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2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? 2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot?

04-19-2014 , 04:31 AM
Table is pretty actiony, very sticky weak in general with sporadic bluff spew from certain players. No one has been raising/shoving with draws. Everyone is fishy except for maybe like 2 players who werent in the hand.

I have 800. AA in UTG. This is an ATC table so if I opened to 25-30 I will get 4-5 callers (while anything more than 40 will not get any callers) and I do not want to play oop against so many people. So I opted for limp reraise to iso a little and value the caller post flop.

Limped around, going to flop 5 ways. Pot: $27.
Flop: 4x7s8s (I have the As)

I lead out 20. Two callers from MP and LP.
- First guy V1 is weak loose and is in most hands, I wasnt worried about him here. ($600)
- The second guy V2 is an older reg fish, the type who will raise to 80 pf with jacks so he wont get cracked. But he's not tight - he's pretty loose pf and running kind of hot tonight. Also it seems pretty obv to me when he has it v. weak "info bets" ($1200)
- me: probably seemed tight, as i have been card dead. Havent been playing from out of position. (not like anyone noticed that kind of stuff lol)

Turn ($87)
4x7s8s 9x.

I was pretty sure i was ahead on the flop. Here I am thinking what hands I can get more value out of. If they had an open ender (96/9T) then they just hit TP. I also thought I can get some value out of flush draws. (Even though I had the As, its an atc suited table). Furthermore, 8x hands (8T/8J/8A/etc) will likely call too.

Is this where I should be bet/folding? I am thinking about betting again to rep the strength of my hand properly (no one will put me on aces, but I must be better than 8x because the 9 on the turn doesnt scare me), and if I get raised I can be sure one pair is no good, while getting value from a whole bunch of other hands.

Or, should I be check/calling turn and river or folding? Im guessing raising is out of question.

Comments on sizing, ranging and thought process please.
2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? Quote
04-19-2014 , 05:12 AM
well if you are gonna get a bunch of callers any ways you could always make it $15 - $20 so you can get a nice pot sized bet in there on flop and you get some fold equity.

Limp raising is generally not very good as I feel if you made it $15 the player that wanted to raise will 3bet any ways since 3x is pretty small in live.

As played I think a bet fold is fine. Bet folding > C/C as you see where you are at.
2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? Quote
04-19-2014 , 08:39 AM
Just raise like normal but sizing bigger is better than limp rr IMO. Come on that play is so 2008! If they're calling atc punish them...
2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? Quote
04-19-2014 , 09:29 AM
At a table that you described as sticky I think limping monster utg is terrible. I would much prefer a big raise to like 50ish than limp.
2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? Quote
04-19-2014 , 10:18 AM
I think you have to bet here. River isn't going to help you any and a free card could really hurt.

Whether its a b/f or a b/c I don't know. I figure most of the time, when villain comes over the top, its a draw. Even a set has to worry you are on JT. So I would submit its a b/c, with no confidence I am correct
2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? Quote
04-19-2014 , 10:28 AM
Not a terrible card.. Open Enders made top pair + oesd and will call. I would usually bet $60 here. If raised then one has 98 or 97 pretty often IMO. Maybe some straights slow play the flop but usually sets and straights both raise the flop. And 4-5 callers when I have AA is perfect you just have to be able to c/f on super connected boards (jt8 qt8 9tj) etc, bet/ fold like 3 strees on semi connected boards (kq8 jt6 etc) and go for three streets on super brick boards. Edit: and I probably made my c/f boards way too many, I guess I bet fold many flops)
2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? Quote
04-23-2014 , 07:33 AM
By not raising pf, you're gonna have a tougher time hand reading in a limped pot.
2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? Quote
04-23-2014 , 07:51 AM
I think sets are pretty much out of the question here.
Most people would raise here with sets. As well as the flopped nuts.

They'd want to get money in, so they would try and build a pot.

So, hands that we are worried about: 98, 97, and 94JT?
Hand that still have really good equity: J9, T9, 45, 46(although, I've gotta feel a lot of those hands raise might get some more money in on the flop, spade draws, and straight draws, overs, pairs.

I think a lot of V's ranges here are naked flush draws, flush draws with a pair, straight draws that turned a pair, 1p + turned straight draw (hands like 76, 54 because people are stupid like that) and some weak 8x hands. The 8x hands are likely folding to a decent sized bet no matter what we do, but almost everything else in their range is calling a bet, and a pretty healty sized one. I'd go 4/5 pot here for value expecting to be called by one or both of them.

I'm check/calling most blank rivers though as I think almost none of that range will call a value bet on the river, and check/deciding on a lot of ugly river cards.
2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? Quote
04-23-2014 , 08:21 AM
i think limp rising from utg is very face up play
2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? Quote
04-23-2014 , 09:28 AM
I am 100% fine with a limp/re-raise attempt versus an actiony table with folks who get sticky once they have money in, as long as we don't get married to the hand post when it fails.

Yes, it is face up, but against the right players it is also printing money.

AP, flop bet is good. and once we get to turn, iraisetoomuch has nailed it.

Actually had a hand like this (though board not so wet) on Monday that ended up going to showdown. When I showed my aces to scoop, the three thinking players at the table were somewhat shocked. APD knew exactly what had happened, but I could see the other two thinking that it was weirdly passive play, rather than a missed l/rr.
2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? Quote
04-23-2014 , 11:30 AM
Turn action

As some of you guys have suggested, I also thought that there was more hands I could get value from than beat by on the turn, so I decided to bet the turn.

I bet 50. V1 folds as expected, V2 raises to 150.

Sizing in retrospect was a little too small (60-75 probably would have been better)- but not so much where it under represented my hand, I think.

Last edited by Snowball2; 04-23-2014 at 11:39 AM.
2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? Quote
04-23-2014 , 11:45 AM
Pretty sure the bottom of his value range is pair+straight draw+flush draw.

So like J9 type hand. His equity didn't really change vs your hand on the turn. (Well it dropped from 43% to 36%) But it looks a lot prettier to him now I'm sure.

But if we can't give him a good range of hands that his turning into a bluff (accidentally or on purpose) I don't really see how we can continue here. This also doesn't scream 'weak info bet' as you've described him. I think that I'd just fold.

Bet/folding is a strong play.

And given that it was a limped pot, and he could have ATC and we just have one pair, Beluga Theorem.
2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? Quote
04-23-2014 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Snowball2
I have 800. AA in UTG. This is an ATC table so if I opened to 25-30 I will get 4-5 callers (while anything more than 40 will not get any callers)
Sounds like a good reason to raise to $35.

Sorry that's all I've got here.
2/5 - AA utg failed limp/reraise. Is this a bet-fold spot? Quote
