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2/5/10, TPGK in 3bet OOP facing flop raise, 2 tone board 2/5/10, TPGK in 3bet OOP facing flop raise, 2 tone board

09-25-2023 , 12:11 AM
Villain is a rec/loose reg, easily plays 30-40hours a week, but very loose. Will get it in with draws and ask to run it twice (not that it matters for EV, point is villain will get it in with a draw). Hero image is tightish, occasionally shows bluffs.

8 handed, time raked, 2/5 with $10 straddle, time rake. Hero is effective stack with $2,500 Folds to villain, 2nd to act, raises to $50, fairly standard, rec next to act calls, folds to hero in $5 bb who raises to $270 with KdQd, folds to villain who calls, other player folds.

Flop QcTs8c $602, hero bets $200, villain raises to $900. If hero calls, pot will be $2,402 and $1,330.


Villain can probably have QTs, T8s, J9s, and a wide variety of suited cards that may be flush draws/combo draws. Maybe AQ? He can also probably have all of the sets, but QQ may 4bet sometimes. He may not always have all of these hands like T8s, just depends if he is a gambling mood, so far hero cannot tell. Villain sometimes will trap strong hands also, sometimes just call with draws.

Almost feels like a jam or fold spot, but I think maybe if I call and turn is really bad, like brings in clubs or 4 liner, I may be able to get away. Only problem there is he could check to get his free card on turn. I don't know that I have enough equity vs his range to just jam though.
2/5/10, TPGK in 3bet OOP facing flop raise, 2 tone board Quote
09-25-2023 , 12:25 AM
AI or fold sounds right. I don’t either is that terrible. Tough spot against V as described. H is obviously repping a strong hand and V is repping a stronger hand. I probably lay this one down. Only hand I think that V has that plays this way that H beats is JJ.
2/5/10, TPGK in 3bet OOP facing flop raise, 2 tone board Quote
09-26-2023 , 09:51 AM
Tough spot. If I were V, I would give some thought to 4! QQ and even TT or AQ, since you are squeezing out of the blinds.

You could take the call to mean that he has some respect for your range here, and does not think you are often 3! with SCs etc. So, I wouldn't really expect AQ. i.e. if I think you are attacking with all kinds of crap, I might 4! AQ. If I think you have a stronger range I might call with AQ and am not really looking to raise this flop, since you have fewer draws and more hands that beat me.

I actually wrote out a response advocating call, so I guess in game I'd do that. There are good run outs for you and maybe you even wind up bluffing river occasionally. But thinking it through more, I landed on fold. You are fairly deep for the game and I expect Vs to go for the semi-bluffs more on lower boards. V might be loose and like his draws but I think people are a bit afraid of running head long into QQ, TT or even a bit of 88 here. You can also have top pair, as you do. JJ, 99 and overpairs could call.

Meanwhile, if he has a set or 2P there are many difficult turns for him and he makes life easier by raising now.

A shove might not be horrible, but variance is the enemy. I think we're just too deep to get it in when he has so many hands that crush us and good draws. If he has 79s, whatever. NH.
2/5/10, TPGK in 3bet OOP facing flop raise, 2 tone board Quote
09-26-2023 , 10:29 AM
u could call and open shove bricks lol. (re the jam / fold dilemma because u dont want to call and give him a free card)

in practice idk man. probably just fold this and gii with some better stuff. its tough spot for sure. his raise sizing also doesnt really make me think hes raise folding all that often
2/5/10, TPGK in 3bet OOP facing flop raise, 2 tone board Quote
09-26-2023 , 12:51 PM
He raised 5x the straddle from EP pre and then flatted a huge 3bet for a 2/5 game (ik there's a straddle but it's still a big raise to call pre in 2/5) I don't see too many draws except for AKcc, but would he 4bet that pre? He also put in a big raise otf, like he ain't goin' no where there. He probably hit a set and I don't see too many 2 pairs there or draws so I fold but that's just me.
2/5/10, TPGK in 3bet OOP facing flop raise, 2 tone board Quote
09-26-2023 , 11:01 PM
Pretty awkward spot. Is villain finding bluffs outside of kj and clubs? What about a qj, jt,t9 or similar.

Think Hero is outgunned here pretty often, its not clear we have a profitable stack off despite putting in 20% of stack. Folding seems fine.

After facing a difficult decision like this one its reasonable to ask if Hero would have prefered a different line on flop, whether checking or betting larger (especially for a more natural turn shove).
2/5/10, TPGK in 3bet OOP facing flop raise, 2 tone board Quote
09-27-2023 , 11:18 PM
I just got it in and he calls. He had Ac9c, he is actually a little ahead in terms of equity with 15 outs. We ran it twice and I got lucky and scooped.

Not sure just how loose he is pre, but it seems like this could be a losing play if he has all the straight and two pair combos like J9s. Will also be on the lookout if he had a sizing tell.
2/5/10, TPGK in 3bet OOP facing flop raise, 2 tone board Quote
09-27-2023 , 11:57 PM
My first instinct is to call and see a turn knowing that his range is heavy w/ draws. But feels like an indifferent spot. I would probably call and then gii on any non club turn.

When I ran it in GTOw the recommendation is to big bet range basically.

These were my range assumptions, not sure how close it is to reality.
If you big bet and he jams you're calling all your Qx.



Locking for small bet and the raise, looks like it's gii w/ the combo that has a bdfd and flipping a coin w/ the others.

2/5/10, TPGK in 3bet OOP facing flop raise, 2 tone board Quote
09-28-2023 , 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by Mlark
Villain is a rec/loose reg, easily plays 30-40hours a week, but very loose. Will get it in with draws and ask to run it twice (not that it matters for EV, point is villain will get it in with a draw). Hero image is tightish, occasionally shows bluffs.

8 handed, time raked, 2/5 with $10 straddle, time rake. Hero is effective stack with $2,500 Folds to villain, 2nd to act, raises to $50, fairly standard, rec next to act calls, folds to hero in $5 bb who raises to $270 with KdQd, folds to villain who calls, other player folds.

Flop QcTs8c $602, hero bets $200, villain raises to $900. If hero calls, pot will be $2,402 and $1,330.


Villain can probably have QTs, T8s, J9s, and a wide variety of suited cards that may be flush draws/combo draws. Maybe AQ? He can also probably have all of the sets, but QQ may 4bet sometimes. He may not always have all of these hands like T8s, just depends if he is a gambling mood, so far hero cannot tell. Villain sometimes will trap strong hands also, sometimes just call with draws.

Almost feels like a jam or fold spot, but I think maybe if I call and turn is really bad, like brings in clubs or 4 liner, I may be able to get away. Only problem there is he could check to get his free card on turn. I don't know that I have enough equity vs his range to just jam though.
I don't see a question there. You're playing with $2500. Get a solver and figure it out. They're not that expensive.
2/5/10, TPGK in 3bet OOP facing flop raise, 2 tone board Quote
09-28-2023 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by 009285832
I don't see a question there. You're playing with $2500. Get a solver and figure it out. They're not that expensive.
awful response. hes literally the only person that consistently posts interesting / thought provoking threads
2/5/10, TPGK in 3bet OOP facing flop raise, 2 tone board Quote
