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2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating 2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating

03-12-2015 , 11:27 AM
Line check please.

Hero ($1200): Late 20s, playing TAG. Have been very inactive for a while, but from V's perspective who is new to the table, he has only seen me active and running very good. I recently showed one bluff with 76o on the BTN where I double barreled and took it down although I can't remember if V saw this (I showed this bluff becasue I was playing ultra snug before this and perceived as too tight not getting much action when I had a hand). In this same rotation before the hand in question, I took V to 3 streets of value with QQ when I raised from EP he called on BTN and I bet/bet/bet the AQT3K flop and he tank/called with 2 pair. V was frustrated with himself and said "I should've folded".

V ($500): 30s indian guy, pretty new to the table. Have seen him slowplay the flopped nuts with JTs on a Q89 board 5-way. He called pfr flop bet, then min-raised the turn and got it in with him. Read the QQ hand in my description.

Hand: Limped in 3 places, V is in the CO and raises to $25. I call in the BB with 44, one limper in MP calls, and we're 3-way:

Flop ($75): J84

I lead for $50. Limper folds, and V calls after a couple seconds of thought (I sensed strength, as in he was maybe considering raising).

Turn ($175): 3

I bet $125. V calls pretty quickly.

River ($425): 9

I bet $225.

Thoughts/critique on all streets appreciated.

Last edited by Havax; 03-12-2015 at 11:35 AM.
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-12-2015 , 11:41 AM
I like the b/b/b line but $150 on the turn and $275 on the river probably still gets called and wins his remaining $75.
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-12-2015 , 11:48 AM
The line looks good to me. Especially given your read that you sensed he was strong and maybe considered raising. Did you mean to make the river bet that small? Just curious as to why you sized it that way. Thanks.
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-12-2015 , 11:49 AM
I like it, but you could have sized it to get him in on river.
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-12-2015 , 12:44 PM
I might have C/C or C/R flop depending on the action.

With $300 effective remaining, AI otr.
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-12-2015 , 01:37 PM
B/b/b line is fine with relative position and lacking a read that V cbets too much. Sizing is a bit off though, should easily be AI on the river... easiest thing to fix is flop cbet, calling ranges are super freakin inelastic between 50 and 60. Barring that you're burning $ by not sticking V's last 75 in on the river.

Stop showing your cards unless you have a specific read that V(s) go on mega tilt if shown a bluff. If you don't feel you're "getting enough action" just keep opening wider and cbetting/double barreling and winning pots that don't go to SD. Ego is nice, but money is better.
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-12-2015 , 03:41 PM
Must get it all in by this river. As played just shove and it's fine
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-12-2015 , 03:53 PM
Looks good. Get the rest of it in on the river though. He's not calling $225 but folding $300. Max value.
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-12-2015 , 04:09 PM
Seems fine, but I'd shove the river.

Also, this is obviously Jx way more often than JJ, 88. If it's a set, its a cooler.

I'm unsure on the flop. Checking can't be bad. I worry you so often get a ton of folds with a lead 3-way on this type of board.
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-12-2015 , 04:39 PM
Gii on the river, with less than a pot sized bet left, shoving it all in is just towards the high end of a value bet
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-12-2015 , 09:15 PM
shove river. sizing on flop & turn is good.
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-12-2015 , 09:28 PM
Are we distinguishing between shoving river and putting V all in? I would prefer latter, more likely to get a call imo.
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-12-2015 , 11:54 PM
Put him all in on the river.
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-13-2015 , 07:14 AM
Good bet sizing, not quite sure why you didn't shove the river though, looks bluffier and that's what he has to put you on to call you down.
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-13-2015 , 09:36 AM
Since he is new to the table, I think the line works fine. There are a couple of combinations of Ax, AKdd, etc; for him to float on the flop and catch a flush draw on the turn to continue. Especially since you said he called pretty quickly. I think your bet sizing on the river is read dependent on his hand strength. If you think he's going to call with Jx, I don't mind the sizing. If you think he has an over pair, I would have just put it in. If he has JJ/88, nothing you can do!
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
03-13-2015 , 10:42 AM
Looks fine to me.

River is situational on whatever you think he'll call, but I might just go all-in for an extra 75.
2/5 bottom set vs V I've been dominating Quote
