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2-4 live-deep 2-4 live-deep

10-09-2008 , 01:02 AM

some weeks ago I played a hand against villian, who is very lose and kinda maniac. we have lots of history and he likes to play me, hopes to catch me. makes lose calls when I raise and hopes to suck out.

Before the hand.
villian: 600 €
hero: 800 €

villian raises to 25 in MP after one limper.

I find AKs on the button and decide just to call in pos. Limper folds.

flop is A45r and he leads out for 25.

I raise to 75 here and he calls by bumbng a 50 € chips on the table.

turn is a 9 , no flushdraw possible now. And he checks.

Whats your line?

Critic on all streets welcomed.

2-4 live-deep Quote
10-09-2008 , 01:41 AM
Does he generally call down hoping to hit, only putting in a bet or c/r if he has you beat, or does he try to bluff you a lot too?

If he's pretty passive and likes to draw to suck out on you, I'd bet/fold the turn and see what happens on the river. If he plays back at you a lot, I check behind the turn and call just about any river bet.

If he likes to keep barreling, a lot of times I'll just call the flop, planning to call down or bet the turn if he checks to me.
2-4 live-deep Quote
10-09-2008 , 02:17 AM
Villian sometimes cbets. He is very strange, kinda maniac. Depends on his run so far. If hes down or up. Prob is he just sat down. We have a lot trash talk going usually. This time I dont like to play a supersized pot, thats why not 3bettin pf. I was sure I was up in that hand with hitten Ace, King kicker. And he calls down ALOT. Rarely trapping, c/r. Bluffs alot yea.
2-4 live-deep Quote
10-09-2008 , 09:14 AM
What range of hands do you put him on? I cannot put him on a set or 2 pair with the board. I think you a is good here. Think he has a q or a j.

If he is a calling station, I bet 100 on turn.
2-4 live-deep Quote
10-09-2008 , 05:30 PM
[ ] deep
2-4 live-deep Quote
10-09-2008 , 11:07 PM
Bet 4 pounds after he checked turn. If he chk raise you, you fold.
2-4 live-deep Quote
10-10-2008 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by Soehnke
This time I dont like to play a supersized pot, thats why not 3bettin pf.
If you don't want to play a big pot, then why are you raising the flop?

If you think he will call down with worse, then keep betting. If you don't think he will call down with worse, then check it back and call a bet or value bet the river if it checks to you.

If you think he'll bluff a lot then build that into your plan.

The most important point: BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR FLOP ACTION YOU SHOULD HAVE A ROUGH PLAN FOR THE HAND. Ask yourself: Why am I raising? What hands do I think he'll call / fold / raise with? If I raise and he calls, what is my plan for the turn?

When you have enough money to play several streets of poker you need to think ahead so you don't get to the turn after raising and then have to ask "what do I do when he checks to me?"
2-4 live-deep Quote
