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2/5 Line Check JJ OOP 2/5 Line Check JJ OOP

03-15-2015 , 03:33 AM
Hero ($850) - Been at the table maybe an hour. Playing pretty TAG, but I think the table is starting to think I'm a LAG due to the fact I'm a 20 y/o kid with a hoodie and within the past orbit I've raised probably 3-5 times (I had good hands every time (9's+ AJs+) The only hand I made it to showdown with was a hand after about an orbit after i sat, I called a raise with 34 OTB, flopped trip 4's on a 447 board, raised flop bet, then turn was an 8 and someone open shipped ~250 into me. I called and he had 67.

Villain (Covers) - An older muslim/hindu/indian gentleman, seems to have an idea what hes doing, seen him involved in a few pots, not too many. One limped pot I remember him checking flop from SB, then overbet leading the turn. Dunno why that hand stuck in my head.

The hand:
Hero is UTG+1 with JJ and raises to 25. 2 callers and Villain raises to 85 from the CO. Hero calls, others fold.
Were OOP with a good hand, but a hand that can be easily dominated in this position. Are we deep enough to 4bet to $200 / Fold? Or should we just be set minning / Hoping for a small flop. I'd say his range is JJ+, AQs+ AKos

Flop $220

Q 10 5 Rainbow
Hero checks, Villain bets $120, Hero calls
Thoughts on check here Vs Donk?
My plan is to evaluate turn if it brings a helping card (9/k/j) and possibly call another bet. Otherwise, if he bets turn, plan is to fold. Sound good?

Turn $460
Q 10 5 - K Rainbow
Hero checks, Villain Checks

River $460

Q 10 5 - K - 7
Hero checks, Villain tanks and looks like he wants to bet, then checks.

Thoughts on all streets appreciated.
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-15-2015 , 04:04 AM
Looks fine.

Depending on bet size, would you consider c/shoving turn as a bluff / semi-bluff?

Would you consider leading river large as a bluff?
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-15-2015 , 04:49 AM
Looks fine, do you ever bluff the turn if villain bets? In general it's better to do the betting than doing the calling. As it fell, I'm not sure how I'd like a flat call of ~$250-300 on the turn
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-15-2015 , 05:03 AM
Yeah, good point, we have a lot of options open to us.

But with our JJ on this turn, I don't think we can check/call because I don't think we are ever ahead when he bets, I don't think we're gonna have all that much equity, and when we do bink, I don't think we win many more chips because a straight is obvious.

I don't think we can treat the 2 J's as outs (it gives villain a straight too often). 9 and A are outs, but I think we have to discount 4 A's to 3 because villain's range is so rich with AQ, AK. And I don't we win too many more chips on average when we hit.

OP, when V checks turn, I just think he never has QQ, KK, AK. That leaves him with AA, AQ and the other copy of JJ. And so I wonder if leading river big as a bluff is good against those hands.

Check/shoving the turn might be too ambitious. He probably doesn't fold AK, AA enough, and when we're called, we only have around 15% equity vs. those hands. Turn might be a check/fold.
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-15-2015 , 10:02 AM
Shove the river.

I don't think check raising the turn has much fold equity a lot of the time. He'll commit himself with a significant bet, plus he could easily have a set.

Preflop and the flop are pretty marginal and possibly losing if you are planning to win at showdown.
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-15-2015 , 10:05 AM
You're often losing pre flop.
And you are OOP.
And you've given me no reason to think that V might be squeezing light.

I'd prolly just fold.
But then again, maybe I'm feeling nitty this morning.
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-16-2015 , 11:03 AM
I like as played on flop and turn. I'm definitely folding a turn bet here given range V likely has.

I'm betting river here as check on turn seems weak to me. Does he put you on AJo here? I could see that in his range playing oop.
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-16-2015 , 01:02 PM
I'm ok with calling pre given our equity. Need to be careful post if unders fall and he continues through the turn.

I'd fold flop since there are more combos in his range ahead than behind.

Turn - ok.

River - since his check of the K turn appears weak, I'd fire $350 if he is not stationy. May get AQ to fold.
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-16-2015 , 01:39 PM
Pre is OK, pretty thin set mining spot. Folding is a solid option given V's range.

V's smallish bet $120 into a pot of$220 is interesting, if we had position I may stick around but being OOP I hate calling.

What in V's range do we beat besides AK now? V's range may be a little wider but we don't beat much.
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-16-2015 , 01:47 PM
The hand looks fine to me...don't like a 4 bet pre as you haven't seen V do much 3 betting and you're OOP. River play all depends on what you believe Villain's perception is of you and how light he tends to call off....

If viewed as TAG then firing @$350 on river.
If viewed as bluffy LAG then just checking down.
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-16-2015 , 01:49 PM
Looks fine, I might of bet turn. Vs love to put people on AK.
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-16-2015 , 01:59 PM
I think it's played well.

V probably has AA and is scared of AJ, QQ or KK on turn Let's hope he has 99.
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-19-2015 , 01:30 PM
River was check check and V showed up with AK
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-19-2015 , 01:41 PM
Too much in pot. Once villain checks behind in turn, i m betting 250-300 on river. Looks like AKs, AQs, AA. He is putting us on set of QQ or KK.
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-19-2015 , 01:42 PM
Too bad didnt see the spoiler
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-19-2015 , 01:43 PM
for a generally tight older guy who is not involved in a lot of pots, I would probably fold preflop OOP.

as played I don't like calling the flop if we're planning on folding a non Jack turn and I don't see any reason we can feel good about calling him down.

I would bet/fold the river after he checked back the flop.

Originally Posted by Pug Walker
River was check check and V showed up with AK
sounds about right. AK is the very bottom of his range and it looks like he was afraid of QQ's
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
03-19-2015 , 02:28 PM
if you range him at {JJ+, AK, AQs}, you can only call this to set mine. you're a massive dog and you're only getting ~14:1. once we miss and he bets flop, it's time to fold...
2/5 Line Check JJ OOP Quote
