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2/3 sick spot 2/3 sick spot

04-28-2011 , 06:16 AM
Sitting 250bb effective.
I'm reg lag and people see me as reckless internet kid with the headphones and the hoodle

Villain unknown. I bluffed him in a huge 3 bet pot earlier in the session with 4 9 off and showed him.

Dealt Kk on button. Raise to. 15 and just he calls.

8d 9d 10c

Not the best flop in the world.

He checks I bet 30. He minraises to 60 I call.

Turn K d.
He bets 150. I call.

River 2s
He overbet shoved his remaining stack. Hero?

Is it a mandatory stackoff. I know I neat so many hands he does this for value with but the wide limp call range of live fish makes these situations stupid.

Ill give results later..
2/3 sick spot Quote
04-28-2011 , 06:22 AM
More info please? As a LAG, you should have more besides the 3-bet pot.
2/3 sick spot Quote
04-28-2011 , 06:40 AM
Regardless of how reckless you ahve been playign a lot of players will still refuse to put in 250bb without an absolute monster and I can't see many live players bluff jamming this river. Is opponent young or old? Do they look like they play online?

You beat 88/99/1010 and insane bluffs and maybe if he is terrible aces and lose to everythign else. I think I call turn as played, hope the river pairs or if it doesn't they just check. Looking back turn looks like a fold but I just can't pass top set on the turn lol. River is a fold. Looks like he flopped a straight or turned the flush.

I just stoved it and have you on 39% equity vs a range of aa, tt-88, aqdd, ajdd,a10dd, qj, j10dd
2/3 sick spot Quote
04-29-2011 , 10:38 AM
im confused. what do you mean i should have more than just the 3 bet pot?
2/3 sick spot Quote
04-29-2011 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by pacmanjt
Sitting 250bb effective.
I'm reg lag and people see me as reckless internet kid with the headphones and the hoodle

Villain unknown. I bluffed him in a huge 3 bet pot earlier in the session with 4 9 off and showed him.

Dealt Kk on button. Raise to. 15 and just he calls.

8d 9d 10c

Not the best flop in the world.

He checks I bet 30. He minraises to 60 I call.

Turn K d.
He bets 150. I call.

River 2s
He overbet shoved his remaining stack. Hero?

Is it a mandatory stackoff. I know I neat so many hands he does this for value with but the wide limp call range of live fish makes these situations stupid.

Ill give results later..
I don't see how Villain can be unknown given that we played a big pot earlier with him where we bluffed with 94. You may want to take off your headphones.

How much is the overbet? Had he raised any flops before? Had you seen him minraise at all? Barrelled 3 streets big? Is he Asian? Is he old? Is wearing a helmet? Information: Acquire Some.

With no reads I think you're probably toast here. Turn brought the flush and an overcard to a board that already had multiple straight possibilities on it. I wouldn't expect people to monkey barrel at you with a smaller set or 2pr. Can he turn JT into a bluff? Raise the flop with AJ? I'm guessing no unless you have a reason to believe otherwise.

You could always call and blame the dealer, but I don't know if it's the most +EV ways to play this.
2/3 sick spot Quote
04-29-2011 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by madlondoner
Regardless of how reckless you ahve been playign a lot of players will still refuse to put in 250bb without an absolute monster and I can't see many live players bluff jamming this river. Is opponent young or old? Do they look like they play online?

You beat 88/99/1010 and insane bluffs and maybe if he is terrible aces and lose to everythign else. I think I call turn as played, hope the river pairs or if it doesn't they just check. Looking back turn looks like a fold but I just can't pass top set on the turn lol. River is a fold. Looks like he flopped a straight or turned the flush.

I just stoved it and have you on 39% equity vs a range of aa, tt-88, aqdd, ajdd,a10dd, qj, j10dd
I think that range is way too nitty. You just can't assume that the villian is a total nit. What about 2 pair type hands or top pairs? Remember we are readless.

Originally Posted by pacmanjt
im confused. what do you mean i should have more than just the 3 bet pot?
I mean it would help if you did. Was he nitty or LAG like yourself? The reason why i asked is because of the it seems natural to assume that you could have potentially seen a good number of hands if the 3-bet bluff pot was earlier in your session.

If you wasn't paying that much attention then so be it.

As played, my default is fold, but i would table talk and try to engage with the villain to get a read.

I think the turn call is fine as he'd probably still stackoff on a paired board.

Last edited by The Way; 04-29-2011 at 11:29 AM.
2/3 sick spot Quote
04-29-2011 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by mark82880
I don't see how Villain can be unknown given that we played a big pot earlier with him where we bluffed with 94. You may want to take off your headphones.

How much is the overbet? Had he raised any flops before? Had you seen him minraise at all? Barrelled 3 streets big? Is he Asian? Is he old? Is wearing a helmet? Information: Acquire Some.

With no reads I think you're probably toast here. Turn brought the flush and an overcard to a board that already had multiple straight possibilities on it. I wouldn't expect people to monkey barrel at you with a smaller set or 2pr. Can he turn JT into a bluff? Raise the flop with AJ? I'm guessing no unless you have a reason to believe otherwise.

You could always call and blame the dealer, but I don't know if it's the most +EV ways to play this.
2/3 sick spot Quote
04-29-2011 , 11:54 AM
I want to start off by saying thank you for the feedback given so far.

When i say the villain is unknown he is a complete unknown. When i bluffed him in the 3 bet pot that was villains first button on the table and I was a complete unknown to him at the time as well. He raised his button and I three bet hoping to just take it down there obviously with the 9 4. I double barelled flop and turn and he folded. He played what seemed like standard up until the point when this hand came up. He had maybe one hand come to showdown and it was an average size pot where he had the best of it with a top pair hand.

In terms of looks he looked to be about 25 white male... but didnt look to familiar with a poker table. (he could shuffle like 4 chips at once) im 21 black and basically everyone at first tried to punk me out of pots until they learned i wasnt scared money with plenty of bi's. i look younger than everyone always and that adds to the reckless image that ive gained over my time there.

I posted this hand because i felt it was a sick spot because I always feel that minraises in live games usually are for pure value and by that i mean not very many semi bluffs in his range when he just minraises. Like would AQdd really minraise me on the flop. And if he was holding that would he have limped to begin with?

Him being unknown and having only seen one hand go to showdown I wasnt sure what types of hands he would limp call with and then minraise on these wet boards. That being said I cant just go mega nit and fold an overpair on the flop and I definetely cant fold the turn when i improve to top set.

I hate to be results oriented in these spots and im trying to be as +EV as possible in close situation. Ahh some of the confusion could be that we were sitting 250bb deep. He got to the table and luckboxed it preflop on like his second hand and ran KK into QQ preflop and doubled through. I had almost nothing to go on when it came down to his postflop ability...except for that he folded to my double barrel.

Again thanks for any feedback im really just trying to learn from mistakes and move forward.
2/3 sick spot Quote
04-29-2011 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by pacmanjt
I want to start off by saying thank you for the feedback given so far.

When i say the villain is unknown he is a complete unknown. When i bluffed him in the 3 bet pot that was villains first button on the table and I was a complete unknown to him at the time as well. He raised his button and I three bet hoping to just take it down there obviously with the 9 4. I double barelled flop and turn and he folded. He played what seemed like standard up until the point when this hand came up. He had maybe one hand come to showdown and it was an average size pot where he had the best of it with a top pair hand.

In terms of looks he looked to be about 25 white male... but didnt look to familiar with a poker table. (he could shuffle like 4 chips at once) im 21 black and basically everyone at first tried to punk me out of pots until they learned i wasnt scared money with plenty of bi's. i look younger than everyone always and that adds to the reckless image that ive gained over my time there.

I posted this hand because i felt it was a sick spot because I always feel that minraises in live games usually are for pure value and by that i mean not very many semi bluffs in his range when he just minraises. Like would AQdd really minraise me on the flop. And if he was holding that would he have limped to begin with?

Him being unknown and having only seen one hand go to showdown I wasnt sure what types of hands he would limp call with and then minraise on these wet boards. That being said I cant just go mega nit and fold an overpair on the flop and I definetely cant fold the turn when i improve to top set.

I hate to be results oriented in these spots and im trying to be as +EV as possible in close situation. Ahh some of the confusion could be that we were sitting 250bb deep. He got to the table and luckboxed it preflop on like his second hand and ran KK into QQ preflop and doubled through. I had almost nothing to go on when it came down to his postflop ability...except for that he folded to my double barrel.

Again thanks for any feedback im really just trying to learn from mistakes and move forward.
Sup bro, downsouth cousin giving you a shoutout.

Based on everything you said then, its still probably a fold. If he C/R flop, then leads both turn/river strongly, then chances are he is not ****ing off.

Folding flop or turn is a no-no i agree without more info. I'd fold river as against a random. Its better to be safe than sorry. It just sucks because we do have a hand with extreme SD value.
2/3 sick spot Quote
04-29-2011 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by pacmanjt
I want to start off by saying thank you for the feedback given so far.

When i say the villain is unknown he is a complete unknown. When i bluffed him in the 3 bet pot that was villains first button on the table and I was a complete unknown to him at the time as well. He raised his button and I three bet hoping to just take it down there obviously with the 9 4. I double barelled flop and turn and he folded. He played what seemed like standard up until the point when this hand came up. He had maybe one hand come to showdown and it was an average size pot where he had the best of it with a top pair hand.

In terms of looks he looked to be about 25 white male... but didnt look to familiar with a poker table. (he could shuffle like 4 chips at once) im 21 black and basically everyone at first tried to punk me out of pots until they learned i wasnt scared money with plenty of bi's. i look younger than everyone always and that adds to the reckless image that ive gained over my time there.

I posted this hand because i felt it was a sick spot because I always feel that minraises in live games usually are for pure value and by that i mean not very many semi bluffs in his range when he just minraises. Like would AQdd really minraise me on the flop. And if he was holding that would he have limped to begin with?

Him being unknown and having only seen one hand go to showdown I wasnt sure what types of hands he would limp call with and then minraise on these wet boards. That being said I cant just go mega nit and fold an overpair on the flop and I definetely cant fold the turn when i improve to top set.

I hate to be results oriented in these spots and im trying to be as +EV as possible in close situation. Ahh some of the confusion could be that we were sitting 250bb deep. He got to the table and luckboxed it preflop on like his second hand and ran KK into QQ preflop and doubled through. I had almost nothing to go on when it came down to his postflop ability...except for that he folded to my double barrel.

Again thanks for any feedback im really just trying to learn from mistakes and move forward.
I think (hope?) we all agree that calling flop and turn are basically mandatory.

Folding top set is obviously no fun at any point, but I don't think Villain went off the reservation with anything you can beat, and if I'm finding a fold for a hand this strong (in the absolute sense) it's definitely this spot since we've got nowhere even remotely close to the nuts and Villain's value range that beats us is enormous (i.e. there's absolutely no way his range has a sufficient % of bluffs to make this call profitable).
2/3 sick spot Quote
04-29-2011 , 06:29 PM
here's the trick = )

Pretend like you want to make the call and ask him if he wants the call, after tell him you beat all one pair hands, so he'll think you have AK or AA. Ask him to show you one card if the casino allows it. Will make your decision easier. He might bite and you can snap call if he shows you any 8,9, or T. I did this at the hard rock a few times vs players and worked well in my favor.....just a little nugget if you guys like it.
2/3 sick spot Quote
04-29-2011 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by metchie
here's the trick = )

Pretend like you want to make the call and ask him if he wants the call, after tell him you beat all one pair hands, so he'll think you have AK or AA. Ask him to show you one card if the casino allows it. Will make your decision easier. He might bite and you can snap call if he shows you any 8,9, or T. I did this at the hard rock a few times vs players and worked well in my favor.....just a little nugget if you guys like it.
[ ] Ethical
2/3 sick spot Quote
