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/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse /5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse

05-04-2016 , 02:28 PM
$2/5 game, hero had $2300, villain had about same amount.
Villian is very LAG, we had a lot histories of 3betting each other etc. good thinking player.

This hand he raised $30 MP, we called with 66 on cutoff, bb called. Pot$90.
Flop Td 6s 2d with flush draw, he Cbet $50. We raised $175. He called. Pot $440.
Turn Jc, no flush. Check/ we bet $375. He called. Pot $1250ish.
River Td, completed front door flush. Board T62JT. He asked how much I had and then donk shoved for $1600. We had exactly $1600. Hero?

I tanked for long time and asked him "Do u have quads?". He said "Give me this pot and I'll let you have next one..." He kept pretty comfortable eye contacts with me all the time.

Last edited by samspeedstar; 05-04-2016 at 02:34 PM.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 02:33 PM
Gross. I wish I could give advice here, but I honestly don't know what I'd do. I've folded plenty of FHs in Omaha, but I can't remember the last time I did it in NLHE.

What does he check/call the turn with here? Where does he put you?

I would have to be at the table to make this decision unless you can give us a range for him and a range for you in his eyes.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 02:42 PM
It seems the only hand we really have 2 worry about is JT, (doubtful but possible he has TT or JJ here) but seems he has to have way more naked T's and flushes in his range, and seems most likely weighted towards him having hit the flush and trying to get max value if you have Tx. If he is laggy enough maybe he even floats this and fires river with air, since scarecard hits on river and you said he is VERY lag. Also, if he really did have quads or JJJ full, why would he jam w/ overpot sized bet unless he KNEW you were at the top of your range? Seems more like a bet designed to get you to go away, rather than call.

Seems like a fairly easy call to me, and I'm a nit. so there ya go...... my 0.02

Last edited by Mr. Muckit; 05-04-2016 at 02:50 PM.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 02:44 PM
Wow I'm on the fence here. First instinct is to call but stacking off 460 BB with baby set is usually not good. I'm far more worried about JJ than TT as the latter might have reraised OTF.

He should have a value hand here because he called twice and donk shoved this river knowing that it could be a scare card that you'd check back if you have QQ or AT (although I don't expect you to play those hands this way).

Would he do this with a flush, AT or 22? That would be overplaying those hands or turning them into a bluff. He should expect you to have a boat given your line and these stacks. Not sure what the speech means but maintaining eye contact usually reps strength. I think maybe it's a fold.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 02:45 PM
So there are 2 Ten of Diamonds?

I doubt he has quads, I think he would play TT slightly different by either reraising flop, or c/r turn or not shoving river. I think his range is {JT}{Tx he turns into a bluff because of blockers}{22}{JJ}
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 02:46 PM
Don't think he'd take a bet/call check turn line with trip Ts. Then he possibly hits his miracle set on the turn and check calls?? Finally the T on the river confirms no set of Ts. Too many unlikely things to happen for you to be beat.

22 is a possibility.

I can't fold here, I call.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 02:48 PM
Does he call the flop raise with JT?

I don't think you can fold here.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 02:52 PM
If he has a monster and he feels like you have a big hand too wouldn't he just check to you, let you bet and then shove over the top, you wouldn't be able to fold at that point. Seems like a flush or he's just trying to push you off. Call.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:00 PM
Hero's range looks pretty strong here after raising flop and betting turn, yet there is a paired board and flush on river and he's still willing to shove? V looks very strong. Not saying I'd fold, but I'd really have to think about calling. Seriously undecided w/o more info.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:05 PM
Easy call. Can't fold a full house on this board, against this player. Well known, very LAG players with lots of history can have lots of non-nut hands here.

If you're on the fence, you're playing too deep.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:08 PM
Insta call based on what he said honestly. Like maybe would consider folding and he says that and you should flick In a chip.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:10 PM
It seems to me that he's playing the hand consistent with a NFD (say AJdd) more than a turned 2p or set. With 22, TT, JJ or even TJ - i don't understand the call on the turn. That would seem to me to be the place to raise you. If he had one of those hands - from his perspective you could easily be on the NFD yourself.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:18 PM
Like others said, easy call, villain could be value betting a flush or worse, not to mention bluffs

Also how likely do you think villain is to check call turn with 2 pair or set with so many draws?
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:19 PM
Those of you advocating an easy call, if you are V, what does Hero's hand look like to you?
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
Those of you advocating an easy call, if you are V, what does Hero's hand look like to you?
Doesn't matter

What you're missing is that this player is 'very lag', and has lots of aggressive history with the hero. At that point, it's about tendencies and I'm guessing that V knows that hero gets wishy-washy when facing huge bets without the nuts.

If I'm the V, I don't care what hero's hand is. The fact that this is a thread shows that hero will at least THINK about folding a hand as strong as a full house. I'm guessing that V knows this, and feels that getting the hero to fold a T, or the nut flush, should be pretty easy.

From V's perspective hero's hand could be a lot of things, but only the nuts will call. Perhaps the near nuts will call but not before strongly considering a fold
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
Hero's range looks pretty strong here after raising flop and betting turn, yet there is a paired board and flush on river and he's still willing to shove? V looks very strong. Not saying I'd fold, but I'd really have to think about calling. Seriously undecided w/o more info.
Thanks, that's exactly why I was tanking river for probably making a sick fold, and then being called a clock(so rude in such a big pot). I've seen this guy thin value betting/ blocking betting with top pair/ Check raise river as a bluff etc. But never seen him overplaying any hand or did a massive overbet like this. His aggressiveness was mostly in preflop. He def could have JJ or JT in his range after calling the flop raise because of the history I bluffed him earlier.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by PokerisEZ
Easy call. Can't fold a full house on this board, against this player. Well known, very LAG players with lots of history can have lots of non-nut hands here.

If you're on the fence, you're playing too deep.
Ty. True I was playing too deep, but I had no choice and it was a max $1000 buyin 2/5 table.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by samspeedstar
Ty. True I was playing too deep, but I had no choice and it was a max $1000 buyin 2/5 table.
Were you playing while being held hostage aboard a Somali pirate ship?

Why couldn't you go home?
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by PokerisEZ
Doesn't matter

What you're missing is that this player is 'very lag', and has lots of aggressive history with the hero. At that point, it's about tendencies and I'm guessing that V knows that hero gets wishy-washy when facing huge bets without the nuts.

If I'm the V, I don't care what hero's hand is. The fact that this is a thread shows that hero will at least THINK about folding a hand as strong as a full house. I'm guessing that V knows this, and feels that getting the hero to fold a T, or the nut flush, should be pretty easy.

From V's perspective hero's hand could be a lot of things, but only the nuts will call. Perhaps the near nuts will call but not before strongly considering a fold

Was pretty much about to write the same thing... Him being LAG, I think the only hand that makes sense, that could beat him the way all the play went down, would be J-10, but think if he did, he repops you on the turn with the flush draw out there, or not let the board pair if he's putting you on a higher pp...... Obviously it's easier from the sidelines, but you have to call, if he does have J-10, or a bigger full house, that's poker, my guess is he either has a flush and thinks it's the best hand, or thinks he can get you off of whatever, you will only call $1,600 there with the stone cold nuts....but given his image and play you described, you have to make that call.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:52 PM
Although I have to admit, I kinda like that "Give me this pot and I'll let you have next one..." line.. Total mind****... lol
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:53 PM
We are against a good, thinking LAG, yet we don't think our image matters? Or the fact that we raised a pre-flop raiser on this flop and continued to bomb turn? According to OP, Hero has been 3betting, etc., too, so he's not a nit who insta-folds to pressure.

I don't think I could fold here, but I don't think it's by any means a snap-call, and I'm not pumping my fist.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 04:06 PM
I won't red-font you, because I know you hate it.

Originally Posted by Javanewt
We are against a good, thinking LAG, yet we don't think our image matters?
I'm not sure you fully grasp how LAGs make money, but that's not really the point here. Who said our image doesn't matter? What doesn't matter, is what range of hands we are projecting. It's not the same thing.

Or the fact that we raised a pre-flop raiser on this flop and continued to bomb turn? According to OP, Hero has been 3betting, etc., too, so he's not a nit who insta-folds to pressure.
Right, that's our image. Loose, aggressive, thinking.....could be all over the place. So we have a range, and it's more than just the nuts. But only the nuts calls a 260BB missile when every draw in the world hits on the river.

So from V's perspective, hero has a range, and only a tiny fraction of it will ever call this bet. That's +EV

I don't think I could fold here, but I don't think it's by any means a snap-call, and I'm not pumping my fist.
Hmm, I'll bet the over on that one. I'll bet dollars to doughnuts you do a little dance after dragging in a $5k pot.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 04:13 PM
ship it
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
Those of you advocating an easy call, if you are V, what does Hero's hand look like to you?
I feel like hero's range should be exclusively sets once he raises flop. With these stacks, I don't think we're raising OP, Tx, NFD or even combo draws. Getting reraised would be a disaster. And there are no 2Ps to be had.

Our bet OTT should reinforce our range as a set. We're not betting again with Tx or QQ, and we'll take the free card if we raised a draw OTF. Again, we wouldn't want to get raised here.

So if our range is exclusively sets, we filled up OTR and only a non thinking maniac would try to push someone off a boat for just over a PSB.

But this is a good thinking LAG. I don't think his plan OTF was to b/c, c/c, bluff shove riv when the top card pairs and the flush comes in. I also don't think V would shove 22 or a flush for value.

Maintaining eye contact is a sign of strength and it's very unlikely he'd be saying "let me have this and I'll let you have the next one" if he were bluffing. To me, that's more like trying to goad hero into a call.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
05-04-2016 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by PokerisEZ
Were you playing while being held hostage aboard a Somali pirate ship?

Why couldn't you go home?
If you are not joking or trying to make some fun in my thread, I would say the reason I didn't go home was because we were both playing good and running good, I stacked two fishes already and I'm very confident that me and Villain are the only two good players on the table, the rest are either fish or NITs.
/5 Deep stack, facing a 00 bet with fullhouse Quote
