand in the question

Here is the hand:

Utg (1500) opens to 25, utg +1 calls, hero (1500) calls utg+2, villain (400) calls to hero's immediate left, next player calls as well, both blinds call, 7 way to the flop! Obviously I am usually just set mining here.

Flop 553dd, first 4 players check, hero checks, villain checks, last player (loose, spewy) bets 65, folded all the way to hero, hero calls, even though he is totally lost with no plan for turn or river except to re-eval. Villain snap shoves for 375 total. Initial bettor folds.

300ish more to win 600ish

No f*cking clue whether I should be calling here.


Thanks in advance.
2/5: Overpair 7 handed to the flop Quote
03-11-2015 , 02:16 AM
hat is your hand? TT, 99 probably call. maybe fold worse. hes been spewy but it seems hes spewy with one pair type hands. hes been passive with draws
2/5: Overpair 7 handed to the flop Quote
03-11-2015 , 03:08 AM
V can have 5x, but he can also have everything from 3x to 24, 46 to smaller overpairs to flush draws with overs. don't assume he'll be passive with draws in this spot, or that he's so clueless that he can't see fold equity against non 5x hands in this particular spot.

for me it's a snap.
2/5: Overpair 7 handed to the flop Quote
03-11-2015 , 09:38 AM
For some reason I cannot remember how to edit a post.
I had 99 in this hand and forgot to mention that.

* Edit: Nevermind, I see now it's just too old to edit, whereas this one I was still able to.

Last edited by doylefreud; 03-11-2015 at 10:02 AM.
2/5: Overpair 7 handed to the flop Quote
