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/ NL: Turn Semi-Bluff Shove / NL: Turn Semi-Bluff Shove

03-18-2014 , 04:05 PM
Sorry for incomplete info but this is what I have.

Flop: Kd 5d 7c
Turn: 3h
Hero on the button holds: 4d3d

V raised preflop in EP, hero OTB and V2 in MP call. V bets flop, V2 and hero call. OTT villain bets, V2 folds and action is on Hero. Villain's range is AK-KJ and big pairs.

If Hero shoves here, is this a good shove? I stoved it and hero has 39% equity. So whether this is a good shove depends on the amount of fold equity, right? In terms of made hands as I see it, hero only credibly reps 64s.

1) How often does villain have to fold to make this +EV shove?
2) What factors does FE depend on here? Can villain fold TP and big pairs? Amount of our bet in relation to pot? What are we repping here? Our image? What else?
3) Under what conditions would *you* shove here?
/ NL: Turn Semi-Bluff Shove Quote
03-18-2014 , 04:37 PM
We can't help you without numbers.

Stack sizes, bet sizes, etc.
/ NL: Turn Semi-Bluff Shove Quote
03-18-2014 , 04:39 PM
Sounds like you are very familiar with your 2p2 location.
/ NL: Turn Semi-Bluff Shove Quote
03-18-2014 , 04:48 PM
I mean, if we're shoving $50 into $400, we don't need any fold equity...

Again, numbers are essential here. Otherwise, the answers will be way too vague.
/ NL: Turn Semi-Bluff Shove Quote
03-21-2014 , 03:02 AM
Preflop raise $25. Pot preflop ~$80
V bets $50 OTF, 2 calls Pot $230
V bets $120 OTT, Pot $350
V has Hero covered. Hero has $X left and the shove would be $X into $350.

I know what X was but I'd like to know under which kind of X you would consider the shove good and under which bad?
/ NL: Turn Semi-Bluff Shove Quote
