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2/5 @ Harrahs AC 2/5 @ Harrahs AC

02-08-2016 , 12:02 PM
2/5 @ Harrahs AC

Hero (620): 2 orbits in. Re-raised twice pre-flop and took it down. No showdowns/no flops seen yet. A few regulars recognize me, don't play as much there anymore but they most likely view me as unafraid/aggressive but value-heavy overall.

V1 (600): ABC tight. Not capable of many bluffs/thin value.

V2 (1000): Def whale for this table. Has tons of money but don't really know much about his game. Only hand I saw him showdown was a call w/ KQ on a QJ95A after pre-flop raiser checked flop, bet bet turn and river.


V1 raises in EP to 20, Hero calls in CO w/ J 10, V2 on BTN calls, all others fold.

Flop (60): K Q Q

V1 checks, Hero checks, V2 checks

Turn (60): 9

V1 checks, Hero bets 40, V2 calls, V1 calls

River (200): 5

V1 checks, Hero bets 80 ...

What do you think about this sizing and what do you put these guys on after they call the turn? Would you try to bomb the river to rep a flush? Check behind to get to showdown?
2/5 @ Harrahs AC Quote
02-08-2016 , 12:35 PM
Why bomb the river to rep a flush? That sounds like you want to bluff. River is a bet/fold....but I wouldve bet a bit more.
2/5 @ Harrahs AC Quote
02-08-2016 , 12:41 PM
I'm betting this flop when checked to by PFR. Turn Sizing is good, maybe a bit bigger. River I would bet small because I'm not sure what worse is calling but fish is in hand so may have some random kings or 9s and feel like heroing. So I like the river bet as well. Obviously folding to raises.

And yea obviously bombing river to rep a flush makes no sense. We already beat those hands at showdown.
2/5 @ Harrahs AC Quote
02-08-2016 , 01:19 PM
V1 has a narrow range
V2 has a wide range

If I were to "put them on a hand"
V1 looks like AhK/Q ---maybe AA?
V2 could be Qx/Kx

I think what you really need to thing about is how passive the are with draws and how likely they are to slowplay monsters.

V2 does have KQ in his call pf range just seems more unlikely given V1's raise from EP takes away many of those combos.

Why try to rep a flush on the river? What is going to pay you off?
If I had a loose image I would make a large bet that I feel they would think as a bluff. With a tight image I'm making a value bet mainly targeting the whale. If you know V1 will fold to more than 100 on the river with AK don't cap your bet at 90 trying to get a call from both if you know V2 will station any amount with a pair.

Your sizing is okay if you think you will get a call from both when they have worse. Knowing the amounts the whale called earlier with 2nd pair is pertinent info.
2/5 @ Harrahs AC Quote
02-08-2016 , 01:38 PM
I don't put V1 on AA or AK. Why wouldn't he bet the flop? I felt like V1 had JJ with the Jh given the fact that he checked the flop then c/c the turn.

V2 felt like KT w/ Th or TT w/ Th. No way is he checking a Q on the flop. Could definitely check KQ tho.

80 on the river (into 180, sorry about the typo) is trying to target K10 specifically which is the most likely hand I think. No way V1 is calling with JJ/TT which is what he probably has.

Agree I'm gonna fold to any raise.
2/5 @ Harrahs AC Quote
02-08-2016 , 01:52 PM
I think the river sizing is fine, definite thin value after the V1 check.

Turn - Besides nutty hands, I’d range V1 on: AhJx/JJ/TT. Perhaps even a timid AA that checked flop multi-way. AhAx might then C/C turn.

Besides nutty hands, I’d range V2 on: FD/KX/med-small pps with a heart.

Flop – after the PFR checks, I’d likely bet, especially if the whale is passive. Even if called (by V1), you may get to the river cheaply, i.e. turn checks through. You also have fold equity.
2/5 @ Harrahs AC Quote
02-08-2016 , 04:28 PM
I would like to note that I am betting the flop with this hand on this board as well.
2/5 @ Harrahs AC Quote
02-08-2016 , 08:29 PM
so V2 appears in the hand where?

as played....... good sizing. you might be able to squeeze 100 - 125 on the river.

and obviously, versus V1, fold a CR
2/5 @ Harrahs AC Quote
02-08-2016 , 09:18 PM
V2 still to act...

I don't hate the flop check. I'm betting more on the river, everything that's calling 80 is probably calling 100. Bombing the river is terrible.

As far as ranging them on the turn, some timing or any other in hand reads would be helpful, but I'd weight V1 on a naked heart something like AJo and also some TT & JJ with a heart. V2 could have all kinds of hands - based on the way he played the previous hand, more than enough of them are Kx and Qx hands that will pay you off to make a bet profitable. I don't think it's that thin, so I'd bet something like $125.
2/5 @ Harrahs AC Quote
02-08-2016 , 09:20 PM
after preflop and right before the flop is dealt, do you think you are in a profitable spot?
2/5 @ Harrahs AC Quote
02-08-2016 , 09:29 PM
I do. V1 is described as ABC (easily exploitable post flop), which makes it a good call on its own, when the biggest whale at the table calls behind, I'm even happier with a hand like JTs.
2/5 @ Harrahs AC Quote
02-09-2016 , 10:41 AM
Thanks for the input, hand results below...


V2 calls and V1 folds

V2 shows J 10

chop it up

Hes prolly never folding but after the hand I was thinking, if I bombed this river I could have rep'd a flush. Too many small flushes in his range I think but an interesting thought.
2/5 @ Harrahs AC Quote
