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/ triple barrel.. / triple barrel..

05-30-2012 , 06:01 AM
Hero has TAG, winning image. $1200+, covers. I have never triple barreled villain before and been caught bluffing rarely bluff him other than a standard cbet. He is a fish, so I don't bother ever trying to bluff him. Have maybe 40-50 hours history playing.

Villain is a reg fish. 70/10/2. loose on all streets, will call with gutshots/middle pair on the flop. overvalues top pair in general. Typical 50-60 year old bad fishy low stakes reg.

EP limps, villain limps in MP, hero raises to $20 with 33 in HJ, EP calls, villain calls.


Ad Kh 7h

Check, check, hero bets $40, folds, villain calls.

Turn ($140)


check, hero bets $100, villain calls

River ($340)


Villain checks quickly, hero bets $165..

Thoughts on all streets plz.. I thought each street was pretty marginal.
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-30-2012 , 07:17 AM
Flop bet is mandatory obv.

You said it yourself, this guy isn't good to bluff against. I can see the merits of trying to continue firing on this boardinto someone that can fold here(it's a good spot), but obv this guy can't.
You said he's calling with gutters and MP, doesn't really change much but K8 A8 78 are in his range I assume. Does he raise when he has strong hands 2p+? Not to mention there is a flush draw out there. He's never folding a FD I'm assuming. If he doesn't fold those type of hands I'm guessing he doesn't fold any random Ax. For these reasons I don't like turn bet. Are we hoping he has a K and will fold?

After turn bet, it might feel like we're obligated to to bet, but again the Th just completes so many things. The flush draw, Gutter balls, all kinds of 2p hands that are in his call range pre.
Why did you bet so small? Do you think he's either folding or calling? Doesn't seem like it to me. For $165 it seems like he's much more likely to call with any pair that he got to the river with. I don't like a river bet, but I think betting bigger to get him to fold his 1p type of hands(again, trying to do this seems silly) would be better?
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-30-2012 , 07:23 AM
Well, c-bet makes sense. What's Villain's continuation range? Also what are Villain's tendencies when drawing on turns? Is he conscious of pot-odds? Does he call you with middle pair because he believes you bet your draws? With 40+ hours of HH against this villain, these shouldn't be hard questions to answer.
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-30-2012 , 07:28 AM
I would expect him to check/raise A7 and 77 on the flop most the time, turn some of the time. He is able to think enough to know that AK/AQ are easily in my range and should call a raise. He doesn't fast play draws.

He's not going to be calling the turn with bottom pair or Kx. He wont call with a gutshot either. He would call the turn with something like A8/A9/AT, decent flush draws

Last edited by tmckendry; 05-30-2012 at 07:29 AM. Reason: added more
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-30-2012 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by tmckendry

He's not going to be calling the turn with bottom pair or Kx. He wont call with a gutshot either. He would call the turn with something like A8/A9/AT, decent flush draws
So, you're betting turn to fold/get value from FD and maybe J10, although he should be folding these hands since you've bet 2/3rds pot. Does he ever fold A9-AJ here?
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-30-2012 , 05:39 PM
I would have just overlimped preflop. It seems we'll have little FE against this guy both preflop and flop, which is what I'd like if attempting to isolate. Otherwise, we have a nice stacking hand, so let's encourage as multiway pot as possible.

I guess I don't hate the flop bet. If they have underpairs or whiffed suited connectors they'll both have to fold. But there are also many draws sticking around (flush draws, high gutshots) plus obviously As and perhaps Ks, so I'm not really sure about this versus 2 opponents.

I'm done with the hand as soon as a calling station fish calls the flop. The only thing we're beating is a draw, let's hope he has that and we can showdown the winner, or we bink our two outer. Sounds like we won't have to worry about being bluffed if we show weakness on the turn.

Pretty much everything got there on the river (including QJ gutshot), plus if he's got a pair he's still not folding, cuz that's what calling stations do. They don't fold. I give up on river.

Save our 3 barrels for someone who can read hands, is very aware of our image, and can fold hands, IMO.

/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-30-2012 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by tmckendry
Hero has TAG, winning image. $1200+, covers. I have never triple barreled villain before and been caught bluffing rarely bluff him other than a standard cbet. He is a fish, so I don't bother ever trying to bluff him. Have maybe 40-50 hours history playing.

Villain is a reg fish. 70/10/2. loose on all streets, will call with gutshots/middle pair on the flop. overvalues top pair in general. Typical 50-60 year old bad fishy low stakes reg.

EP limps, villain limps in MP, hero raises to $20 with 33 in HJ, EP calls, villain calls.


Ad Kh 7h

Check, check, hero bets $40, folds, villain calls.

Turn ($140)


check, hero bets $100, villain calls

River ($340)


Villain checks quickly, hero bets $165..

Thoughts on all streets plz.. I thought each street was pretty marginal.
grunch: i am not in the business of triple barreling boards with as and ks on the flop... the hand is not going to change, scare cards aren't going to come in etc.... after he calls flop i am giving up barring a physical read or something else.... if i pound turn as you did and get called i am 100 percent giving up on river... but then the 10h comes in on the river, so now the gutshot straight and flush come in... so i am once again giving up.... further im not sure how often i am betting this flop.... more likely to check back flop and fire a delayed cbet on the turn if he checks again... id much rather triple barel an 8 3 2 rainbow board than AKx board..... and my triple barrels at 1/2 are not successful... so im only doing it rarely against the nittiest of opponents, which it doesn't sound like this guy is
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-30-2012 , 06:46 PM
Pre flop- I think over limping is better because I think these guys call 100% of their range after they limp and you raise. 3's don't play well post flop unless you flop a set or hit a low flop.

Flop - C-betting is most likely best here but it gets tricky on later streets. When you see a flop like this with 3's you don't want to c/call or c/fold so you bet which is fine but once you are called you have to either turn your hand into a bluff vs a fish (as you stated that's not a good idea) or check and pray it gets checked down and somehow you are not beat.

Turn- I think it's ok if you plan to 3 barrel but he wont fold a kx or ax on this turn and JT which is one of the key hands you actually beat picked up 4 more outs and that's most likely enough to get him to call again.

River - Good card to bluff but I think you bet a flush much bigger than half pot here and this river can DEFIANTLY hit him. It's very possible you are betting into a flush here or some other hand that he is not folding like 2 pair. Also are you sure this guy is even thinking about what your range is etc? or is he just thinking about his own hand?
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-30-2012 , 07:40 PM
He's thinking about what I may have. He's a typical bad loose live player that overvalues top pair, check raises the turn, etc. He's not a drooler. He is capable of thinking I may of had AhXh, KK, etc.

I've value bet the river thin against him in the past. I would value bet/fold AK/AT on this river. When he limps, I raise any PP, suited BW, KJo+, ATo+, SCs etc.

I suppose this hand is really hard to ask for advice on as its very villain dependent.
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-30-2012 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by tmckendry
He's thinking about what I may have. He's a typical bad loose live player that overvalues top pair, check raises the turn, etc. He's not a drooler.

I suppose this hand is really hard to ask for advice on as its very villain dependent.
What struck me about this triple barrel was the river bet. On the surface, it doesn't really make sense, unless you are accustomed to betting the third street for "thin" value against this Villain, and even then it seems a fairly ambitious bluff.

Initially I thought you were representing an AJ+ hand on the flop and turn, and then CHANGED your perceived hand to a made flush on the river (I didn't realise that a combo Ax also got there).

But, really either way the river "bluff" is a little too smart for its own good because you are trying to represent (1) a very narrow range with a made combo or (2) "thin" value to which only the most frustrated of villains will fold because they believe you are just milking them again (but generally they call our "thin" value bets if we size them correctly).

In all seriousness, this triple-barrel seems to be driven a little by "tilt", maybe because of the history between you and villain. You probably don't like losing to this guy, because you're a better player than him, but this board, in my opinion, didn't allow you to prove this point. Even if Villain did fold to your river bet, I don't like the play.

In the end, you had showdown value, so I favour a checked turn and definitely a checked river.
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-31-2012 , 02:42 AM

I would much rather limp and just try to hit a set with this hand. As played pre, this flop isn't really that good for a cbet unless you really follow through (which I see you did). But with that said, against sticky opponents, I would be more inclined to check, since I don't want to have to try to bluff villain off of an ambiguous range. Once he c/c the flop you don't really know whether he called with 89hh or A9o.

Come river, you are really repping a thin range here and villain has invested a good amount of money into this pot. Is he really likely to fold anything here? I mean you say it yourself, this guy is a donk fish. I think you should probably stick with your original plan to not try to bluff him. I try to avoid this spot altogether by just limping pre here and as played, shut down OTF. If they both check to you again OTT then you can try to pick the pot up with a delayed cbet.
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-31-2012 , 03:04 AM
turn and river are bad. If he has a draw, just check it to the river and win with 33. If he has Ax he wont fold, you said it yourself. what are you trying to get him to fold here? JT?
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-31-2012 , 03:21 AM
I guess my answer here would be another question.......

What exactly are you hoping the villain is going to do, and what hands is he going to that with?

From what you said about him, he'd be seeing that river with any A, K7, K8, KT or better, and OE straight draw or flush draw, or a set obviously. Obviously the flush gets there, straight got there. He's not folding an ace or 2 pair regardless. Looks like you put that third barrel in your own mouth to me.

If I were an observer at the table and knew the tendencies of the villain, I'd fully expect to see him turn over QJ or Ax
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-31-2012 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Tomark
turn and river are bad. If he has a draw, just check it to the river and win with 33. If he has Ax he wont fold, you said it yourself. what are you trying to get him to fold here? JT?
A5/A6/A9/JT maybe K8 in hero mode

Originally Posted by kovacs01
I guess my answer here would be another question.......

What exactly are you hoping the villain is going to do, and what hands is he going to that with?

From what you said about him, he'd be seeing that river with any A, K7, K8, KT or better, and OE straight draw or flush draw, or a set obviously. Obviously the flush gets there, straight got there. He's not folding an ace or 2 pair regardless. Looks like you put that third barrel in your own mouth to me.

If I were an observer at the table and knew the tendencies of the villain, I'd fully expect to see him turn over QJ or Ax
I think he can fold Ax. I mean, he's a bad player, but he's not a complete drooler.

fwiw he folded and said he had 2 pair.... Without evidence though, probably folded Ax.
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-31-2012 , 02:15 PM
When you are value betting thin and trying to bluff the same guy you are probably making a mistake somewhere.
/ triple barrel.. Quote
05-31-2012 , 02:29 PM
I probably don't even fire on this flop 3-way when one of the players is a calling station as described. Do you have the 3h in hand? In anycase the board is just too wet. So imo if you fire the flop you are forcing yourself to minimum double barrell, b/c you will be called too wide. trying to tripple barrell this kind of player is a losing formula that happened to work out this time. Although I'm sure you just mindlessly cbet then then decided on the river if you should empty the clip. Like I said 3 barrelling this kind of player doesn't work out nearly enough and taking one shot and giving up as some suggested will not be effective vs someone peeling so light. No shame in checking back the flop and valuebetting the stations when you hit.
/ triple barrel.. Quote
