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2/5 NL game 2/5 NL game

08-02-2019 , 02:29 AM
2/5 NL
Effective stacks 600 bb

Hero opens utg to 15 with 10c10s. Utg + 1 flats
and utg+2(TAG) 3 bets to 60. The rest of the folded and I flat and utg + 1 flats as well.

Flop 7d8hjd.

Check round to preflop aggressor n he bets 120 into the pot.

What should hero do? Check raise since I block the straight or just flat call or fold at this spot.
2/5 NL game Quote
08-02-2019 , 03:24 AM
We called pre to setmine against a TAG 3bet and flop is 3 ways, just c/f esp without Td. We are so deep that anything else would be spew. Board smashes utg+1 range
2/5 NL game Quote
08-02-2019 , 07:01 AM
Without reads and in a vacuum, all I can say is call sometimes told sometimes. This board isn't the best but a T it 9 on the turn we have to think we have the nuts.

Easy money
2/5 NL game Quote
08-02-2019 , 07:24 AM
Fold mostly although Player dependant spot.

fold flop vs unknown villain.

2nd option which could be used very very cautiously- float flop with intention of x/r certain turn cards that dont bring changes to texture (i.e FD's paired boards etc)(bricks essentially).

two things have to be the case - could villain believe that 109 is even in your utg opening range? Could villain realistically fold to large reraise/jam with an overpair on turn? risky.

Its certainly an option to add a little more excitement to your night at least!
2/5 NL game Quote
08-02-2019 , 08:13 AM
I'm folding here. Even if you hit your straight, it's unlikely you get paid off, and we don't even know if hitting a set is good anymore.
2/5 NL game Quote
08-02-2019 , 07:49 PM
The answer to these questions are usually answered by determining what his range is. Have you've seen the TAG 3bet before? If so, what kinds of ranges has he 3bet pre with?

He cbet 120 into 200 in a 3way pot. If you've never seen him 3bet I would give him credit for an over pair and fold. Sometimes we do fold the best hand but I'm not about to start calling him down hoping and praying he has AK or a draw.

Originally Posted by bagio07

What should hero do? Check raise since I block the straight or just flat call or fold at this spot.
I wouldn't c/r a med pair when you're 600 BB's deep since it's just over playing a medium strength hand. You're already in a bloated 3bet pot with a med PP. Also I wouldn't worry about blocking the straight. 9Ts could be part of his 3betting range but it's only like a tiny part of it. I'm much more worried about JJ+ than 9T, especially without any reads.
2/5 NL game Quote
08-02-2019 , 08:23 PM
Gotta lay it down absent any reads.

For example: Was the V acting all loosey goosey and eating a sandwich?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
2/5 NL game Quote
08-02-2019 , 09:06 PM
Been at the table for a while and saw 2 Ak showdowns from the villain in the Sb n Bb where he just flatted pre to the initial raiser even though there were a few limpers from early position. So I am putting him on qq, kk or aa when he 3 bet me.

My thoughts on c/r him on the flop was to turn my hand into a bluff (since I block the straight) and to represent flopping a set or 77 88 or Jj and to get it in on the turn if a ace k or q or diamond does not come on the turn. Am pretty sure he has a over pair with a diamond in his hand.

As I am not very sure if he would fold , I decided to give up on the flop as to what most of u suggested. Would like to thank u guys for sharing ur thoughts.
2/5 NL game Quote
08-02-2019 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by bagio07
Been at the table for a while and saw 2 Ak showdowns from the villain in the Sb n Bb where he just flatted pre to the initial raiser even though there were a few limpers from early position. So I am putting him on qq, kk or aa when he 3 bet me.
This makes the flop fold a lot easier. He flated AK so if you discount it from his range he has a min. QQ imo.

Sent from my SM-G965U using 2+2 Forums
2/5 NL game Quote
08-03-2019 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by bagio07
Been at the table for a while and saw 2 Ak showdowns from the villain in the Sb n Bb where he just flatted pre to the initial raiser even though there were a few limpers from early position. So I am putting him on qq, kk or aa when he 3 bet me.

My thoughts on c/r him on the flop was to turn my hand into a bluff (since I block the straight) and to represent flopping a set or 77 88 or Jj and to get it in on the turn if a ace k or q or diamond does not come on the turn. Am pretty sure he has a over pair with a diamond in his hand.

As I am not very sure if he would fold , I decided to give up on the flop as to what most of u suggested. Would like to thank u guys for sharing ur thoughts.
So you are $600 eff or 600bb eff.....? Not sure how you can GII ott over 2 streets if $3k deep. If you’re $600 eff which it seems like pre is most likely a losing call for numerous reasons
2/5 NL game Quote
