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2/5 Live:  deep 3-way pot with NFD+gutshot 2/5 Live:  deep 3-way pot with NFD+gutshot

12-29-2008 , 06:37 PM
Relavent players: Hero has 2k, Villian 1 has 1800. He's a young Asian kid who plays lots of pots and is not at all shy about putting lots of chips in. He seems decent but not great. Villian 2 is a passive older guy who's been pretty conservative/straightforward so far. He has 600.

Preflop: UTG makes it 20, V1 calls, 2 more calls, v2 calls, Hero calls with A3 on button.

Flop: T54 ($120)
Everyone checks to me, I bet $80, UTG folds, V1 instacalls, others fold, V2 thinks for a bit and eventually makes what looks like a reluctant call.

My read at this point is that V1 has some type of draw and V2 has something like T9 - he's not in love with it but thinks it might be good.

Turn: T547 ($360)
Checks around to me. Now what? If V1 is on diamonds I'd like to keep him around obv since we're deep but I'd also like to push V2 off his weak Ten or whatever, assuming my read is correct.
2/5 Live:  deep 3-way pot with NFD+gutshot Quote
12-31-2008 , 03:00 PM
You realize this is a double gutshot, no? A 6 or a 2 makes your straight. Additionally an A may make your hand good here; maybe not, but it's something to think about.

I would make a pot sized bet for value without a second thought and I wouldn't even care who calls. You have an absurdly strong hand and well disguised one. I would be calling pretty much any raise here if you're check raised and though I wouldn't be happy about a CRAI I wouldn't cry about it either.

The real question is if the river blanks do you fire again? If you're called by either seat, I say no. If they made the call on the turn I'd doubt they'd fold a non-scary river (unless perhaps it's an overcard). Even more interesting would be an A on the river -- can you bet for value? I don't know, from your reads you seem to say yes - but I couldn't say for certain.

Either way, there's no reason to be scared to bet here. You can throw money with wild abandon at this pot with your hand.
2/5 Live:  deep 3-way pot with NFD+gutshot Quote
01-04-2009 , 01:28 AM
Against two opponents I would check behind here. Do you really want to get check-raised off such a premium draw by one of them, considering you'll have position on the river? No need to bloat the pot or bring the possibility of having to fire a third bullet and losing a huge pot.
2/5 Live:  deep 3-way pot with NFD+gutshot Quote
01-05-2009 , 03:50 AM
Make it ~275 on turn to "protect" your hand from marginal pairs

You lose a lot of fold equity by checking this turn, they are much more likely to fold their 10xXx on the turn than a blank river.

Also its very unlikely you will be c/r on the turn since i doubt either of them (esp V1) slow played on this type of flop.(If V1 were to c/r you on the turn its very likely his range is mostly draws which you dominate hard)
2/5 Live:  deep 3-way pot with NFD+gutshot Quote
01-05-2009 , 04:48 AM
Originally Posted by Tom1975
Relavent players: Hero has 2k, Villian 1 has 1800. He's a young Asian kid who plays lots of pots and is not at all shy about putting lots of chips in. He seems decent but not great. Villian 2 is a passive older guy who's been pretty conservative/straightforward so far. He has 600.

Preflop: UTG makes it 20, V1 calls, 2 more calls, v2 calls, Hero calls with A3 on button.

Flop: T54 ($120)
Everyone checks to me, I bet $80, UTG folds, V1 instacalls, others fold, V2 thinks for a bit and eventually makes what looks like a reluctant call.

My read at this point is that V1 has some type of draw and V2 has something like T9 - he's not in love with it but thinks it might be good.

Turn: T547 ($360)
Checks around to me. Now what? If V1 is on diamonds I'd like to keep him around obv since we're deep but I'd also like to push V2 off his weak Ten or whatever, assuming my read is correct.
check the flop, youre never picking up this pot and your begging for a cr which you may or may not like. (more likely not)
2/5 Live:  deep 3-way pot with NFD+gutshot Quote
01-07-2009 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by Destination
Make it ~275 on turn to "protect" your hand from marginal pairs

You lose a lot of fold equity by checking this turn, they are much more likely to fold their 10xXx on the turn than a blank river.

Also its very unlikely you will be c/r on the turn since i doubt either of them (esp V1) slow played on this type of flop.(If V1 were to c/r you on the turn its very likely his range is mostly draws which you dominate hard)
this. if you check behind here and brick the river then give the hand up
2/5 Live:  deep 3-way pot with NFD+gutshot Quote
