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2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? 2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff?

05-06-2014 , 10:33 AM
2/5. hero has 550, everyone covers

hero is new to 2/5 and has played pretty tight in 20 min. at table

V1 seems just a bit on the looser side preflop and flop, but foldy towards the river (haven't seen any showdowns yet though)

V2 is the loosest, most aggressive player at table, but not way out of line


preflop: V1 opens to 20 in EP/MP, MP caller, V2 calls in CO, hero calls on BTN with JcTh, blinds fold

flop ($85, 4 players): 8d7d2h. V1 bets 30, MP folds, CO calls, hero calls

turn ($175, 3 players): 3h. V1 checks, V2 checks, hero checks

river ($175, 3 players): 8c. V1 checks, V2 checks, hero bets 170

comments on all streets appreciated. too loose preflop? too loose flop? bet turn? give up river? bluff bigger?
2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
05-06-2014 , 10:38 AM
Pre is speculative, probably a fold though. You've only been at the table for 20 minutes so your reads don't hold much value so floating this flop seems ambitious but I don't hate it. When V checks the turn that's when you have to bet. The line you took makes no sense and V can call you very light.
2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
05-06-2014 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by beauvanlaanen
The line you took makes no sense and V can call you very light.
i have a question about this. i bluff big a lot on rivers like this when villains say they have a hand they're not proud of (like checking through two consecutive streets) with a success rate far beyond what i need to be profitable.

whenever i post these hands, i frequently get this response... that im not representing anything. i fully understand that my line doesn't make sense, but what ive found is that doesn't matter in most cases b/c either a) most likely, the villain has zero clue as to what im repping, or b) even if they do, they still fold.

am i going to start to run into villains that are thinking about my range and acting on it frequently at 2/5? or will that not happen til 5/10?
2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
05-06-2014 , 10:45 AM
Nope.. You never ck an 8 here on the turn so unfort u gonna get snapped off a ton

You need to start thinking about constructing lines tht make sense on all streets bc it is going to save u as you play bigger
2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
05-06-2014 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by beauvanlaanen
. When V checks the turn that's when you have to bet.
how much do you bet into 175 pot with 2 other opponents? are we value-betting J and T rivers? are we barreling on misses?
2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
05-06-2014 , 10:55 AM

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2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
05-06-2014 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Oddhalo
Nope.. You never ck an 8 here on the turn so unfort u gonna get snapped off a ton

You need to start thinking about constructing lines tht make sense on all streets bc it is going to save u as you play bigger
good point. i agree. haven't put much thought into constructing lines that make sense because haven't needed to yet. will have to soon, im sure. wonder if 2/5 this is significantly more important that 1/2.
2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
05-06-2014 , 11:25 AM
Calling pre-flop is pretty marginal but I'm ok with it. This might actually be a nice spot for a squeeze since you have a tight image, position when called, block JJ and TT, and this hand is otherwise a top of your fold range / bottom of your call range type hand.

As long as your immediate fold equity is somewhat similar, something like $90 seems a lot better than $120 here since it will allow you to c-bet missed flops without becoming completely committed.

As played, V1's flop sizing is annoying but I think the presence of two diamonds on the board and the lack of any in your hand swings it from a call to a fold. It really sucks the times we hit the turn, put more money in, but still lose to a flush by the river.

As played, I don't like your river sizing at all. What hands does $170 fold out that $120 does not?
2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
05-06-2014 , 11:30 AM
you rep nothing other than maybe a busted flush draw on river. preflop is a loose call imo.

pre= fold > 3! > call

flop is ok i guess. i hate it when im calling to hit a pair

turn is fine, just check river
2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
05-06-2014 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Troyble
As played, I don't like your river sizing at all. What hands does $170 fold out that $120 does not?
The PSB on the river seems more bluffy to me than 120
2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
05-06-2014 , 12:57 PM
To the people advocating this poor guy to take a hand tht plays decently multiway with position and 3 bet it..


Whats going to call that has less than 50% equity... Why turn it into a bluff?
2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
05-06-2014 , 01:47 PM
What are you hoping happens after you overcall the flop? Even if you hit a j or 10 you could be dominated, or could be making someone else's flush. Are you just hoping everyone misses so you can bluff? It'd be a much more understandable float without a caller in front of you.
2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:31 PM
LOL seriously man? I'd prob call you with a deuce for blasting the pot.. Any type of value hand WOULD NOT bet 170 into 175.. None of the draws got there and you blast the pot, expecting a fold from villains who just cant call with anything other than an 8.... I would snap call you faster than my sperm cells leave my penis while in a warm flesh pool.

Also, save yourself some money next time by betting something like $110-$120.. So if you do get looked up by me with a pair of deuces, you will save $50 on your winrate rebate.
2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
05-06-2014 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Oddhalo
Whats going to call that has less than 50% equity?
Not one single hand lol. But why does that matter? The EV comes primarily from:

-Winning the pot pre-flop
-Winning the pot when called in 1 spot and we both miss the flop
-Winning the pot when we outflop a hand that was previously ahead of us

Originally Posted by Oddhalo
Why turn it into a bluff?
Because I don't think JTo plays nearly as well going 4-6 ways to the flop in a raised pot as you seem to think it does, even in position.
2/5... loose preflop/flop calls.. big river bluff? Quote
