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2/5 , 7Tsooted , what do you think of villain's line here 2/5 , 7Tsooted , what do you think of villain's line here

04-05-2014 , 01:37 AM

he has either 98 or J7.

either way. fold.

If he was setting up a float, he would have fired the first barrel on the turn. this is never a bluff
2/5 , 7Tsooted , what do you think of villain's line here Quote
04-05-2014 , 02:06 AM
I would raise to $30-$35 preflop. Punish the limpers harder in my opinion since they love to call.

The turn call is where the alarm bells go off to me. Check calling this size bet I dont expect to be done with the weakest one pair hands unless Villain was a clear drooler. And when the routine middle aged guy shoves the river after chk calling a stiff bet it is usually 2pair+ under normal conditions using the top card also.

A case can be made for like AJhh and the like, but these are such a tiny part of the range that I pay little attention to it. Either way, i think this was a premeditated chk call chk call shove with a set or a very stubborn J7 etc, who binks the river.

Either way I think we do better folding here overall.
2/5 , 7Tsooted , what do you think of villain's line here Quote
04-05-2014 , 09:42 AM
Don't like the raise PF on a standard 2/5 table.

Nitpicking a bit, but on a bone dry flop like that, I like betting 30-40 rather than 45+. You're always going to get set-mined here as well as valuetown yourself against bigger pairs that limped. You want to keep the rest of their continuing range wide.

Same concerns apply on the turn. Passing the three digit threshold is going to shut out a lot of the hands that are drawing super thin or dead against you that might continue otherwise.

I'm calling river because it's a 60% PSB, I have two pair as the BTN PFR, and the board isn't nutted in any reasonable way. If there was any reads whatsoever provided in OP, this suggestion might change.
2/5 , 7Tsooted , what do you think of villain's line here Quote
04-05-2014 , 10:26 AM
pre is clearly spew.... why make a juicer raise with a weak hand when effective stacks are this shallow?

i'd tend to limp behind until i had a read that the limpers were apt to limp/fold a high % of the time - then I might throw a timely $30-35 raise hoping to TID here

river is close enough to flip a coin. i probably fold
2/5 , 7Tsooted , what do you think of villain's line here Quote
