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2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl 2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl

04-07-2015 , 02:23 PM
2/5 eff 500

V young Asian girl dressed nicely. Seems tight for the 30min she's here. No showdown yet. Know the regs/dealers.

EP limps, hero limps 45 LP, V checks BB

flop ($15) 456

V checks, EP leads 15, we make it 45, V 3b 125
EP quickly folds, we tank call

Turn ($280) T

V shoves 350
Hero ?
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-07-2015 , 02:31 PM
Call me MUBSy, but I fold this. You said she seemed tight, she is BB so could have any two and she showed real strength on both flop and turn. The worst I can see her doing this with is a pair a draw (straight or flush) and you need to call 350 to win 630.

I really don't think she is on a draw/bluffing a high % enough for a call to be profitable.
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-07-2015 , 02:45 PM
Yeah, she's playing this as though she has a made hand and is defending against a draw. She's in the BB, so her range is ATC.

Honestly, I think I would've folded to the flop 3-bet. We have the weakest possible two-pair hand. Either we're drawing very slim (2 to 4 outs) or she has a slight equity advantage (combo draws are going to have between 15 and 17 outs) and will be unwilling to fold.

We're almost never way ahead here and we're often way behind.
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-07-2015 , 03:04 PM
We have the low end 2 pair on a wet drawing board, with a check raise, and now forced to decide on a buy in.

I don't like having bottom 2, or calling off on bet sizing that looks like already made hands. The turn shove reeks of being a blocking bet to the flush. Let it go .
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-07-2015 , 03:14 PM
I would call the initial flop bet and fold to the raise. As played, fold turn.
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-07-2015 , 03:25 PM
Meh, 54s. Fold pre.

You made a strong but non nutted hand post flop, and are in a very difficult spot.

That happens with 54s.

As played, fold. V can have 32, 73 and 87, and that's a lot of straights. I think 77+ is very unlikely. A set is also fairly unlikely (I mean, you block 44, 55, so there are only 5 set combos vs. the 48 straight combos 32,73,87... that's ~10 straights for each set).

I really doubt she's 3-betting with a non-made draw following the EP bet and your lead, and I know she knows you have a very strong hand when you call her flop 3-bet.

I think you should have raise/folded the flop. And yes, raising the flop for value is good.

Now I'd check/fold the turn.

And then I'd go back to pre-flop and fold again.
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-07-2015 , 06:15 PM
Grunching - Fold flop. Fold Turn.

We can rule out big overpair from preflop play. She won't slowplay small overpairs and top pair on the flop. Doubt she'll come over the top of a bettor and raiser anyway. Either she is on a draw or she has a hand that crushes hero.

I would never, never give a tight female credit for going aggro on her draws like that until I see her do it. (I wouldn't give most males that kind of credit either until I see how they play.)

I don't see much issue here.

Last edited by $FishWreck$; 04-07-2015 at 06:22 PM.
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-07-2015 , 06:39 PM
Pre is whatever. I wouldn't do it normally but 1 out of 10 times I may limp 54s

Flop I like the raise, hate the call. We have one of the worst hands we would ever raise with so calling can be dicey

Turn: just fold. If she bought it, good for her, but you're probably drawing to 4 outs as she has a better 2P/set/straight too often
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-07-2015 , 07:39 PM
Facing heat from unknown girl I generally just stick it in
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-07-2015 , 07:56 PM
Thanks for the replies guys! Hero tank folded. Girl stacks chips calmly... No read
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-08-2015 , 12:50 AM
flop 3bet and turn are folds AINEC
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-08-2015 , 02:46 AM
Yeah, turn changes nothing. If you are going to fold here, fold the 3 bet OTF.
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-08-2015 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by Buster65
Yeah, turn changes nothing. If you are going to fold here, fold the 3 bet OTF.
Wrong on so many level.

Turn shoves changes everything.

Calling a 3bet OTF IP is a very different scenario than calling turn shove.
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-08-2015 , 03:33 AM
It may be different, but it's still a fold when she 3bet the flop. An easy fold.
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-08-2015 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by jsmo0th10
Facing heat from unknown girl I generally just stick it in
Needs more ❤️
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-08-2015 , 03:37 AM
1. Don't like limp, I would usually raise to 25 or fold.
2. Flop I fold against tight girl in BB when she 3bets. Her range is very strong here and many cards on the turn we don't like.
3. As played, I fold turn.
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-08-2015 , 05:51 AM
I fold to the flop 3 bet, we are either against a straight, or a combo draw which we are coin flipping against. Calling puts more money in the pot and there are a TON of bad turn cards, too easy to get lost in this pot FOLD!
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-08-2015 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by imvv11
1. Don't like limp, I would usually raise to 25 or fold.
2. Flop I fold against tight girl in BB when she 3bets. Her range is very strong here and many cards on the turn we don't like.
3. As played, I fold turn.
+1 to this and the others who wrote similar. I might limp with this hand, but it's very rare. When I do, I'm not going broke with bottom two against described player in bb.
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-08-2015 , 05:50 PM
Many "bad" cards work both ways.

-Flush hits and she checks
-...she bets
-...she shoves
-Straight hits and she checks
-...she bets
-...she shoves

Easiest thing to do is obviously to fold to 3bet flop, and give up pot odds of 2.3:1 or roughly 30% equity while being IP.

But is it the highest EV?
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-08-2015 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
Wrong on so many level.

Turn shoves changes everything.

Calling a 3bet OTF IP is a very different scenario than calling turn shove.
But my point was that the turn CARD changes nothing.

Against the described V, are you calling the C/R overbet 3 bet OTF to re evaluate the turn? Good luck with that.

*EDIT: NVM, just saw your next post. OK, can see your point. You are calling IP to turn your hand into a bluff if your equity doesn't improve? Dunno if I try that against described V, but OK, I could get on board with that
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-09-2015 , 12:31 AM
I'd much rather call the flop 3bet with something like A8 than bottom 2 pair.
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-09-2015 , 12:50 AM
As played, take a moment to check her out, smile, fold face up on the flop and say that you can have this one b/c you're cute.

Raise pre
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
04-09-2015 , 02:21 AM
I can't imagine bottom two being good here. She's raising into a lead as well as a raise. Straight is likely given preflop action, possibly a set, and at the bare minimum top pair + FD (on looser villains). Fold on the flop.
2/5 Bottom two facing heat from unknown girl Quote
